Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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693 lines
26 KiB

* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
* upbc is the upb compiler. This is some deep code that I wish could be
* easier to understand, but by its nature it is doing some very "meta"
* kinds of things.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "descriptor.h"
#include "upb_context.h"
#include "upb_enum.h"
#include "upb_msg.h"
#include "upb_text.h"
/* These are in-place string transformations that do not change the length of
* the string (and thus never need to re-allocate). */
/* Convert to C identifier: -> foo_bar_Baz. */
static void to_cident(struct upb_string *str)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < str->byte_len; i++)
if(str->ptr[i] == '.' || str->ptr[i] == '/')
str->ptr[i] = '_';
/* Convert to C proprocessor identifier: -> FOO_BAR_BAZ. */
static void to_preproc(struct upb_string *str)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < str->byte_len; i++)
str->ptr[i] = toupper(str->ptr[i]);
static int my_memrchr(char *data, char c, size_t len)
int off = len-1;
while(off > 0 && data[off] != c) --off;
return off;
void *strtable_to_array(struct upb_strtable *t, int *size)
*size = t->t.count;
void **array = malloc(*size * sizeof(void*));
struct upb_symtab_entry *e;
int i = 0;
for(e = upb_strtable_begin(t); e && i < *size; e = upb_strtable_next(t, &e->e))
array[i++] = e;
assert(i == *size && e == NULL);
return array;
/* The .h file defines structs for the types defined in the .proto file. It
* also defines constants for the enum values.
* Assumes that d has been validated. */
static void write_h(struct upb_symtab_entry *entries[], int num_entries,
char *outfile_name, char *descriptor_cident, FILE *stream)
/* Header file prologue. */
struct upb_string *include_guard_name = upb_strdupc(outfile_name);
fputs("/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler). "
"Do not edit. */\n\n", stream),
fprintf(stream, "#ifndef " UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
fprintf(stream, "#define " UPB_STRFMT "\n\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
fputs("#include <upb_string.h>\n\n", stream);
fputs("#include <upb_array.h>\n\n", stream);
fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
fputs("extern \"C\" {\n", stream);
fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
if(descriptor_cident) {
fputs("struct google_protobuf_FileDescriptorSet;\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, "extern struct google_protobuf_FileDescriptorSet *%s;\n\n",
/* Enums. */
fprintf(stream, "/* Enums. */\n\n");
for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach enum */
if(entries[i]->type != UPB_SYM_ENUM) continue;
struct upb_symtab_entry *entry = entries[i];
struct upb_enum *e = entry->ref._enum;
google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto *ed = e->descriptor;
/* We use entry->e.key (the fully qualified name) instead of ed->name. */
struct upb_string *enum_name = upb_strdup(&entry->e.key);
struct upb_string *enum_val_prefix = upb_strdup(&entry->e.key);
enum_val_prefix->byte_len = my_memrchr(enum_val_prefix->ptr,
fprintf(stream, "typedef enum " UPB_STRFMT " {\n", UPB_STRARG(enum_name));
if(ed->set_flags.has.value) {
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < ed->value->len; j++) { /* Foreach enum value. */
google_protobuf_EnumValueDescriptorProto *v = ed->value->elements[j];
struct upb_string *value_name = upb_strdup(v->name);
fprintf(stream, " " UPB_STRFMT UPB_STRFMT " = %" PRIu32,
UPB_STRARG(enum_val_prefix), UPB_STRARG(value_name), v->number);
if(j != ed->value->len-1) fputc(',', stream);
fputc('\n', stream);
fprintf(stream, "} " UPB_STRFMT ";\n\n", UPB_STRARG(enum_name));
/* Forward declarations. */
fputs("/* Forward declarations of all message types.\n", stream);
fputs(" * So they can refer to each other in ", stream);
fputs("possibly-recursive ways. */\n\n", stream);
for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach message */
if(entries[i]->type != UPB_SYM_MESSAGE) continue;
struct upb_symtab_entry *entry = entries[i];
/* We use entry->e.key (the fully qualified name). */
struct upb_string *msg_name = upb_strdup(&entry->e.key);
fprintf(stream, "struct " UPB_STRFMT ";\n", UPB_STRARG(msg_name));
fprintf(stream, "typedef struct " UPB_STRFMT "\n " UPB_STRFMT ";\n\n",
UPB_STRARG(msg_name), UPB_STRARG(msg_name));
/* Message Declarations. */
fputs("/* The message definitions themselves. */\n\n", stream);
for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach message */
if(entries[i]->type != UPB_SYM_MESSAGE) continue;
struct upb_symtab_entry *entry = entries[i];
struct upb_msgdef *m = entry->ref.msg;
/* We use entry->e.key (the fully qualified name). */
struct upb_string *msg_name = upb_strdup(&entry->e.key);
fprintf(stream, "struct " UPB_STRFMT " {\n", UPB_STRARG(msg_name));
fputs(" struct upb_msgdef *def;\n", stream);
fputs(" void *gptr;\n", stream);
fputs(" union {\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, " uint8_t bytes[%" PRIu32 "];\n", m->set_flags_bytes);
fputs(" struct {\n", stream);
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < m->num_fields; j++) {
static char* labels[] = {"", "optional", "required", "repeated"};
struct google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *fd = m->field_descriptors[j];
fprintf(stream, " bool " UPB_STRFMT ":1; /* = %" PRIu32 ", %s. */\n",
UPB_STRARG(fd->name), fd->number, labels[fd->label]);
fputs(" } has;\n", stream);
fputs(" } set_flags;\n", stream);
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < m->num_fields; j++) {
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f = &m->fields[j];
struct google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *fd = m->field_descriptors[j];
/* Submessages get special treatment, since we have to use the message
* name directly. */
struct upb_string type_name_ref = *fd->type_name;
if(type_name_ref.ptr[0] == UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR) {
/* Omit leading '.'. */
struct upb_string *type_name = upb_strdup(&type_name_ref);
fprintf(stream, " UPB_MSG_ARRAY(" UPB_STRFMT ")* " UPB_STRFMT ";\n",
UPB_STRARG(type_name), UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
} else {
fprintf(stream, " " UPB_STRFMT "* " UPB_STRFMT ";\n",
UPB_STRARG(type_name), UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
static char* c_types[] = {
"", "struct upb_double_array*", "struct upb_float_array*",
"struct upb_int64_array*", "struct upb_uint64_array*",
"struct upb_int32_array*", "struct upb_uint64_array*",
"struct upb_uint32_array*", "struct upb_bool_array*",
"struct upb_string_array*", "", "",
"struct upb_string_array*", "struct upb_uint32_array*",
"struct upb_uint32_array*", "struct upb_int32_array*",
"struct upb_int64_array*", "struct upb_int32_array*",
"struct upb_int64_array*"
fprintf(stream, " %s " UPB_STRFMT ";\n",
c_types[fd->type], UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
} else {
static char* c_types[] = {
"", "double", "float", "int64_t", "uint64_t", "int32_t", "uint64_t",
"uint32_t", "bool", "struct upb_string*", "", "",
"struct upb_string*", "uint32_t", "uint32_t", "int32_t", "int64_t",
"int32_t", "int64_t"
fprintf(stream, " %s " UPB_STRFMT ";\n",
c_types[fd->type], UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
fputs("};\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, "UPB_DEFINE_MSG_ARRAY(" UPB_STRFMT ")\n\n",
/* Epilogue. */
fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
fputs("} /* extern \"C\" */\n", stream);
fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, "#endif /* " UPB_STRFMT " */\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
/* Format of table entries that we use when analyzing data structures for
* write_messages_c. */
struct strtable_entry {
struct upb_strtable_entry e;
int offset;
int num;
struct typetable_entry {
struct upb_strtable_entry e;
struct upb_msg_fielddef *field;
struct upb_string *cident; /* Type name converted with to_cident(). */
/* A list of all values of this type, in an established order. */
union upb_value *values;
int values_size, values_len;
struct array {
int offset;
int len;
struct upb_array *ptr; /* So we can find it later. */
} *arrays;
int arrays_size, arrays_len;
struct msgtable_entry {
struct upb_inttable_entry e;
void *msg;
int num; /* Unique offset into the list of all msgs of this type. */
int compare_entries(const void *_e1, const void *_e2)
struct strtable_entry *const*e1 = _e1, *const*e2 = _e2;
return upb_strcmp(&(*e1)->e.key, &(*e2)->e.key);
/* Mutually recursive functions to recurse over a set of possibly nested
* messages and extract all the strings.
* TODO: make these use a generic msg visitor. */
static void add_strings_from_msg(void *data, struct upb_msgdef *m,
struct upb_strtable *t);
static void add_strings_from_value(union upb_value_ptr p,
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f,
struct upb_strtable *t)
if(upb_isstringtype(f->type)) {
struct strtable_entry e = {.e = {.key = **p.str}};
if(upb_strtable_lookup(t, &e.e.key) == NULL)
upb_strtable_insert(t, &e.e);
} else if(upb_issubmsg(f)) {
add_strings_from_msg(*p.msg, f->ref.msg, t);
static void add_strings_from_msg(void *data, struct upb_msgdef *m,
struct upb_strtable *t)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) {
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f = &m->fields[i];
if(!upb_msg_isset(data, f)) continue;
union upb_value_ptr p = upb_msg_getptr(data, f);
if(upb_isarray(f)) {
struct upb_array *arr = *p.arr;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < arr->len; j++)
add_strings_from_value(upb_array_getelementptr(arr, j, f->type), f, t);
} else {
add_strings_from_value(p, f, t);
/* Mutually recursive functions to recurse over a set of possibly nested
* messages and extract all the messages (keyed by type).
* TODO: make these use a generic msg visitor. */
struct typetable_entry *get_or_insert_typeentry(struct upb_strtable *t,
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f)
struct upb_string type_name = upb_issubmsg(f) ? f->ref.msg->fqname :
struct typetable_entry *type_e = upb_strtable_lookup(t, &type_name);
if(type_e == NULL) {
struct typetable_entry new_type_e = {
.e = {.key = type_name}, .field = f, .cident = upb_strdup(&type_name),
.values = NULL, .values_size = 0, .values_len = 0,
.arrays = NULL, .arrays_size = 0, .arrays_len = 0
upb_strtable_insert(t, &new_type_e.e);
type_e = upb_strtable_lookup(t, &type_name);
return type_e;
static void add_value(union upb_value value, struct upb_msg_fielddef *f,
struct upb_strtable *t)
struct typetable_entry *type_e = get_or_insert_typeentry(t, f);
if(type_e->values_len == type_e->values_size) {
type_e->values_size = UPB_MAX(type_e->values_size * 2, 4);
type_e->values = realloc(type_e->values, sizeof(*type_e->values) * type_e->values_size);
type_e->values[type_e->values_len++] = value;
static void add_submsgs(void *data, struct upb_msgdef *m, struct upb_strtable *t)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < m->num_fields; i++) {
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f = &m->fields[i];
if(!upb_msg_isset(data, f)) continue;
union upb_value_ptr p = upb_msg_getptr(data, f);
if(upb_isarray(f)) {
if(upb_isstring(f)) continue; /* Handled by a different code-path. */
struct upb_array *arr = *p.arr;
/* Add to our list of arrays for this type. */
struct typetable_entry *arr_type_e =
get_or_insert_typeentry(t, f);
if(arr_type_e->arrays_len == arr_type_e->arrays_size) {
arr_type_e->arrays_size = UPB_MAX(arr_type_e->arrays_size * 2, 4);
arr_type_e->arrays = realloc(arr_type_e->arrays,
arr_type_e->arrays[arr_type_e->arrays_len].offset = arr_type_e->values_len;
arr_type_e->arrays[arr_type_e->arrays_len].len = arr->len;
arr_type_e->arrays[arr_type_e->arrays_len].ptr = *p.arr;
/* Add the individual values in the array. */
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < arr->len; j++)
add_value(upb_array_getelement(arr, j, f->type), f, t);
/* Add submsgs. We must do this separately so that the msgs in this
* array are contiguous (and don't have submsgs of the same type
* interleaved). */
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < arr->len; j++)
add_submsgs(*upb_array_getelementptr(arr, j, f->type).msg, f->ref.msg, t);
} else {
if(!upb_issubmsg(f)) continue;
add_value(upb_deref(p, f->type), f, t);
add_submsgs(*p.msg, f->ref.msg, t);
/* write_messages_c emits a .c file that contains the data of a protobuf,
* serialized as C structures. */
static void write_message_c(void *data, struct upb_msgdef *m,
char *cident, char *hfile_name,
int argc, char *argv[], char *infile_name,
FILE *stream)
" * This file is a data dump of a protocol buffer into a C structure.\n"
" * It was created by the upb compiler (upbc) with the following\n"
" * command-line:\n"
" *\n", stream);
fputs(" * ", stream);
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
fputs(argv[i], stream);
if(i < argc-1) fputs(" ", stream);
fputs("\n *\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, " * This file is a dump of '%s'.\n", infile_name);
" * It contains exactly the same data, but in a C structure form\n"
" * instead of a serialized protobuf. This file contains no code,\n"
" * only data.\n"
" *\n"
" * This file was auto-generated. Do not edit. */\n\n", stream);
fprintf(stream, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", hfile_name);
/* Gather all strings into a giant string. Use a hash to prevent adding the
* same string more than once. */
struct upb_strtable strings;
upb_strtable_init(&strings, 16, sizeof(struct strtable_entry));
add_strings_from_msg(data, m, &strings);
int size;
struct strtable_entry **str_entries = strtable_to_array(&strings, &size);
/* Sort for nice size and reproduceability. */
qsort(str_entries, size, sizeof(void*), compare_entries);
/* Emit strings. */
fputs("static char strdata[] =\n \"", stream);
int col = 2;
int offset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
struct upb_string *s = &str_entries[i]->e.key;
str_entries[i]->offset = offset;
str_entries[i]->num = i;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < s->byte_len; j++) {
if(++col == 80) {
fputs("\"\n \"", stream);
col = 3;
fputc(s->ptr[j], stream);
offset += s->byte_len;
fputs("\";\n\n", stream);
fputs("static struct upb_string strings[] = {\n", stream);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
struct strtable_entry *e = str_entries[i];
fprintf(stream, " {.ptr = &strdata[%d], .byte_len=%d},\n", e->offset, e->e.key.byte_len);
fputs("};\n\n", stream);
/* Gather a list of types for which we are emitting data, and give each msg
* a unique number within its type. */
struct upb_strtable types;
upb_strtable_init(&types, 16, sizeof(struct typetable_entry));
union upb_value val = {.msg = data};
/* A fake field to get the recursion going. */
struct upb_msg_fielddef fake_field = {
.ref = {.msg = m}
add_value(val, &fake_field, &types);
add_submsgs(data, m, &types);
/* Emit foward declarations for all msgs of all types, and define arrays. */
fprintf(stream, "/* Forward declarations of messages, and array decls. */\n");
struct typetable_entry *e = upb_strtable_begin(&types);
for(; e; e = upb_strtable_next(&types, &e->e)) {
fprintf(stream, "static " UPB_STRFMT " " UPB_STRFMT "_values[%d];\n\n",
UPB_STRARG(e->cident), UPB_STRARG(e->cident), e->values_len);
if(e->arrays_len > 0) {
fprintf(stream, "static " UPB_STRFMT " *" UPB_STRFMT "_array_elems[] = {\n",
UPB_STRARG(e->cident), UPB_STRARG(e->cident));
for(int i = 0; i < e->arrays_len; i++) {
struct array *arr = &e->arrays[i];
for(int j = 0; j < arr->len; j++)
fprintf(stream, " &" UPB_STRFMT "_values[%d],\n", UPB_STRARG(e->cident), arr->offset + j);
fprintf(stream, "};\n");
int cum_offset = 0;
fprintf(stream, "static UPB_MSG_ARRAY(" UPB_STRFMT ") " UPB_STRFMT "_arrays[%d] = {\n",
UPB_STRARG(e->cident), UPB_STRARG(e->cident), e->arrays_len);
for(int i = 0; i < e->arrays_len; i++) {
struct array *arr = &e->arrays[i];
fprintf(stream, " {.elements = &" UPB_STRFMT "_array_elems[%d], .len=%d},\n",
UPB_STRARG(e->cident), cum_offset, arr->len);
cum_offset += arr->len;
fprintf(stream, "};\n");
/* Emit definitions. */
for(e = upb_strtable_begin(&types); e; e = upb_strtable_next(&types, &e->e)) {
fprintf(stream, "static " UPB_STRFMT " " UPB_STRFMT "_values[%d] = {\n\n",
UPB_STRARG(e->cident), UPB_STRARG(e->cident), e->values_len);
for(int i = 0; i < e->values_len; i++) {
union upb_value val = e->values[i];
if(upb_issubmsg(e->field)) {
struct upb_msgdef *m = e->field->ref.msg;
void *msgdata = val.msg;
/* Print set flags. */
fputs(" {.set_flags = {.has = {\n", stream);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m->num_fields; j++) {
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f = &m->fields[j];
google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *fd = m->field_descriptors[j];
fprintf(stream, " ." UPB_STRFMT " = ", UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
if(upb_msg_isset(msgdata, f))
fprintf(stream, "true");
fprintf(stream, "false");
fputs(",\n", stream);
fputs(" }},\n", stream);
/* Print msg data. */
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m->num_fields; j++) {
struct upb_msg_fielddef *f = &m->fields[j];
google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *fd = m->field_descriptors[j];
union upb_value val = upb_msg_get(msgdata, f);
fprintf(stream, " ." UPB_STRFMT " = ", UPB_STRARG(fd->name));
if(!upb_msg_isset(msgdata, f)) {
fputs("0, /* Not set. */", stream);
} else if(upb_isstring(f)) {
if(upb_isarray(f)) {
fputs("Ack, string arrays are not supported yet!\n", stderr);
} else {
struct strtable_entry *str_e = upb_strtable_lookup(&strings, val.str);
fprintf(stream, "&strings[%d], /* \"" UPB_STRFMT "\" */",
str_e->num, UPB_STRARG(val.str));
} else if(upb_isarray(f)) {
/* Find this submessage in the list of msgs for that type. */
struct typetable_entry *type_e = get_or_insert_typeentry(&types, f);
int arr_num = -1;
for(int k = 0; k < type_e->arrays_len; k++) {
if(type_e->arrays[k].ptr == val.arr) {
arr_num = k;
assert(arr_num != -1);
fprintf(stream, "&" UPB_STRFMT "_arrays[%d],", UPB_STRARG(type_e->cident), arr_num);
} else if(upb_issubmsg(f)) {
/* Find this submessage in the list of msgs for that type. */
struct typetable_entry *type_e = get_or_insert_typeentry(&types, f);
int msg_num = -1;
for(int k = 0; k < type_e->values_len; k++) {
if(type_e->values[k].msg == val.msg) {
msg_num = k;
assert(msg_num != -1);
fprintf(stream, "&" UPB_STRFMT "_values[%d],", UPB_STRARG(type_e->cident), msg_num);
} else {
upb_text_printval(f->type, val, stream);
fputs(",", stream);
fputs("\n", stream);
fputs(" },\n", stream);
} else if(upb_isstring(e->field)) {
} else {
/* Non string, non-message data. */
upb_text_printval(e->field->type, val, stream);
fputs("};\n", stream);
struct typetable_entry *toplevel_type =
get_or_insert_typeentry(&types, &fake_field);
fputs("/* The externally-visible definition. */\n", stream);
/* It is always at offset zero, because we add it first. */
fprintf(stream, UPB_STRFMT " *%s = &" UPB_STRFMT "_values[0];\n",
UPB_STRARG(toplevel_type->cident), cident,
/* Free tables. */
for(e = upb_strtable_begin(&types); e; e = upb_strtable_next(&types, &e->e)) {
const char usage[] =
"upbc -- upb compiler.\n"
"upb v0.1\n"
"Usage: upbc [options] descriptor-file\n"
" -i C-IDENFITER Output the descriptor as a C data structure with the\n"
" given identifier (otherwise only a header will be\n"
" generated\n"
" -o OUTFILE-BASE Write to OUTFILE-BASE.h and OUTFILE-BASE.c instead\n"
" of using the input file as a basename.\n"
void usage_err(char *err)
fprintf(stderr, "upbc: %s\n\n", err);
fputs(usage, stderr);
void error(char *err)
fprintf(stderr, "upbc: %s\n\n", err);
void sort_fields_in_descriptor(google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *d)
if(d->set_flags.has.field) upb_msgdef_sortfds(d->field->elements, d->field->len);
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < d->nested_type->len; i++)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Parse arguments. */
char *outfile_base = NULL, *input_file = NULL, *cident = NULL;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
if(++i == argc)
usage_err("-o must be followed by a FILE-BASE.");
else if(outfile_base)
usage_err("-o was specified multiple times.");
outfile_base = argv[i];
} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) {
if(++i == argc)
usage_err("-i must be followed by a C-IDENTIFIER.");
else if(cident)
usage_err("-i was specified multiple times.");
cident = argv[i];
} else {
usage_err("You can only specify one input file.");
input_file = argv[i];
if(!input_file) usage_err("You must specify an input file.");
if(!outfile_base) outfile_base = input_file;
/* Read input file. */
struct upb_string *descriptor = upb_strnew();
if(!upb_strreadfile(input_file, descriptor))
error("Couldn't read input file.");
/* Parse input file. */
struct upb_context *c = upb_context_new();
struct upb_msg *fds_msg = upb_msg_parsenew(c->fds_msg, descriptor);
google_protobuf_FileDescriptorSet *fds = (void*)fds_msg;
error("Failed to parse input file descriptor.");
if(!upb_context_addfds(c, fds))
error("Failed to resolve symbols in descriptor.\n");
/* We need to sort the fields of all the descriptors. They will already be
* sorted in the upb_msgs that we base our header file output on, so we must
* sort here to match. */
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < fds->file->len; i++) {
google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *fd = fds->file->elements[i];
if(!fd->set_flags.has.message_type) continue;
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < fd->message_type->len; j++)
/* Emit output files. */
const int maxsize = 256;
char h_filename[maxsize], c_filename[maxsize];
if(snprintf(h_filename, maxsize, "%s.h", outfile_base) >= maxsize ||
snprintf(c_filename, maxsize, "%s.c", outfile_base) >= maxsize)
error("File base too long.\n");
FILE *h_file = fopen(h_filename, "w");
if(!h_file) error("Failed to open .h output file");
int symcount;
struct upb_symtab_entry **entries = strtable_to_array(&c->symtab, &symcount);
write_h(entries, symcount, h_filename, cident, h_file);
if(cident) {
FILE *c_file = fopen(c_filename, "w");
if(!c_file) error("Failed to open .h output file");
write_message_c(fds, c->fds_msg, cident, h_filename, argc, argv, input_file, c_file);
return 0;