Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#import "GPBCodedInputStream_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDictionary_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFieldSet_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBWireFormat.h"
// TODO: Consider using on other functions to reduce bloat when
// some compiler optimizations are enabled.
#define GPB_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
NSString *const GPBCodedInputStreamException = GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBCodedInputStreamException);
NSString *const GPBCodedInputStreamUnderlyingErrorKey =
NSString *const GPBCodedInputStreamErrorDomain =
// Matching:
// private static final int DEFAULT_RECURSION_LIMIT = 100;
// int CodedInputStream::default_recursion_limit_ = 100;
static const NSUInteger kDefaultRecursionLimit = 100;
void GPBRaiseStreamError(NSInteger code, NSString *reason) {
NSDictionary *errorInfo = nil;
if ([reason length]) {
errorInfo = @{GPBErrorReasonKey : reason};
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GPBCodedInputStreamErrorDomain
NSDictionary *exceptionInfo = @{GPBCodedInputStreamUnderlyingErrorKey : error};
[[NSException exceptionWithName:GPBCodedInputStreamException reason:reason
userInfo:exceptionInfo] raise];
GPB_INLINE void CheckRecursionLimit(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
if (state->recursionDepth >= kDefaultRecursionLimit) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorRecursionDepthExceeded, nil);
GPB_INLINE void CheckFieldSize(uint64_t size) {
// Bytes and Strings have a max size of 2GB. And since messages are on the wire as bytes/length
// delimited, they also have a 2GB size limit. The C++ does the same sort of enforcement (see
// parse_context, delimited_message_util, message_lite, etc.).
if (size > 0x7fffffff) {
// TODO: Maybe a different error code for this, but adding one is a breaking
// change so reuse an existing one.
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidSize, nil);
static void CheckSize(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state, size_t size) {
size_t newSize = state->bufferPos + size;
if (newSize > state->bufferSize) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidSize, nil);
if (newSize > state->currentLimit) {
// Fast forward to end of currentLimit;
state->bufferPos = state->currentLimit;
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorSubsectionLimitReached, nil);
static int8_t ReadRawByte(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
CheckSize(state, sizeof(int8_t));
return ((int8_t *)state->bytes)[state->bufferPos++];
static int32_t ReadRawLittleEndian32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
CheckSize(state, sizeof(int32_t));
// Not using OSReadLittleInt32 because it has undocumented dependency
// on reads being aligned.
int32_t value;
memcpy(&value, state->bytes + state->bufferPos, sizeof(int32_t));
value = OSSwapLittleToHostInt32(value);
state->bufferPos += sizeof(int32_t);
return value;
static int64_t ReadRawLittleEndian64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
CheckSize(state, sizeof(int64_t));
// Not using OSReadLittleInt64 because it has undocumented dependency
// on reads being aligned.
int64_t value;
memcpy(&value, state->bytes + state->bufferPos, sizeof(int64_t));
value = OSSwapLittleToHostInt64(value);
state->bufferPos += sizeof(int64_t);
return value;
static int64_t ReadRawVarint64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t shift = 0;
int64_t result = 0;
while (shift < 64) {
int8_t b = ReadRawByte(state);
result |= (int64_t)((uint64_t)(b & 0x7F) << shift);
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {
return result;
shift += 7;
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidVarInt, @"Invalid VarInt64");
return 0;
static int32_t ReadRawVarint32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
return (int32_t)ReadRawVarint64(state);
static void SkipRawData(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state, size_t size) {
CheckSize(state, size);
state->bufferPos += size;
double GPBCodedInputStreamReadDouble(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int64_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian64(state);
return GPBConvertInt64ToDouble(value);
float GPBCodedInputStreamReadFloat(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian32(state);
return GPBConvertInt32ToFloat(value);
uint64_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint64_t value = ReadRawVarint64(state);
return value;
uint32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint32_t value = ReadRawVarint32(state);
return value;
int64_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int64_t value = ReadRawVarint64(state);
return value;
int32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t value = ReadRawVarint32(state);
return value;
uint64_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint64_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian64(state);
return value;
uint32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint32_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian32(state);
return value;
int32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t value = ReadRawVarint32(state);
return value;
int32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian32(state);
return value;
int64_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int64_t value = ReadRawLittleEndian64(state);
return value;
int32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt32(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int32_t value = GPBDecodeZigZag32(ReadRawVarint32(state));
return value;
int64_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt64(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
int64_t value = GPBDecodeZigZag64(ReadRawVarint64(state));
return value;
BOOL GPBCodedInputStreamReadBool(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
return ReadRawVarint64(state) != 0;
int32_t GPBCodedInputStreamReadTag(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
if (GPBCodedInputStreamIsAtEnd(state)) {
state->lastTag = 0;
return 0;
state->lastTag = ReadRawVarint32(state);
// Tags have to include a valid wireformat.
if (!GPBWireFormatIsValidTag(state->lastTag)) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidTag, @"Invalid wireformat in tag.");
// Zero is not a valid field number.
if (GPBWireFormatGetTagFieldNumber(state->lastTag) == 0) {
@"A zero field number on the wire is invalid.");
return state->lastTag;
NSString *GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedString(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint64_t size = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(state);
NSUInteger ns_size = (NSUInteger)size;
NSString *result;
if (size == 0) {
result = @"";
} else {
size_t size2 = (size_t)size; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
CheckSize(state, size2);
result = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&state->bytes[state->bufferPos]
state->bufferPos += size;
if (!result) {
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(@"UTF-8 failure, is some field type 'string' when it should be "
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidUTF8, nil);
return result;
NSData *GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytes(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint64_t size = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(state);
size_t size2 = (size_t)size; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
CheckSize(state, size2);
NSUInteger ns_size = (NSUInteger)size;
NSData *result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:state->bytes + state->bufferPos length:ns_size];
state->bufferPos += size;
return result;
NSData *GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytesNoCopy(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
uint64_t size = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(state);
size_t size2 = (size_t)size; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
CheckSize(state, size2);
NSUInteger ns_size = (NSUInteger)size;
// Cast is safe because freeWhenDone is NO.
NSData *result = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)(state->bytes + state->bufferPos)
state->bufferPos += size;
return result;
size_t GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state, size_t byteLimit) {
byteLimit += state->bufferPos;
size_t oldLimit = state->currentLimit;
if (byteLimit > oldLimit) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidSubsectionLimit, nil);
state->currentLimit = byteLimit;
return oldLimit;
void GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state, size_t oldLimit) {
state->currentLimit = oldLimit;
size_t GPBCodedInputStreamBytesUntilLimit(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
return state->currentLimit - state->bufferPos;
BOOL GPBCodedInputStreamIsAtEnd(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state) {
return (state->bufferPos == state->bufferSize) || (state->bufferPos == state->currentLimit);
void GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state, int32_t value) {
if (state->lastTag != value) {
GPBRaiseStreamError(GPBCodedInputStreamErrorInvalidTag, @"Unexpected tag read");
@implementation GPBCodedInputStream
+ (instancetype)streamWithData:(NSData *)data {
return [[[self alloc] initWithData:data] autorelease];
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data {
if ((self = [super init])) {
#ifdef DEBUG
NSCAssert([self class] == [GPBCodedInputStream class],
@"Subclassing of GPBCodedInputStream is not allowed.");
buffer_ = [data retain];
state_.bytes = (const uint8_t *)[data bytes];
state_.bufferSize = [data length];
state_.currentLimit = state_.bufferSize;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[buffer_ release];
[super dealloc];
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
- (int32_t)readTag {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadTag(&state_);
- (void)checkLastTagWas:(int32_t)value {
GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(&state_, value);
- (BOOL)skipField:(int32_t)tag {
NSAssert(GPBWireFormatIsValidTag(tag), @"Invalid tag");
switch (GPBWireFormatGetTagWireType(tag)) {
case GPBWireFormatVarint:
return YES;
case GPBWireFormatFixed64:
SkipRawData(&state_, sizeof(int64_t));
return YES;
case GPBWireFormatLengthDelimited: {
uint64_t size = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(&state_);
size_t size2 = (size_t)size; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
SkipRawData(&state_, size2);
return YES;
case GPBWireFormatStartGroup:
[self skipMessage];
GPBWireFormatMakeTag(GPBWireFormatGetTagFieldNumber(tag), GPBWireFormatEndGroup));
return YES;
case GPBWireFormatEndGroup:
return NO;
case GPBWireFormatFixed32:
SkipRawData(&state_, sizeof(int32_t));
return YES;
- (void)skipMessage {
while (YES) {
int32_t tag = GPBCodedInputStreamReadTag(&state_);
if (tag == 0 || ![self skipField:tag]) {
- (BOOL)isAtEnd {
return GPBCodedInputStreamIsAtEnd(&state_);
- (size_t)position {
return state_.bufferPos;
- (size_t)pushLimit:(size_t)byteLimit {
return GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(&state_, byteLimit);
- (void)popLimit:(size_t)oldLimit {
GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(&state_, oldLimit);
- (size_t)bytesUntilLimit {
return GPBCodedInputStreamBytesUntilLimit(&state_);
- (double)readDouble {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadDouble(&state_);
- (float)readFloat {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadFloat(&state_);
- (uint64_t)readUInt64 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(&state_);
- (int64_t)readInt64 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt64(&state_);
- (int32_t)readInt32 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadInt32(&state_);
- (uint64_t)readFixed64 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed64(&state_);
- (uint32_t)readFixed32 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadFixed32(&state_);
- (BOOL)readBool {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadBool(&state_);
- (NSString *)readString {
return [GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedString(&state_) autorelease];
- (void)readGroup:(int32_t)fieldNumber
message:(GPBMessage *)message
extensionRegistry:(id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry {
[message mergeFromCodedInputStream:self
endingTag:GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatEndGroup)];
- (void)readUnknownGroup:(int32_t)fieldNumber message:(GPBUnknownFieldSet *)message {
[message mergeFromCodedInputStream:self];
GPBWireFormatMakeTag(fieldNumber, GPBWireFormatEndGroup));
- (void)readMessage:(GPBMessage *)message
extensionRegistry:(id<GPBExtensionRegistry>)extensionRegistry {
uint64_t length = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(&state_);
size_t length2 = (size_t)length; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
size_t oldLimit = GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(&state_, length2);
[message mergeFromCodedInputStream:self extensionRegistry:extensionRegistry endingTag:0];
GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(&state_, oldLimit);
- (void)readMapEntry:(id)mapDictionary
field:(GPBFieldDescriptor *)field
parentMessage:(GPBMessage *)parentMessage {
uint64_t length = GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt64(&state_);
size_t length2 = (size_t)length; // Cast safe on 32bit because of CheckFieldSize() above.
size_t oldLimit = GPBCodedInputStreamPushLimit(&state_, length2);
GPBDictionaryReadEntry(mapDictionary, self, extensionRegistry, field, parentMessage);
GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(&state_, 0);
GPBCodedInputStreamPopLimit(&state_, oldLimit);
- (NSData *)readBytes {
return [GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedBytes(&state_) autorelease];
- (uint32_t)readUInt32 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadUInt32(&state_);
- (int32_t)readEnum {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadEnum(&state_);
- (int32_t)readSFixed32 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed32(&state_);
- (int64_t)readSFixed64 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadSFixed64(&state_);
- (int32_t)readSInt32 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt32(&state_);
- (int64_t)readSInt64 {
return GPBCodedInputStreamReadSInt64(&state_);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop