Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
// Author: Josh Haberman <>
// This file contains functionality for constructing upb Defs and Handlers
// corresponding to proto2 messages. Using this functionality, you can use upb
// to dynamically generate parsing code that can behave exactly like proto2's
// generated parsing code. Alternatively, you can configure things to
// read/write only a subset of the fields for higher performance when only some
// fields are needed.
// Example usage:
// // JIT the parser; should only be done once ahead-of-time.
// upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> write_myproto(
// upb::google::NewWriteHandlers(MyProto()));
// upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> parse_myproto(
// upb::Decoder::NewDecoderHandlers(write_myproto.get(), true));
// // The actual parsing.
// MyProto proto;
// upb::SeededPipeline<8192> pipeline(upb_realloc, NULL);
// upb::Sink* write_sink = pipeline.NewSink(write_myproto.get());
// upb::Sink* parse_sink = pipeline.NewSink(parse_myproto.get());
// upb::pb::Decoder* decoder = decoder_sink->GetObject<upb::pb::Decoder>();
// upb::pb::ResetDecoderSink(decoder, write_sink);
// write_sink->Reset(&proto);
// Note that there is currently no support for
// CodedInputStream::SetExtensionRegistry(), which allows specifying a separate
// DescriptorPool and MessageFactory for extensions. Since this is a property
// of the input in proto2, it's difficult to build a plan ahead-of-time that
// can properly support this. If it's an important use case, the caller should
// probably build a upb plan explicitly.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "upb/upb.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class FieldDescriptor;
class Descriptor;
class EnumDescriptor;
class Message;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace proto2 {
class FieldDescriptor;
class Descriptor;
class EnumDescriptor;
class Message;
namespace upb {
class Def;
class EnumDef;
class FieldDef;
class MessageDef;
class Handlers;
namespace google {
// Returns a upb::Handlers object that can be used to populate a proto2::Message
// object of the same type as "m." For more control over handler caching and
// reuse, instantiate a CodeCache object below.
upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> NewWriteHandlers(const proto2::Message& m);
upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> NewWriteHandlers(
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m);
// Builds upb::Defs from proto2::Descriptors, and caches all built Defs for
// reuse. CodeCache (below) uses this internally; there is no need to use this
// class directly unless you only want Defs without corresponding Handlers.
// This class is NOT thread-safe.
class DefBuilder {
// Functions to get or create a Def from a corresponding proto2 Descriptor.
// The returned def will be frozen.
// The caller must take a ref on the returned value if it needs it long-term.
// The DefBuilder will retain a ref so it can keep the Def cached, but
// garbage-collection functionality may be added to DefBuilder later that
// could unref the returned pointer.
const EnumDef* GetOrCreateEnumDef(const proto2::EnumDescriptor* d);
const EnumDef* GetOrCreateEnumDef(
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* d);
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMessageDef(const proto2::Descriptor* d);
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMessageDef(
const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* d);
// Gets or creates a frozen MessageDef, properly expanding weak fields.
// Weak fields are only represented as BYTES fields in the Descriptor (unless
// you construct your descriptors in a somewhat complicated way; see
//, but we can get their true
// definitions relatively easily from the proto Message class.
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMessageDefExpandWeak(const proto2::Message& m);
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMessageDefExpandWeak(
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m);
// Like GetOrCreateMessageDef*(), except the returned def might not be frozen.
// We need this function because circular graphs of MessageDefs need to all
// be frozen together, to we have to create the graphs of defs in an unfrozen
// state first.
// If m is non-NULL, expands weak message fields.
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(
const proto2::Descriptor* d, const proto2::Message* m);
const MessageDef* GetOrCreateMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(
const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* d,
const ::google::protobuf::Message* m);
// Returns a new-unfrozen FieldDef corresponding to this FieldDescriptor.
// The return value is always newly created (never cached) and the returned
// pointer is the only owner of it.
// If "m" is non-NULL, expands the weak field if it is one, and populates
// *subm_prototype with a prototype of the submessage if this is a weak or
// non-weak MESSAGE or GROUP field.
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> NewFieldDef(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f,
const proto2::Message* m);
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> NewFieldDef(const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f,
const ::google::protobuf::Message* m);
// Freeze all defs that haven't been frozen yet.
void Freeze();
template <class T>
T* AddToCache(const void *proto2_descriptor, reffed_ptr<T> def) {
assert(def_cache_.find(proto2_descriptor) == def_cache_.end());
def_cache_[proto2_descriptor] = def;
return def.get(); // Continued lifetime is guaranteed by cache.
template <class T>
const T* FindInCache(const void *proto2_descriptor) {
DefCache::iterator iter = def_cache_.find(proto2_descriptor);
return iter == def_cache_.end() ? NULL :
upb::down_cast<const T*>(iter->second.get());
// Maps a proto2 descriptor to the corresponding upb Def we have constructed.
// The proto2 descriptor is void* because the proto2 descriptor types do not
// share a common base.
typedef std::map<const void*, reffed_ptr<upb::Def> > DefCache;
DefCache def_cache_;
// Defs that have not been frozen yet.
vector<Def*> to_freeze_;
// Builds and caches upb::Handlers for populating proto2 generated classes.
// This class is NOT thread-safe.
class CodeCache {
// Gets or creates handlers for populating messages of the given message type.
// The caller must take a ref on the returned value if it needs it long-term.
// The CodeCache will retain a ref so it can keep the Def cached, but
// garbage-collection functionality may be added to CodeCache later that could
// unref the returned pointer.
const Handlers* GetOrCreateWriteHandlers(const proto2::Message& m);
const Handlers* GetOrCreateWriteHandlers(
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m);
const Handlers* GetOrCreateMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers(
const MessageDef* md, const proto2::Message& m);
const Handlers* GetOrCreateMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers(
const MessageDef* md, const ::google::protobuf::Message& m);
Handlers* AddToCache(const MessageDef* md, reffed_ptr<Handlers> handlers) {
assert(handlers_cache_.find(md) == handlers_cache_.end());
handlers_cache_[md] = handlers;
return handlers.get(); // Continue lifetime is guaranteed by the cache.
const Handlers* FindInCache(const MessageDef* md) {
HandlersCache::iterator iter = handlers_cache_.find(md);
return iter == handlers_cache_.end() ? NULL : iter->second.get();
DefBuilder def_builder_;
typedef std::map<const MessageDef*, upb::reffed_ptr<const Handlers> >
HandlersCache handlers_cache_;
vector<Handlers*> to_freeze_;
} // namespace google
} // namespace upb