Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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* @fileoverview A buffer implementation that can decode data for protobufs.
const ByteString = goog.require('protobuf.ByteString');
const functions = goog.require('goog.functions');
const {POLYFILL_TEXT_ENCODING, checkCriticalElementIndex, checkCriticalPositionIndex, checkState} = goog.require('protobuf.internal.checks');
const {byteStringFromUint8ArrayUnsafe} = goog.require('protobuf.byteStringInternal');
const {concatenateByteArrays} = goog.require('protobuf.binary.uint8arrays');
const {decode} = goog.require('protobuf.binary.textencoding');
* Returns a valid utf-8 decoder function based on TextDecoder if available or
* a polyfill.
* Some of the environments we run in do not have TextDecoder defined.
* TextDecoder is faster than our polyfill so we prefer it over the polyfill.
* @return {function(!DataView): string}
function getStringDecoderFunction() {
if (['TextDecoder']) {
const textDecoder = new['TextDecoder']('utf-8', {fatal: true});
return bytes => textDecoder.decode(bytes);
return decode;
} else {
throw new Error(
'TextDecoder is missing. ' +
'Enable protobuf.defines.POLYFILL_TEXT_ENCODING.');
/** @type {function(): function(!DataView): string} */
const stringDecoderFunction =
functions.cacheReturnValue(() => getStringDecoderFunction());
/** @type {function(): !DataView} */
const emptyDataView =
functions.cacheReturnValue(() => new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0)));
class BufferDecoder {
* @param {!Array<!BufferDecoder>} bufferDecoders
* @return {!BufferDecoder}
static merge(bufferDecoders) {
const uint8Arrays = => b.asUint8Array());
const bytesArray = concatenateByteArrays(uint8Arrays);
return BufferDecoder.fromArrayBuffer(bytesArray.buffer);
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer
* @return {!BufferDecoder}
static fromArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
return new BufferDecoder(
new DataView(arrayBuffer), 0, arrayBuffer.byteLength);
* @param {!DataView} dataView
* @param {number} startIndex
* @param {number} length
* @private
constructor(dataView, startIndex, length) {
/** @private @const {!DataView} */
this.dataView_ = dataView;
/** @private @const {number} */
this.startIndex_ = startIndex;
/** @private @const {number} */
this.endIndex_ = this.startIndex_ + length;
* Returns the start index of the underlying buffer.
* @return {number}
startIndex() {
return this.startIndex_;
* Returns the end index of the underlying buffer.
* @return {number}
endIndex() {
return this.endIndex_;
* Returns the length of the underlying buffer.
* @return {number}
length() {
return this.endIndex_ - this.startIndex_;
* Returns a float32 from a given index
* @param {number} index
* @return {number}
getFloat32(index) {
return this.dataView_.getFloat32(index, true);
* Returns a float64 from a given index
* @param {number} index
* @return {number}
getFloat64(index) {
return this.dataView_.getFloat64(index, true);
* Returns an int32 from a given index
* @param {number} index
* @return {number}
getInt32(index) {
return this.dataView_.getInt32(index, true);
* @param {number} index
* @return {number}
getUint8(index) {
return this.dataView_.getUint8(index);
* Returns a uint32 from a given index
* @param {number} index
* @return {number}
getUint32(index) {
return this.dataView_.getUint32(index, true);
* Returns two JS numbers each representing 32 bits of a 64 bit number.
* @param {number} index
* @return {{lowBits: number, highBits: number, dataStart: number}}
getVarint(index) {
let start = index;
let lowBits = 0;
let highBits = 0;
for (let shift = 0; shift < 28; shift += 7) {
const b = this.dataView_.getUint8(start++);
lowBits |= (b & 0x7F) << shift;
if ((b & 0x80) === 0) {
return {lowBits, highBits, dataStart: start};
const middleByte = this.dataView_.getUint8(start++);
// last four bits of the first 32 bit number
lowBits |= (middleByte & 0x0F) << 28;
// 3 upper bits are part of the next 32 bit number
highBits = (middleByte & 0x70) >> 4;
if ((middleByte & 0x80) === 0) {
return {lowBits, highBits, dataStart: start};
for (let shift = 3; shift <= 31; shift += 7) {
const b = this.dataView_.getUint8(start++);
highBits |= (b & 0x7F) << shift;
if ((b & 0x80) === 0) {
return {lowBits, highBits, dataStart: start};
checkState(false, 'Data is longer than 10 bytes');
return {lowBits, highBits, dataStart: start};
* Skips over a varint at a given index and returns the next position.
* @param {number} index Start of the data.
* @return {number} Position of the first byte after the varint.
* @package
skipVarint(index) {
let cursor = index;
checkCriticalElementIndex(cursor, this.endIndex());
while (this.dataView_.getUint8(cursor++) & 0x80) {
checkCriticalElementIndex(cursor, this.endIndex());
checkCriticalPositionIndex(cursor, index + 10);
return cursor;
* @param {number} startIndex
* @param {number} length
* @return {!BufferDecoder}
subBufferDecoder(startIndex, length) {
startIndex >= this.startIndex(),
`Current start: ${this.startIndex()}, subBufferDecoder start: ${
checkState(length >= 0, `Length: ${length}`);
startIndex + length <= this.endIndex(),
`Current end: ${this.endIndex()}, subBufferDecoder start: ${
startIndex}, subBufferDecoder length: ${length}`);
return new BufferDecoder(this.dataView_, startIndex, length);
* Returns the buffer as a string.
* @return {string}
asString() {
// TODO: Remove this check when we no longer need to support IE
const stringDataView = this.length() === 0 ?
emptyDataView() :
new DataView(this.dataView_.buffer, this.startIndex_, this.length());
return stringDecoderFunction()(stringDataView);
* Returns the buffer as a ByteString.
* @return {!ByteString}
asByteString() {
return byteStringFromUint8ArrayUnsafe(this.asUint8Array());
* Returns the DataView as an Uint8Array. DO NOT MODIFY or expose the
* underlying buffer.
* @package
* @return {!Uint8Array}
asUint8Array() {
return new Uint8Array(
this.dataView_.buffer, this.startIndex_, this.length());
exports = BufferDecoder;