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Edition Zero Features

Authors: @mcy, @zhangskz, @mkruskal-google

Approved: 2022-07-22

Feature flags, and their defaults, that we will introduce to define the converged semantics of Edition Zero.

NOTE: This document is largely replaced by the topic, Feature Settings for Editions (to be released soon).


Edition Zero Features defines the "first edition" of the brave new world of no-syntax Protobuf. This document defines the actual mechanics of the features (in the narrow sense of editions) we need to implement in protoc, as well as the chosen defaults.

This document will require careful review from various stakeholders, because it is essentially defining a new Protobuf syntax, even if it isn't spelled that way. In particular, we need to ensure that there is a way to rewrite existing proto2 and proto3 files as editions files, and the behavior of "mixed syntax" messages, without any nasty surprises.

Note that it is an explicit goal that it be possible to take an arbitrary proto2/proto3 file and convert it to editions without semantic changes, via appropriate application of features.

Existing Non-Conformance

We must keep in mind that the status quo is messy. Many languages have some areas where they currently diverge from the correct proto2/proto3 semantics. For edition zero, we must preserve these idiosyncratic behaviors, because that is the only way for a proto2/proto3 -> editions LSC to be a no-op.

For example, in this document we define a feature features.enum = {CLOSED,OPEN}. But currently Go does not implement closed enum semantics for syntax=proto2 as it should. This behavior is out of conformance, but we must preserve this out-of-conformance behavior for edition zero.

In other words, defining features and their semantics is in scope for edition zero, but fixing code generators to perfectly match those semantics is explicitly out-of-scope.


Because we need to speak of two proto syntaxes, proto2 and proto3, that have disagreeing terminology in some places, we'll define the following terms to aid discussion. When a term appears in code font, it refers to the Protobuf language keyword.

  • A presence discipline is a handling for the presence (or hasbit) of a field. Every field notionally has a hasbit: whether it has been explicitly set via the API or whether a record for it was present on deserialization. See Application Note: Field Presence for more on this topic. The discipline specifies how this bit is surfaced to the user:
    • No presence means that the API does not expose the hasbit. The default value for the field behaves somewhat like a special sentinel value, which is not serialized and not merged-from. The hasbit may still exist in the implementation (C++ accidentally leaks this via HasField, for example). Note that repeated fields sort-of behave like no presence fields.
    • Explicit presence means that the API exposes the hasbit through a has method and a Clear method; default values are always serialized if the hasbit is set.
  • A closed enum is an enum where parsing requires validating that a parsed int32 representing a field of this type matches one of the known set of valid values.
  • An open enum does not have this restriction, and is just an int32 field with well-known values.

For the purposes of this document, we will use the syntax described in Features as Custom Options, since it is the prevailing consensus among those working on editions, and allows us to have enum-typed features. The exact names for the features are a matter of bikeshedding.

Proposed Converged Semantics

There are two kinds of syntax behaviors we need to capture: those that are turned on by a keyword, like required, and those that are implicit, like open enums. The differences between proto2 and proto3 today are:

  • Required. Proto2 has required but not defaulted; Proto3 has defaulted but not required. Proto3 also does not allow custom defaults on defaulted fields, and on message-typed fields, defaulted is a synonym for optional.
  • Groups. Proto2 has groups, proto3 does not.
  • Enums. In Proto2, enums are closed: messages that have an enum not in the known set are stored in the unknown field set. In Proto3, enums are open.
  • String validation. Proto2 is a bit wobbly on whether strings must be UTF-8 when serialized; Proto3 enforces this (sometimes).
  • Extensions. Proto2 has extensions, while Proto3 does not (Any is the canonical workaround).

We propose defining the following features as part of edition zero:


This feature is enum-typed and controls the presence discipline of a singular field:

  • EXPLICIT (default) - the field has explicit presence discipline. Any explicitly set value will be serialized onto the wire (even if it is the same as the default value).
  • IMPLICIT - the field has no presence discipline. The default value is not serialized onto the wire (even if it is explicitly set).
  • LEGACY_REQUIRED - the field is wire-required and API-optional. Setting this will require being in the required allowlist. Any explicitly set value will be serialized onto the wire (even if it is the same as the default value).

The syntax for singular fields is a much debated question. After discussing the tradeoffs, we have chosen to eliminate both the optional and required keywords, making them parse errors. Singular fields are spelled as in proto3 (no label), and will take on the presence discipline given by features.:presence. Migration will require deleting every instance of optional in proto files in google3, of which there are 385,236.

It is important to observe that proto2 users are much likelier to care about presence than proto3 users, since the design of proto3 discourages thinking about presence as an interesting feature of protos, so arguably introducing proto2-style presence will not register on most users' mental radars. This is difficult to prove concretely.

IMPLICIT fields behave much like proto3 implicit fields: they cannot have custom defaults and are ignored on submessage fields. Also, if it is an enum-typed field, that enum must be open (i.e., it is either defined in a syntax = proto3; file or it specifies option features.enum = OPEN; transitively).

We also make some semantic changes:

  • IMPLICIT``fields may have a custom default value, unlike inproto3. Whether anIMPLICIT` field containing its default value is serialized becomes an implementation choice (implementations are encouraged to try to avoid serializing too much, though).
  • has_optional_keyword() and has_presence() now check for EXPLICIT, and are effectively synonyms.
  • proto3_optional is rejected as a parse error (use the feature instead).

Migrating from proto2/3 involves deleting all optional/required labels and adding IMPLICT and LEGACY_REQUIURED annotations where necessary.


  • For syntax:
    • Require optional. This may confuse proto3 users who are used to optional not being a default they reach for. Will result in significant (trivial, but noisy) churn in proto3 files. The keyword is effectively line noise, since it does not indicate anything other than "this is a singular field".
    • Invent a new label, like singular. This results in more churn but avoids breaking peoples' priors.
    • Allow optional and no label to coexist in a file, which take on their original meanings unless overridden by features.field_presence. The fact that a top-level features.field_presence = IMPLICIT breaks the proto3 expectation that optional means EXPLICIT may be a source of confusion.
  • proto:allow_required, which must be present for required to not be a syntax error.
  • Allow required/optional and introduce defaulted as a real keyword. We will not have another easy chance to introduce such syntax (which we do, because edition = ... is a breaking change).
  • Reject custom defaults for IMPLICIT fields. This is technically not really needed for converged semantics, but trying to remove the Proto3-ness from IMPLICIT fields seems useful for consistency.

Future Work

In the future, we can introduce something like features.always_serialize or a similar new enumerator (ALWAYS_SERIALIZE) to the when_missing enum, which makes EXPLICIT_PRESENCE fields unconditionally serialized, allowing LEGACY_REQUIRED fields to become EXPLICIT_PRESENCE in a future large-scale change. The details of such a migration are out-of-scope for this document.

Migration Examples

Given the following files:

// foo.proto
syntax = "proto2"

message Foo {
  required int32 x = 1;
  optional int32 y = 2;
  repeated int32 z = 3;

// bar.proto
syntax = "proto3"

message Bar {
  int32 x = 1;
  optional int32 y = 2;
  repeated int32 z = 3;

post-editions, they will look like this:

// foo.proto
edition = "tbd"

message Foo {
  int32 x = 1 [features.presence = LEGACY_REQUIRED];
  int32 y = 2;
  repeated int32 z = 3;

// bar.proto
edition = "tbd"
option features.presence = NO_PRESENCE;

message Bar {
  int32 x = 1;
  int32 y = 2 [features.presence = EXPLICIT_PRESENCE];
  repeated int32 z = 3;


Enum types come in two distinct flavors: closed and open.

  • closed enums will store enum values that are out of range in the unknown field set.

  • open enums will parse out of range values into their fields directly.

    NOTE: Closed enums can cause confusion for parallel arrays (two repeated fields that expect to have index i refer to the same logical concept in both fields) because an unknown enum value from a parallel array will be placed in the unknown field set and the arrays will cease being parallel. Similarly parsing and serializing can change the order of a repeated closed enum by moving unknown values to the end.

    NOTE: Some runtimes (C++ and Java, in particular) currently do not use the declaration site of enums to determine whether an enum field is treated as open; rather, they use the syntax of the message the field is defined in, instead. To preserve this proto2 quirk until we can migrate users off of it, Java and C++ (and runtimes with the same quirk) will use the value of features.enum as set at the file level of messages (so, if a file sets features.enum = CLOSED at the file level, enum fields defined in it behave as if the enum was closed, regardless of declaration). IMPLICIT singular fields in Java and C++ ignore this and are always treated as open, because they used to only be possible to define in proto3 files, which can't use proto2 enums.

In proto2, enum values are closed and no requirements are placed upon the first enum value. The first enum value will be used as the default value.

In proto3, enum values are open and the first enum value must be zero. The first enum value is used as the default value, but that value is required to be zero.

In edition zero, We will add a feature features.enum_type = {CLOSED,OPEN}. The default will be OPEN. Upgraded proto2 files will explicitly set features.enum_type = CLOSED. The requirement of having the first enum value be zero will be dropped.

NOTE: Nominally this exposes a new state in the configuration space, OPEN enums with a non-zero default. We decided that excluding this option simply because it was previously inexpressible was a false economy.


  • We could add a property for requiring a zero first value for an enum. This feels needlessly complicated.
  • We could drop the ability to have CLOSED enums, but that is a semantic change.

Migration Examples

Given the following files:

// foo.proto
syntax = "proto2"

enum Foo {
  A = 2, B = 4, C = 6,

// bar.proto
syntax = "proto3"

enum Bar {
  A = 0, B = 1, C = 5,

post-editions, they will look like this:

// foo.proto
edition = "tbd"
option features.enum_type = CLOSED;

enum Foo {
  A = 2, B = 4, C = 6,

// bar.proto
edition = "tbd"

enum Bar {
  A = 0, B = 1, C = 5,

If we wanted to merge them into one file, it would look like this:

// foo.proto
edition = "tbd"

enum Foo {
  option features.enum_type = CLOSED;
  A = 2, B = 4, C = 6,

enum Bar {
  A = 0, B = 1, C = 5,


In proto3, the repeated_field_encoding attribute defaults to PACKED. In proto2, the repeated_field_encoding attribute defaults to EXPANDED. Users explicitly enabled packed fields 12.3k times, but only explicitly disable it 200 times. Thus we can see a clear preference for repeated_field_encoding = PACKED emerge. This data matches best practices. As such, the default value for features.repeated_field_encoding will be PACKED.

The existing [packed = …] syntax will be made an alias for setting the feature in edition zero. This alias will eventually be removed. Whether that removal happens during the initial large-scale change to enable edition zero or as a follow on will be decided at the time.

In the long term, we would like to remove explicit usages of features.repeated_field_encoding = EXPANDED, but we would prefer to separate that large-scale change from the landing of edition zero. So we will explicitly set features.repeated_field_encoding to EXPANDED at the file level when we migrate proto2 files to edition zero.


  • Force everyone to use packed fields. This is a semantic change, which we're trying to avoid in edition zero.
  • Don’t add features.repeated_field_encoding and instead specify [packed = false] when converting from proto2. This will be incredibly noisy, syntax-wise and diff-wise.

Migration Examples

Given the following files:

// foo.proto
syntax = "proto2"

message Foo {
  repeated int32 x = 1;
  repeated int32 y = 2 [packed = true];
  repeated int32 z = 3;

// bar.proto
syntax = "proto3"

message Foo {
  repeated int32 x = 1;
  repeated int32 y = 2 [packed = false];
  repeated int32 z = 3;

post-editions, they will look like this:

// foo.proto
edition = "tbd"
options features.repeated_field_encoding = EXPANDED;

message Foo {
  repeated int32 x = 1;
  repeated int32 y = 2 [packed = true];
  repeated int32 z = 3;

// bar.proto
edition = "tbd"

message Foo {
  repeated int32 x = 1;
  repeated int32 y = 2 [packed = false];
  repeated int32 z = 3;

Note that post migration, we have not changed packed to features.repeated_field_encoding = PACKED, although we could choose to do so if the diff cost is not monumental. We prefer to defer to an LSC after editions are shipped, if possible.


WARNING: UTF8 validation is actually messier than originally believed. This feature is being reconsidered in Editions Zero Feature: utf8_validation.

This feature is a tristate:

  • MANDATORY - this means that a runtime MUST verify UTF-8.
  • HINT - this means that a runtime may refuse to parse invalid UTF-8, but it can also simply skip the check for performance in some build modes.
  • NONE - this field behaves like a bytes field on the wire, but parsers may mangle the string in an unspecified way (for example, Java may insert spaces as replacement characters).

The default will be MANDATORY.

Long term, we would like to remove this feature and make all string fields MANDATORY.


  • Drop the UTF-8 requirements completely. This seems like it will create more problems than it will solve (e.g., random things relying on validation need to be fixed) and it will be a lot of work. This is also counter to the vision of string being a UTF-8 type, and bytes being its unchecked sibling.
  • Make opt-in verification a hard requirement instead of a hint, so that users have a nice performance needle they can play with.

Future Work

In the infinite future, we would like to remove this feature and force all string fields to be UTF-8 validated. To do this, we need to recognize that what many callers want from their string fields is a bytes field with a string-like API. To ease the transition, we would add per-codegen backend features, like java.bytes_as_string, that give a bytes field a generated API resembling that of a string field (with caveats about replacement characters forced by the host language's string type).

The migration would take HINT or SKIP string fields and convert them into bytes fields with the appropriate API modifiers, depending on which languages use that proto; C++-only protos, for example, are a no-op.

There is an argument to be made for "I want a string type, and I explicitly want replacement U+FFFD characters if I get something that isn't UTF-8." It is unclear if this is something users want and we would need to investigate it before making a decision.


This feature is dual state in edition zero:

  • ALLOW - this means that a runtime must allow JSON parsing and serialization. Checks will be applied at the proto level to make sure that there is a well-defined mapping to JSON.
  • LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT - this means that a runtime will do the best it can to parse and serialize JSON. Certain protos will be allowed that can result in undefined behavior at runtime (e.g. many:1 or 1:many mappings).

The default will be ALLOW, which maps the to the current proto3 behavior. LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT will be used for proto2 files that require it (e.g. they’ve set deprecated_legacy_json_field_conflicts)


  • Keep the proto2 behavior - this will regress proto3 files by removing validation for JSON mappings, and lead to more undefined runtime behavior
  • Only use ALLOW - there are ~30 cases internally where protos have invalid JSON mappings and rely on unspecified (but luckily well defined) runtime behavior.

Future Work

Long term, we would like to either remove this feature entirely or add a DISALLOW option instead of LEGACY_BEST_EFFORT. This will more strictly enforce that protos without a valid JSON mapping can’t be serialized or parsed to JSON. DISALLOW will be enforced at the proto-language level, where no message marked ALLOW can contain any message/enum marked DISALLOW (e.g. through extensions or fields)

Migration Examples

Extensions are Always Allowed

Extensions may be used on all messages. This lifts a restriction from proto3.

Extensions do not play nicely with TypeResolver. This is actually fixable, but probably only worth it if someone complains.


  • Add features.allow_extensions, default true. This feels unnecessary since uttering extend and extensions is required to use extensions in the first place.


This feature defaults to LENGTH_PREFIXED. The group syntax does not exist under editions. Instead, message-typed fields that have features.message_encoding = DELIMITED set will be encoded as groups (wire type 3/4) rather than byte blobs (wire type 2). This reflects the existing API (groups are funny message fields) and simplifies the parser.

A proto2 group field will be converted into a nested message type of the same name, and a singular submessage field that is features.message_encoding = DELIMITED with the message type's name in snake_case.

This could be used in the future to switch new message fields to use group encoding, which suggested previously as an efficiency direction.


  • Allow groups in editions with no changes. group syntax is deprecated, so we may as well take the opportunity to knock it out.
  • Add a sidecar allowlist like we do for required. This is mostly orthogonal.

Migration Examples

Given the following file

// foo.proto
syntax = "proto2"

message Foo {
  group Bar = 1 {
    optional int32 x = 1;
    repeated int32 y = 2;

post-editions, it will look like this:

// foo.proto
edition = "tbd"

message Foo {
  message Bar {
    optional int32 x = 1;
    repeated int32 y = 2;
  Bar bar = 1 [features.message_encoding = DELIMITED];

Proposed Features Message

Putting together all of the above, we propose the following Features message, including retention and target rules associated with fields.

message Features {
  enum FieldPresence {
    EXPLICIT = 0;
    IMPLICIT = 1;
  optional FieldPresence field_presence = 1 [
      retention = RUNTIME,
      target = FILE,
      target = FIELD

  enum EnumType {
    OPEN = 0;
    CLOSED = 1;
  optional EnumType enum = 2 [
      retention = RUNTIME,
      target = FILE,
      target = ENUM

  enum RepeatedFieldEncoding {
    PACKED = 0;
    UNPACKED = 1;
  optional RepeatedFieldEncoding repeated_field_encoding = 3 [
      retention = RUNTIME,
      target = FILE,
      target = FIELD

  enum StringFieldValidation {
    MANDATORY = 0;
    HINT = 1;
    NONE = 2;
  optional StringFieldValidation string_field_validation = 4 [
      retention = RUNTIME,
      target = FILE,
      target = FIELD

  enum MessageEncoding {
    DELIMITED = 1;
  optional MessageEncoding message_encoding = 5 [
      retention = RUNTIME,
      target = FILE,
      target = FIELD

  extensions 1000;  // for features_cpp.proto
  extensions 1001;  // for features_java.proto