Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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syntax = "proto3";
// These proto descriptors have at one time been reported as an issue or defect.
// They are kept here to replicate the issue, and continue to verify the fix.
// Issue: Non-"Google.Protobuffers" namespace will ensure that protobuffer library types are qualified
option csharp_namespace = "UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos";
package unittest_issues;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
// Issue 307: when generating doubly-nested types, any references
// should be of the form A.Types.B.Types.C.
message Issue307 {
message NestedOnce {
message NestedTwice {
// Old issue 13:
// New issue 309:
// message A {
// optional int32 _A = 1;
// }
// message B {
// optional int32 B_ = 1;
// }
//message AB {
// optional int32 a_b = 1;
// Similar issue with numeric names
// Java code failed too, so probably best for this to be a restriction.
// See
// message NumberField {
// optional int32 _01 = 1;
// }
// issue 19 - negative enum values
enum NegativeEnum {
FiveBelow = -5;
MinusOne = -1;
message NegativeEnumMessage {
NegativeEnum value = 1;
repeated NegativeEnum values = 2 [packed = false];
repeated NegativeEnum packed_values = 3 [packed=true];
// Issue 21:
// Decorate fields with [deprecated=true] as [System.Obsolete]
message DeprecatedChild {
enum DeprecatedEnum {
one = 1;
message DeprecatedFieldsMessage {
int32 PrimitiveValue = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated int32 PrimitiveArray = 2 [deprecated = true];
DeprecatedChild MessageValue = 3 [deprecated = true];
repeated DeprecatedChild MessageArray = 4 [deprecated = true];
DeprecatedEnum EnumValue = 5 [deprecated = true];
repeated DeprecatedEnum EnumArray = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Issue 45:
message ItemField {
int32 item = 1;
message ReservedNames {
// Force a nested type called Types
message SomeNestedType {
int32 types = 1;
int32 descriptor = 2;
message TestJsonFieldOrdering {
// These fields are deliberately not declared in numeric
// order, and the oneof fields aren't contiguous either.
// This allows for reasonably robust tests of JSON output
// ordering.
// TestFieldOrderings in unittest_proto3.proto is similar,
// but doesn't include oneofs.
// TODO: Consider adding
int32 plain_int32 = 4;
oneof o1 {
string o1_string = 2;
int32 o1_int32 = 5;
string plain_string = 1;
oneof o2 {
int32 o2_int32 = 6;
string o2_string = 3;