Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "upb/mem/arena.h"
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "upb/mem/alloc.h"
#include "upb/mem/internal/arena.h"
#include "upb/port/atomic.h"
// Must be last.
#include "upb/port/"
static UPB_ATOMIC(size_t) g_max_block_size = 32 << 10;
void upb_Arena_SetMaxBlockSize(size_t max) {
upb_Atomic_Store(&g_max_block_size, max, memory_order_relaxed);
typedef struct upb_MemBlock {
struct upb_MemBlock* next;
size_t size;
// Data follows.
} upb_MemBlock;
typedef struct upb_ArenaInternal {
// upb_alloc* together with a low bit which signals if there is an initial
// block.
uintptr_t block_alloc;
// The cleanup for the allocator. This is called after all the blocks are
// freed in an arena.
upb_AllocCleanupFunc* upb_alloc_cleanup;
// When multiple arenas are fused together, each arena points to a parent
// arena (root points to itself). The root tracks how many live arenas
// reference it.
// The low bit is tagged:
// 0: pointer to parent
// 1: count, left shifted by one
UPB_ATOMIC(uintptr_t) parent_or_count;
// All nodes that are fused together are in a singly-linked list.
// == NULL at end of list.
UPB_ATOMIC(struct upb_ArenaInternal*) next;
// If the low bit is set, is a pointer to the tail of the list (populated for
// roots, set to self for roots with no fused arenas). If the low bit is not
// set, is a pointer to the previous node in the list, such that
// a->previous_or_tail->next == a.
UPB_ATOMIC(uintptr_t) previous_or_tail;
// Linked list of blocks to free/cleanup.
upb_MemBlock* blocks;
// Total space allocated in blocks, atomic only for SpaceAllocated
UPB_ATOMIC(uintptr_t) space_allocated;
} upb_ArenaInternal;
// All public + private state for an arena.
typedef struct {
upb_Arena head;
upb_ArenaInternal body;
} upb_ArenaState;
typedef struct {
upb_ArenaInternal* root;
uintptr_t tagged_count;
} upb_ArenaRoot;
static const size_t kUpb_MemblockReserve =
// Extracts the (upb_ArenaInternal*) from a (upb_Arena*)
static upb_ArenaInternal* upb_Arena_Internal(const upb_Arena* a) {
return &((upb_ArenaState*)a)->body;
static bool _upb_Arena_IsTaggedRefcount(uintptr_t parent_or_count) {
return (parent_or_count & 1) == 1;
static bool _upb_Arena_IsTaggedPointer(uintptr_t parent_or_count) {
return (parent_or_count & 1) == 0;
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_RefCountFromTagged(uintptr_t parent_or_count) {
return parent_or_count >> 1;
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_TaggedFromRefcount(uintptr_t refcount) {
uintptr_t parent_or_count = (refcount << 1) | 1;
return parent_or_count;
static upb_ArenaInternal* _upb_Arena_PointerFromTagged(
uintptr_t parent_or_count) {
return (upb_ArenaInternal*)parent_or_count;
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_TaggedFromPointer(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
uintptr_t parent_or_count = (uintptr_t)ai;
return parent_or_count;
static bool _upb_Arena_IsTaggedTail(uintptr_t previous_or_tail) {
return (previous_or_tail & 1) == 1;
static bool _upb_Arena_IsTaggedPrevious(uintptr_t previous_or_tail) {
return (previous_or_tail & 1) == 0;
static upb_ArenaInternal* _upb_Arena_TailFromTagged(
uintptr_t previous_or_tail) {
return (upb_ArenaInternal*)(previous_or_tail ^ 1);
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_TaggedFromTail(upb_ArenaInternal* tail) {
uintptr_t previous_or_tail = (uintptr_t)tail | 1;
return previous_or_tail;
static upb_ArenaInternal* _upb_Arena_PreviousFromTagged(
uintptr_t previous_or_tail) {
return (upb_ArenaInternal*)previous_or_tail;
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_TaggedFromPrevious(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
uintptr_t previous = (uintptr_t)ai;
return previous;
static upb_alloc* _upb_ArenaInternal_BlockAlloc(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
return (upb_alloc*)(ai->block_alloc & ~0x1);
static uintptr_t _upb_Arena_MakeBlockAlloc(upb_alloc* alloc, bool has_initial) {
uintptr_t alloc_uint = (uintptr_t)alloc;
UPB_ASSERT((alloc_uint & 1) == 0);
return alloc_uint | (has_initial ? 1 : 0);
static bool _upb_ArenaInternal_HasInitialBlock(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
return ai->block_alloc & 0x1;
static void (*_init_arena_trace_handler)(const upb_Arena*, size_t size) = NULL;
static void (*_fuse_arena_trace_handler)(const upb_Arena*,
const upb_Arena*) = NULL;
static void (*_free_arena_trace_handler)(const upb_Arena*) = NULL;
void upb_Arena_SetTraceHandler(
void (*initArenaTraceHandler)(const upb_Arena*, size_t size),
void (*fuseArenaTraceHandler)(const upb_Arena*, const upb_Arena*),
void (*freeArenaTraceHandler)(const upb_Arena*)) {
_init_arena_trace_handler = initArenaTraceHandler;
_fuse_arena_trace_handler = fuseArenaTraceHandler;
_free_arena_trace_handler = freeArenaTraceHandler;
void upb_Arena_LogInit(const upb_Arena* arena, size_t size) {
if (_init_arena_trace_handler) {
_init_arena_trace_handler(arena, size);
void upb_Arena_LogFuse(const upb_Arena* arena1, const upb_Arena* arena2) {
if (_fuse_arena_trace_handler) {
_fuse_arena_trace_handler(arena1, arena2);
void upb_Arena_LogFree(const upb_Arena* arena) {
if (_free_arena_trace_handler) {
// If the param a is already the root, provides no memory order of refcount.
// If it has a parent, then acquire memory order is provided for both the root
// and the refcount. Thread safe.
static upb_ArenaRoot _upb_Arena_FindRoot(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
uintptr_t poc = upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->parent_or_count, memory_order_relaxed);
if (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedRefcount(poc)) {
// Fast, relaxed path - arenas that have never been fused to a parent only
// need relaxed memory order, since they're returning themselves and the
// refcount.
return (upb_ArenaRoot){.root = ai, .tagged_count = poc};
// Slow path needs acquire order; reloading is cheaper than a fence on ARM
// (LDA vs DMB ISH). Even though this is a reread, we know it must be a tagged
// pointer because if this Arena isn't a root, it can't ever become one.
poc = upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->parent_or_count, memory_order_acquire);
do {
upb_ArenaInternal* next = _upb_Arena_PointerFromTagged(poc);
UPB_ASSERT(ai != next);
poc = upb_Atomic_Load(&next->parent_or_count, memory_order_acquire);
if (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedPointer(poc)) {
// To keep complexity down, we lazily collapse levels of the tree. This
// keeps it flat in the final case, but doesn't cost much incrementally.
// Path splitting keeps time complexity down, see:
UPB_ASSERT(ai != _upb_Arena_PointerFromTagged(poc));
upb_Atomic_Store(&ai->parent_or_count, poc, memory_order_release);
ai = next;
} while (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedPointer(poc));
return (upb_ArenaRoot){.root = ai, .tagged_count = poc};
uintptr_t upb_Arena_SpaceAllocated(const upb_Arena* arena,
size_t* fused_count) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(arena);
uintptr_t memsize = 0;
size_t local_fused_count = 0;
// Our root would get updated by any racing fuses before our target arena
// became reachable from the root via the linked list; in order to preserve
// monotonic output (any arena counted by a previous invocation is counted by
// this one), we instead iterate forwards and backwards so that we only see
// the results of completed fuses.
uintptr_t previous_or_tail =
upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->previous_or_tail, memory_order_acquire);
while (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedPrevious(previous_or_tail)) {
upb_ArenaInternal* previous =
UPB_ASSERT(previous != ai);
// Unfortunate macro behavior; prior to C11 when using nonstandard atomics
// this returns a void* and can't be used with += without an intermediate
// conversion to an integer.
// Relaxed is safe - no subsequent reads depend this one
uintptr_t allocated =
upb_Atomic_Load(&previous->space_allocated, memory_order_relaxed);
memsize += allocated;
previous_or_tail =
upb_Atomic_Load(&previous->previous_or_tail, memory_order_acquire);
while (ai != NULL) {
// Unfortunate macro behavior; prior to C11 when using nonstandard atomics
// this returns a void* and can't be used with += without an intermediate
// conversion to an integer.
// Relaxed is safe - no subsequent reads depend this one
uintptr_t allocated =
upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->space_allocated, memory_order_relaxed);
memsize += allocated;
ai = upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->next, memory_order_acquire);
if (fused_count) *fused_count = local_fused_count;
return memsize;
uint32_t upb_Arena_DebugRefCount(const upb_Arena* a) {
uintptr_t tagged = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(upb_Arena_Internal(a)).tagged_count;
return (uint32_t)_upb_Arena_RefCountFromTagged(tagged);
static void _upb_Arena_AddBlock(upb_Arena* a, void* ptr, size_t offset,
size_t block_size) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
upb_MemBlock* block = ptr;
block->size = block_size;
// Insert into linked list.
block->next = ai->blocks;
ai->blocks = block;
UPB_ASSERT(offset >= kUpb_MemblockReserve);
a->UPB_PRIVATE(ptr) = UPB_PTR_AT(block, offset, char);
a->UPB_PRIVATE(end) = UPB_PTR_AT(block, block_size, char);
a->UPB_PRIVATE(end) - a->UPB_PRIVATE(ptr));
static bool _upb_Arena_AllocBlock(upb_Arena* a, size_t size) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
if (!ai->block_alloc) return false;
size_t last_size = 128;
upb_MemBlock* last_block = ai->blocks;
if (last_block) {
last_size = a->UPB_PRIVATE(end) - (char*)last_block;
// Relaxed order is safe here as we don't need any ordering with the setter.
size_t max_block_size =
upb_Atomic_Load(&g_max_block_size, memory_order_relaxed);
// Don't naturally grow beyond the max block size.
size_t clamped_size = UPB_MIN(last_size * 2, max_block_size);
// We may need to exceed the max block size if the user requested a large
// allocation.
size_t block_size = UPB_MAX(kUpb_MemblockReserve + size, clamped_size);
upb_MemBlock* block =
upb_malloc(_upb_ArenaInternal_BlockAlloc(ai), block_size);
if (!block) return false;
_upb_Arena_AddBlock(a, block, kUpb_MemblockReserve, block_size);
// Atomic add not required here, as threads won't race allocating blocks, plus
// atomic fetch-add is slower than load/add/store on arm devices compiled
// targetting pre-v8.1. Relaxed order is safe as nothing depends on order of
// size allocated.
uintptr_t old_space_allocated =
upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->space_allocated, memory_order_relaxed);
upb_Atomic_Store(&ai->space_allocated, old_space_allocated + block_size,
UPB_ASSERT(UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_ArenaHas)(a) >= size);
return true;
void* UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Arena_SlowMalloc)(upb_Arena* a, size_t size) {
if (!_upb_Arena_AllocBlock(a, size)) return NULL; // OOM
return upb_Arena_Malloc(a, size - UPB_ASAN_GUARD_SIZE);
static upb_Arena* _upb_Arena_InitSlow(upb_alloc* alloc, size_t first_size) {
const size_t first_block_overhead =
UPB_ALIGN_MALLOC(kUpb_MemblockReserve + sizeof(upb_ArenaState));
upb_ArenaState* a;
// We need to malloc the initial block.
char* mem;
size_t block_size =
first_block_overhead +
if (!alloc || !(mem = upb_malloc(alloc, block_size))) {
return NULL;
a = UPB_PTR_AT(mem, kUpb_MemblockReserve, upb_ArenaState);
a->body.block_alloc = _upb_Arena_MakeBlockAlloc(alloc, 0);
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->body.parent_or_count, _upb_Arena_TaggedFromRefcount(1));
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->, NULL);
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->body.space_allocated, block_size);
a->body.blocks = NULL;
a->body.upb_alloc_cleanup = NULL;
_upb_Arena_AddBlock(&a->head, mem, first_block_overhead, block_size);
return &a->head;
upb_Arena* upb_Arena_Init(void* mem, size_t n, upb_alloc* alloc) {
UPB_ASSERT(sizeof(void*) * UPB_ARENA_SIZE_HACK >= sizeof(upb_ArenaState));
upb_ArenaState* a;
if (mem) {
/* Align initial pointer up so that we return properly-aligned pointers. */
void* aligned = (void*)UPB_ALIGN_MALLOC((uintptr_t)mem);
size_t delta = (uintptr_t)aligned - (uintptr_t)mem;
n = delta <= n ? n - delta : 0;
mem = aligned;
if (UPB_UNLIKELY(n < sizeof(upb_ArenaState) || !mem)) {
upb_Arena* ret = _upb_Arena_InitSlow(alloc, mem ? 0 : n);
upb_Arena_LogInit(ret, n);
return ret;
a = mem;
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->body.parent_or_count, _upb_Arena_TaggedFromRefcount(1));
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->, NULL);
upb_Atomic_Init(&a->body.space_allocated, 0);
a->body.blocks = NULL;
a->body.upb_alloc_cleanup = NULL;
a->body.block_alloc = _upb_Arena_MakeBlockAlloc(alloc, 1);
a->head.UPB_PRIVATE(ptr) = (void*)UPB_ALIGN_MALLOC((uintptr_t)(a + 1));
a->head.UPB_PRIVATE(end) = UPB_PTR_AT(mem, n, char);
upb_Arena_LogInit(&a->head, n);
return &a->head;
static void _upb_Arena_DoFree(upb_ArenaInternal* ai) {
UPB_ASSERT(_upb_Arena_RefCountFromTagged(ai->parent_or_count) == 1);
while (ai != NULL) {
// Load first since arena itself is likely from one of its blocks.
upb_ArenaInternal* next_arena =
(upb_ArenaInternal*)upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->next, memory_order_acquire);
// Freeing may have memory barriers that confuse tsan, so assert immdiately
// after load here
if (next_arena) {
upb_alloc* block_alloc = _upb_ArenaInternal_BlockAlloc(ai);
upb_MemBlock* block = ai->blocks;
upb_AllocCleanupFunc* alloc_cleanup = *ai->upb_alloc_cleanup;
while (block != NULL) {
// Load first since we are deleting block.
upb_MemBlock* next_block = block->next;
upb_free_sized(block_alloc, block, block->size);
block = next_block;
if (alloc_cleanup != NULL) {
ai = next_arena;
void upb_Arena_Free(upb_Arena* a) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
// Cannot be replaced with _upb_Arena_FindRoot, as that provides only a
// relaxed read of the refcount if ai is already the root.
uintptr_t poc = upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->parent_or_count, memory_order_acquire);
while (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedPointer(poc)) {
ai = _upb_Arena_PointerFromTagged(poc);
poc = upb_Atomic_Load(&ai->parent_or_count, memory_order_acquire);
// compare_exchange or fetch_sub are RMW operations, which are more
// expensive then direct loads. As an optimization, we only do RMW ops
// when we need to update things for other threads to see.
if (poc == _upb_Arena_TaggedFromRefcount(1)) {
if (upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeWeak(
&ai->parent_or_count, &poc,
_upb_Arena_TaggedFromRefcount(_upb_Arena_RefCountFromTagged(poc) - 1),
memory_order_release, memory_order_acquire)) {
// We were >1 and we decremented it successfully, so we are done.
// We failed our update, so someone has done something, retry the whole
// process, but the failed exchange reloaded `poc` for us.
goto retry;
static void _upb_Arena_DoFuseArenaLists(upb_ArenaInternal* const parent,
upb_ArenaInternal* child) {
uintptr_t parent_previous_or_tail =
upb_Atomic_Load(&parent->previous_or_tail, memory_order_acquire);
upb_ArenaInternal* parent_tail = parent;
if (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedTail(parent_previous_or_tail)) {
// Our tail might be stale, but it will always converge to the true tail.
parent_tail = _upb_Arena_TailFromTagged(parent_previous_or_tail);
// Link parent to child going forwards
while (true) {
upb_ArenaInternal* parent_tail_next =
upb_Atomic_Load(&parent_tail->next, memory_order_acquire);
while (parent_tail_next != NULL) {
parent_tail = parent_tail_next;
parent_tail_next =
upb_Atomic_Load(&parent_tail->next, memory_order_acquire);
if (upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeWeak(&parent_tail->next, &parent_tail_next,
child, memory_order_release,
memory_order_acquire)) {
if (parent_tail_next != NULL) {
parent_tail = parent_tail_next;
// Update parent's tail (may be stale).
uintptr_t child_previous_or_tail =
upb_Atomic_Load(&child->previous_or_tail, memory_order_acquire);
upb_ArenaInternal* new_parent_tail =
// If another thread fused with us, don't overwrite their previous pointer
// with our tail. Relaxed order is fine here as we only inspect the tag bit
parent_previous_or_tail =
upb_Atomic_Load(&parent->previous_or_tail, memory_order_relaxed);
if (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedTail(parent_previous_or_tail)) {
&parent->previous_or_tail, &parent_previous_or_tail,
_upb_Arena_TaggedFromTail(new_parent_tail), memory_order_release,
// Link child to parent going backwards, for SpaceAllocated
void upb_Arena_SetAllocCleanup(upb_Arena* a, upb_AllocCleanupFunc* func) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
UPB_ASSERT(ai->upb_alloc_cleanup == NULL);
ai->upb_alloc_cleanup = func;
// Thread safe.
static upb_ArenaInternal* _upb_Arena_DoFuse(upb_ArenaInternal** ai1,
upb_ArenaInternal** ai2,
uintptr_t* ref_delta) {
// `parent_or_count` has two distinct modes
// - parent pointer mode
// - refcount mode
// In parent pointer mode, it may change what pointer it refers to in the
// tree, but it will always approach a root. Any operation that walks the
// tree to the root may collapse levels of the tree concurrently.
upb_ArenaRoot r1 = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(*ai1);
upb_ArenaRoot r2 = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(*ai2);
if (r1.root == r2.root) return r1.root; // Already fused.
*ai1 = r1.root;
*ai2 = r2.root;
// Avoid cycles by always fusing into the root with the lower address.
if ((uintptr_t)r1.root > (uintptr_t)r2.root) {
upb_ArenaRoot tmp = r1;
r1 = r2;
r2 = tmp;
// The moment we install `r1` as the parent for `r2` all racing frees may
// immediately begin decrementing `r1`'s refcount (including pending
// increments to that refcount and their frees!). We need to add `r2`'s refs
// now, so that `r1` can withstand any unrefs that come from r2.
// Note that while it is possible for `r2`'s refcount to increase
// asynchronously, we will not actually do the reparenting operation below
// unless `r2`'s refcount is unchanged from when we read it.
// Note that we may have done this previously, either to this node or a
// different node, during a previous and failed DoFuse() attempt. But we will
// not lose track of these refs because we always add them to our overall
// delta.
uintptr_t r2_untagged_count = r2.tagged_count & ~1;
uintptr_t with_r2_refs = r1.tagged_count + r2_untagged_count;
if (!upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeStrong(
&r1.root->parent_or_count, &r1.tagged_count, with_r2_refs,
memory_order_release, memory_order_acquire)) {
return NULL;
// Perform the actual fuse by removing the refs from `r2` and swapping in the
// parent pointer.
if (!upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeStrong(
&r2.root->parent_or_count, &r2.tagged_count,
_upb_Arena_TaggedFromPointer(r1.root), memory_order_release,
memory_order_acquire)) {
// We'll need to remove the excess refs we added to r1 previously.
*ref_delta += r2_untagged_count;
return NULL;
// Now that the fuse has been performed (and can no longer fail) we need to
// append `r2` to `r1`'s linked list.
_upb_Arena_DoFuseArenaLists(r1.root, r2.root);
return r1.root;
// Thread safe.
static bool _upb_Arena_FixupRefs(upb_ArenaInternal* new_root,
uintptr_t ref_delta) {
if (ref_delta == 0) return true; // No fixup required.
// Relaxed order is safe here as if the value is a pointer, we don't deref it
// or publish it anywhere else. The refcount does provide memory order
// between allocations on arenas and the eventual free and thus normally
// requires acquire/release; but in this case any edges provided by the refs
// we are cleaning up were already provided by the fuse operation itself. It's
// not valid for a decrement that could cause the overall fused arena to reach
// a zero refcount to race with this function, as that could result in a
// use-after-free anyway.
uintptr_t poc =
upb_Atomic_Load(&new_root->parent_or_count, memory_order_relaxed);
if (_upb_Arena_IsTaggedPointer(poc)) return false;
uintptr_t with_refs = poc - ref_delta;
// Relaxed order on success is safe here, for the same reasons as the relaxed
// read above. Relaxed order is safe on failure because the updated value is
// stored in a local variable which goes immediately out of scope; the retry
// loop will reread what it needs with proper memory order.
return upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeStrong(&new_root->parent_or_count, &poc,
with_refs, memory_order_relaxed,
bool upb_Arena_Fuse(const upb_Arena* a1, const upb_Arena* a2) {
if (a1 == a2) return true; // trivial fuse
upb_Arena_LogFuse(a1, a2);
upb_ArenaInternal* ai1 = upb_Arena_Internal(a1);
upb_ArenaInternal* ai2 = upb_Arena_Internal(a2);
// Do not fuse initial blocks since we cannot lifetime extend them.
// Any other fuse scenario is allowed.
if (_upb_ArenaInternal_HasInitialBlock(ai1) ||
_upb_ArenaInternal_HasInitialBlock(ai2)) {
return false;
// The number of refs we ultimately need to transfer to the new root.
uintptr_t ref_delta = 0;
while (true) {
upb_ArenaInternal* new_root = _upb_Arena_DoFuse(&ai1, &ai2, &ref_delta);
if (new_root != NULL && _upb_Arena_FixupRefs(new_root, ref_delta)) {
return true;
bool upb_Arena_IsFused(const upb_Arena* a, const upb_Arena* b) {
if (a == b) return true; // trivial fuse
upb_ArenaInternal* ra = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(upb_Arena_Internal(a)).root;
upb_ArenaInternal* rb = upb_Arena_Internal(b);
while (true) {
rb = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(rb).root;
if (ra == rb) return true;
upb_ArenaInternal* tmp = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(ra).root;
if (ra == tmp) return false;
// a's root changed since we last checked. Retry.
ra = tmp;
bool upb_Arena_IncRefFor(const upb_Arena* a, const void* owner) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
if (_upb_ArenaInternal_HasInitialBlock(ai)) return false;
upb_ArenaRoot r;
r.root = ai;
r = _upb_Arena_FindRoot(r.root);
if (upb_Atomic_CompareExchangeWeak(
&r.root->parent_or_count, &r.tagged_count,
_upb_Arena_RefCountFromTagged(r.tagged_count) + 1),
// Relaxed order is safe on success, incrementing the refcount
// need not perform any synchronization with the eventual free of the
// arena - that's provided by decrements.
// Relaxed order is safe on failure as r.tagged_count is immediately
// overwritten by retrying the find root operation.
memory_order_relaxed)) {
// We incremented it successfully, so we are done.
return true;
// We failed update due to parent switching on the arena.
goto retry;
void upb_Arena_DecRefFor(const upb_Arena* a, const void* owner) {
upb_alloc* upb_Arena_GetUpbAlloc(upb_Arena* a) {
upb_ArenaInternal* ai = upb_Arena_Internal(a);
return _upb_ArenaInternal_BlockAlloc(ai);
void UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Arena_SwapIn)(upb_Arena* des, const upb_Arena* src) {
upb_ArenaInternal* desi = upb_Arena_Internal(des);
upb_ArenaInternal* srci = upb_Arena_Internal(src);
*des = *src;
desi->block_alloc = srci->block_alloc;
desi->blocks = srci->blocks;
void UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Arena_SwapOut)(upb_Arena* des, const upb_Arena* src) {
upb_ArenaInternal* desi = upb_Arena_Internal(des);
upb_ArenaInternal* srci = upb_Arena_Internal(src);
*des = *src;
desi->blocks = srci->blocks;