Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
Author: Josh Haberman <>
The upb compiler. Unlike the proto2 compiler, this does
not output any parsing code or generated classes or anything
specific to the protobuf binary format at all. At the moment
it only dumps C initializers for upb_defs, so that a .proto
file can be represented in a .o file.
local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
local upb = require "upb"
local src = arg[1]
local outbase = arg[2]
local basename = arg[3]
if not (src and outbase and basename) then
print("Usage: upbc <binary descriptor> <output filename base> <symbol prefix>")
return 1
local hfilename = outbase .. ".upb.h"
local cfilename = outbase .. ".upb.c"
if os.getenv("UPBC_VERBOSE") then
print(string.format(" source file=%s", src))
print(string.format(" output file base=%s", outbase))
print(string.format(" hfilename=%s", hfilename))
print(string.format(" cfilename=%s", cfilename))
-- Open input/output files.
local f = assert(, "r"), "couldn't open input file " .. src)
local descriptor = f:read("*all")
local symtab = upb.SymbolTable()
os.execute(string.format("mkdir -p `dirname %s`", outbase))
local hfile = assert(, "w"), "couldn't open " .. hfilename)
local cfile = assert(, "w"), "couldn't open " .. cfilename)
local happend = dump_cinit.file_appender(hfile)
local cappend = dump_cinit.file_appender(cfile)
-- Dump defs
dump_cinit.dump_defs(symtab, basename, happend, cappend)