Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
201 lines
5.8 KiB
201 lines
5.8 KiB
workspace(name = "com_google_protobuf") |
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") |
local_repository( |
name = "com_google_protobuf_examples", |
path = "examples", |
) |
# We will soon merge upb and protobuf into the same Bazel repository, but for |
# now we depend on the separate Bazel repo in the upb/ directory. This is |
# important to ensure that the CI tests exercise upb at head instead of relying |
# on a stale version from protobuf_deps.bzl. |
local_repository( |
name = "upb", |
path = "upb", |
) |
# Load common dependencies first to ensure we use the correct version |
load("//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "PROTOBUF_MAVEN_ARTIFACTS", "protobuf_deps") |
protobuf_deps() |
# Bazel platform rules. |
http_archive( |
name = "platforms", |
urls = [ |
"", |
"", |
], |
sha256 = "3a561c99e7bdbe9173aa653fd579fe849f1d8d67395780ab4770b1f381431d51", |
) |
http_archive( |
name = "com_google_googletest", |
sha256 = "730215d76eace9dd49bf74ce044e8daa065d175f1ac891cc1d6bb184ef94e565", |
strip_prefix = "googletest-f53219cdcb7b084ef57414efea92ee5b71989558", |
urls = [ |
"" # 2023-03-16 |
], |
) |
load("@com_google_googletest//:googletest_deps.bzl", "googletest_deps") |
googletest_deps() |
load("@rules_jvm_external//:repositories.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_deps") |
rules_jvm_external_deps() |
load("@rules_jvm_external//:setup.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_setup") |
rules_jvm_external_setup() |
load("@rules_jvm_external//:defs.bzl", "maven_install") |
maven_install( |
# For updating instructions, see: |
# |
maven_install_json = "//:maven_install.json", |
repositories = [ |
"", |
"", |
], |
) |
load("@maven//:defs.bzl", "pinned_maven_install") |
pinned_maven_install() |
# For `cc_proto_blacklist_test` and `build_test`. |
load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace") |
bazel_skylib_workspace() |
load("@rules_pkg//:deps.bzl", "rules_pkg_dependencies") |
rules_pkg_dependencies() |
load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:repositories.bzl", "apple_rules_dependencies") |
apple_rules_dependencies() |
# For `kt_jvm_library` |
load("@io_bazel_rules_kotlin//kotlin:repositories.bzl", "kotlin_repositories") |
kotlin_repositories() |
load("@io_bazel_rules_kotlin//kotlin:core.bzl", "kt_register_toolchains") |
kt_register_toolchains() |
load("@rules_ruby//ruby:defs.bzl", "ruby_runtime") |
ruby_runtime("system_ruby") |
register_toolchains("@system_ruby//:toolchain") |
# Uncomment pairs of ruby_runtime() + register_toolchain() calls below to enable |
# local JRuby testing. Do not submit the changes (due to impact on test duration |
# for non JRuby builds due to downloading JRuby SDKs). |
#ruby_runtime("jruby-9.2") |
# |
#register_toolchains("@jruby-9.2//:toolchain") |
# |
#ruby_runtime("jruby-9.3") |
# |
#register_toolchains("@jruby-9.3//:toolchain") |
load("@system_ruby//:bundle.bzl", "ruby_bundle") |
ruby_bundle( |
name = "protobuf_bundle", |
srcs = ["//ruby:google-protobuf.gemspec"], |
gemfile = "//ruby:Gemfile", |
) |
load("@upb//bazel:workspace_deps.bzl", "upb_deps") |
upb_deps() |
http_archive( |
name = "lua", |
build_file = "@upb//bazel:lua.BUILD", |
sha256 = "b9e2e4aad6789b3b63a056d442f7b39f0ecfca3ae0f1fc0ae4e9614401b69f4b", |
strip_prefix = "lua-5.2.4", |
urls = [ |
"", |
"", |
], |
) |
http_archive( |
name = "com_github_google_benchmark", |
urls = [""], |
strip_prefix = "benchmark-0baacde3618ca617da95375e0af13ce1baadea47", |
sha256 = "62e2f2e6d8a744d67e4bbc212fcfd06647080de4253c97ad5c6749e09faf2cb0", |
) |
http_archive( |
name = "com_google_googleapis", |
urls = [""], |
strip_prefix = "googleapis-30ed2662a85403cbdeb9ea38df1e414a2a276b83", |
sha256 = "4dfc28101127d22abd6f0f6308d915d490c4594c0cfcf7643769c446d6763a46", |
build_file = "@upb//benchmarks:BUILD.googleapis", |
patch_cmds = ["find google -type f -name BUILD.bazel -delete"], |
) |
load("@upb//bazel:system_python.bzl", "system_python") |
system_python( |
name = "system_python", |
minimum_python_version = "3.7", |
) |
load("@system_python//:pip.bzl", "pip_parse") |
pip_parse( |
name = "pip_deps", |
requirements = "@upb//python:requirements.txt", |
requirements_overrides = { |
"3.11": "@upb//python:requirements_311.txt", |
}, |
) |
load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "install_deps") |
install_deps() |
load("@utf8_range//:workspace_deps.bzl", "utf8_range_deps") |
utf8_range_deps() |
http_archive( |
name = "rules_fuzzing", |
sha256 = "d9002dd3cd6437017f08593124fdd1b13b3473c7b929ceb0e60d317cb9346118", |
strip_prefix = "rules_fuzzing-0.3.2", |
urls = [""], |
) |
load("@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:repositories.bzl", "rules_fuzzing_dependencies") |
rules_fuzzing_dependencies() |
bind( |
name = "python_headers", |
actual = "@system_python//:python_headers", |
) |
http_archive( |
name = "rules_rust", |
sha256 = "4a9cb4fda6ccd5b5ec393b2e944822a62e050c7c06f1ea41607f14c4fdec57a2", |
urls = [""], |
) |
load("@rules_rust//rust:repositories.bzl", "rules_rust_dependencies", "rust_register_toolchains") |
rules_rust_dependencies() |
rust_register_toolchains(edition = "2021")