Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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upb Design


upb is a protobuf kernel written in C. It is a fast and conformant implementation of protobuf, with a low-level C API that is designed to be wrapped in other languages.

upb is not designed to be used by applications directly. The C API is very low-level, unsafe, and changes frequently. It is important that upb is able to make breaking API changes as necessary, to avoid taking on technical debt that would compromise upb's goals of small code size and fast performance.

Design goals


  • Full protobuf conformance
  • Small code size
  • Fast performance (without compromising code size)
  • Easy to wrap in language runtimes
  • Easy to adapt to different memory management schemes (refcounting, GC, etc)


  • Stable API
  • Safe API
  • Ergonomic API for applications


  • C99
  • 32 or 64-bit CPU (assumes 4 or 8 byte pointers)
  • Uses pointer tagging, but avoids other implementation-defined behavior
  • Aims to never invoke undefined behavior (tests with ASAN, UBSAN, etc)
  • No global state, fully re-entrant


All memory management in upb uses arenas, using the type upb_Arena. Arenas are an alternative to malloc() and free() that significantly reduces the costs of memory allocation.

Arenas obtain blocks of memory using some underlying allocator (likely malloc() and free()), and satisfy allocations using a simple bump allocator that walks through each block in linear order. Allocations cannot be freed individually: it is only possible to free the arena as a whole, which frees all of the underlying blocks.

Here is an example of using the upb_Arena type:

  upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New();

  // Perform some allocations.
  int* x = upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*x));
  int* y = upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*y));

  // We cannot free `x` and `y` separately, we can only free the arena
  // as a whole.

upb uses arenas for all memory management, and this fact is reflected in the API for all upb data structures. All upb functions that allocate take a upb_Arena* parameter and perform allocations using that arena rather than calling malloc() or free().

// upb API to create a message.
UPB_API upb_Message* upb_Message_New(const upb_MiniTable* mini_table,
                                     upb_Arena* arena);

void MakeMessage(const upb_MiniTable* mini_table) {
  upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New();

  // This message is allocated on our arena.
  upb_Message* msg = upb_Message_New(mini_table, arena);

  // We can free the arena whenever we want, but we cannot free the
  // message separately from the arena.

  // msg is now deleted.

Arenas are a key part of upb's performance story. Parsing a large protobuf payload usually involves rapidly creating a series of messages, arrays (repeated fields), and maps. It is crucial for parsing performance that these allocations are as fast as possible. Equally important, freeing the tree of messages should be as fast as possible, and arenas can reduce this cost from O(n) to O(lg n).

Avoiding Dangling Pointers

Objects allocated on an arena will frequently contain pointers to other arena-allocated objects. For example, a upb_Message will have pointers to sub-messages that are also arena-allocated.

Unlike unique ownership schemes (such as unique_ptr<>), arenas cannot provide automatic safety from dangling pointers. Instead, upb provides tools to help bridge between higher-level memory management schemes (GC, refcounting, RAII, borrow checkers) and arenas.

If there is only one arena, dangling pointers within the arena are impossible, because all objects are freed at the same time. This is the simplest case. The user must still be careful not to keep dangling pointers that point at arena memory after it has been freed, but dangling pointers between the arena objects will be impossible.

But what if there are multiple arenas? If we have a pointer from one arena to another, how do we ensure that this will not become a dangling pointer?

To help with the multiple arena case, upb provides a primitive called "fuse".

// Fuses the lifetimes of `a` and `b`.  None of the blocks from `a` or `b`
// will be freed until both arenas are freed.
UPB_API bool upb_Arena_Fuse(const upb_Arena* a, const upb_Arena* b);

When two arenas are fused together, their lifetimes are irreversibly joined, such that none of the arena blocks in either arena will be freed until both arenas are freed with upb_Arena_Free(). This means that dangling pointers between the two arenas will no longer be possible.

Fuse is useful when joining two messages from separate arenas (making one a sub-message of the other). Fuse is a relatively cheap operation, on the order of 150ns, and is very nearly O(1) in the number of arenas being fused (the true complexity is the inverse Ackermann function, which grows extremely slowly).

Each arena does consume some memory, so repeatedly creating and fusing an additional arena is not free, but the CPU cost of fusing two arenas together is modest.

Initial Block and Custom Allocators

upb_Arena normally uses malloc() and free() to allocate and return its underlying blocks. But this default strategy can be customized to support the needs of a particular language.

The lowest-level function for creating a upb_Arena is:

// Creates an arena from the given initial block (if any -- n may be 0).
// Additional blocks will be allocated from |alloc|.  If |alloc| is NULL,
// this is a fixed-size arena and cannot grow.
UPB_API upb_Arena* upb_Arena_Init(void* mem, size_t n, upb_alloc* alloc);

The buffer [mem, n] will be used as an "initial block", which is used to satisfy allocations before calling any underlying allocation function. Note that the upb_Arena itself will be allocated from the initial block if possible, so the amount of memory available for allocation from the arena will be less than n.

The alloc parameter specifies a custom memory allocation function which will be used once the initial block is exhausted. The user can pass NULL as the allocation function, in which case the initial block is the only memory available in the arena. This can allow upb to be used even in situations where there is no heap.

It follows that upb_Arena_Malloc() is a fallible operation, and all allocating operations like upb_Message_New() should be checked for failure if there is any possibility that a fixed size arena is in use.


Nearly all operations in upb require that you have a schema. A protobuf schema is a data structure that contains all of the message, field, enum, etc. definitions that are specified in a .proto file. To create, parse, serialize, or access a message you must have a schema. For this reason, loading a schema is generally the first thing you must do when you use upb. 1

upb has two main data structures that represent a protobuf schema:

  • MiniTables are a compact, stripped down version of the schema that contains only the information necessary for parsing and serializing the binary wire format.
  • Reflection contains basically all of the data from a .proto file, including the original names of all messages/fields/etc., and all options.

The table below summarizes the main differences between these two:

MiniTables Reflection
Contains Field numbers and types All data in .proto file,
: : only : including names of :
            :                           : everything                 :
| Used to parse | binary format | JSON / TextFormat |
| Wire representation | MiniDescriptor | Descriptor |
| Type names | upb_MiniTable, | upb_MessageDef, |
            : `upb_MiniTableField`, ... : `upb_FieldDef`, ...        :
| Registry | upb_ExtensionRegistry | upb_DefPool |
            : (for extensions)          :                            :

MiniTables are useful if you only need the binary wire format, because they are much lighter weight than full reflection.

Reflection is useful if you need to parse JSON or TextFormat, or you need access to options that were specified in the proto file. Note that reflection also includes MiniTables, so if you have reflection, you also have MiniTables available.


MiniTables are represented by a set of data structures with names like upb_MiniTable (representing a message), upb_MiniTableField, upb_MiniTableFile, etc. Whenever you see one of these types in a function signature, you know that this particular operation requires a MiniTable. For example:

// Parses the wire format data in the given buffer `[buf, size]` and writes it
// to the message `msg`, which has the type `mt`.
UPB_API upb_DecodeStatus upb_Decode(const char* buf, size_t size,
                                    upb_Message* msg, const upb_MiniTable* mt,
                                    const upb_ExtensionRegistry* extreg,
                                    int options, upb_Arena* arena);

The subset of upb that requires only MiniTables can be thought of as "upb lite," because both the code size and the runtime memory overhead will be less than "upb full" (the parts that use reflection).


There are three main ways of loading a MiniTable:

  1. From C generated code: The upb code generator can emit .upb.c files that contain the MiniTables as global constant variables. When the main program links against these, the MiniTable will be placed into .rodata (or in the binary. The MiniTable can then be obtained from a generated function. In Blaze/Bazel these files can be generated and linked using the upb_proto_c_library() rule.
  2. From MiniDescriptors: The user can build MiniDescriptors into MiniTables at runtime. MiniDescriptors are a compact upb-specific wire format designed specially for this purpose. The user can call upb_MiniTable_Build() at runtime to convert MiniDescriptors to MiniTables.
  3. From reflection: If you have already built reflection data structures for your type, then you can obtain the upb_MiniTable corresponding to a upb_MessageDef using upb_MessageDef_MiniTable().

For languages that are already using reflection, (3) is an obvious choice.

For languages that are avoiding reflection, here is a general guideline for choosing between (1) and (2): if the language being wrapped participates in the standard binary linking model on a given platform (in particular, if it is generally linked using ld), then it is better to use (1), which is also known as "static loading".

Static loading of MiniTables has the benefit of requiring no runtime initialization2, leading to faster startup. Static loading of MiniTables also facilitates cross-language sharing of proto messages, because sharing generally requires that both languages are using exactly the same MiniTables.

The main downside of static loading is that it requires the user to generate one .upb.c file per .proto and link against the transitive closure of .upb.c files. Blaze and Bazel make this reasonably easy, but for other build systems it can be more of a challenge.

Loading from MiniDescriptors, as in option (2), has the advantage that it does not require per-message linking of C code. For many language toolchains, generating and linking some custom C code for every protobuf file or message type would be a burdensome requirement. MiniDescriptors are a convenient way of loading MiniTables without needing to cross the FFI boundary outside the core runtime.

A common pattern when using dynamic loading is to embed strings containing MiniDescriptors directly into generated code. For example, the generated code in Dart for a message with only primitive fields currently looks something like:

  const desc = r'$(+),*-#$%&! /10';
  _accessor = $pb.instance.registry.newMessageAccessor(desc);

The implementation of newMessageAccessor() is mainly just a wrapper around upb_MiniTable_Build(), which builds a MiniTable from a MiniDescriptor. In the code generator, the MiniDescriptor can be obtained from the upb_MessageDef_MiniDescriptorEncode() API; users should never need to encode a MiniDescriptor manually.


When building MiniTables dynamically, it is the user's responsibility to link each message to the to the appropriate sub-messages and or enums. Each message must have its message and closed enum fields linked using upb_MiniTable_SetSubMessage() and upb_MiniTable_SetSubEnum(), respectively.

A higher-level function that links all fields at the same time is also available, as upb_MiniTable_Link(). This function pairs well with upb_MiniTable_GetSubList() which can be used in a code generator to get a list of all the messages and enums which must be passed to upb_MiniTable_Link().

A common pattern is to embed the link() calls directly into the generated code. For example, here is an example from Dart of building a MiniTable that contains sub-messages and enums:

  const desc = r'$3334';
  _accessor = $pb.instance.registry.newMessageAccessor(desc);

In this case, upb_MiniTable_GetSubList() was used in the code generator to discover the 3 sub-message fields and 1 sub-enum field that require linking. At runtime, these lists of MiniTables are passed to the link() function, which will internally call upb_MiniTable_Link().

Note that in some cases, the application may choose to delay or even skip the registration of sub-message types, as part of a tree shaking strategy.

When using static MiniTables, a manual link step is not necessary, as linking is performed automatically by ld.


MiniTables primarily carry data about messages, fields, and extensions. However for closed enums, we must also have a upb_MiniTableEnum structure that stores the set of all numbers that are defined in the enum. This is because closed enums have the unfortunate behavior of putting unknown enum values into the unknown field set.

Over time, closed enums will hopefully be phased out via editions, and the relevance and overhead of upb_MiniTableEnum will shrink and eventually disappear.


Reflection uses types like upb_MessageDef and upb_FieldDef to represent the full contents of a .proto file at runtime. These types are upb's direct equivalents of google::protobuf::Descriptor, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor, etc. 3

Whenever you see one of these types in a function signature, you know that the given operation requires reflection. For example:

// Parses JSON format into a message object, using reflection.
UPB_API bool upb_JsonDecode(const char* buf, size_t size, upb_Message* msg,
                            const upb_MessageDef* m, const upb_DefPool* symtab,
                            int options, upb_Arena* arena, upb_Status* status);

The part of upb that requires reflection can be thought of as "upb full." These parts of the library cannot be used if a given application has only loaded MiniTables. There is no way to convert a MiniTable into reflection.

The upb_DefPool type is the top-level container that builds and owns some set of defs. This type is a close analogue of google::protobuf::DescriptorPool in C++. The user must always ensure that the upb_DefPool outlives any def objects that it owns.


As with MiniTable loading, we have multiple options for how to load full reflection:

  1. From C generated code: The upb code generator can create foo.upbdefs.c files that embed the descriptors and exports generated C functions for adding them to a user-provided upb_DefPool.
  2. From descriptors: The user can make manual calls to upb_DefPool_AddFile(), using descriptors obtained at runtime. Defs for individual messages can then be obtained using upb_DefPool_FindMessageByName().

Unlike MiniTables, loading from generated code requires runtime initialization, as reflection data structures like upb_MessageDef are not capable of being emitted directly into .rodata like upb_MiniTable is. Instead, the generated code embeds serialized descriptor protos into .rodata which are then built into heap objects at runtime.

From this you might conclude that option (1) is nothing but a convenience wrapper around option (2), but that is not quite correct either. Option (1) does link against the static .upb.c structures for the MiniTables, whereas option (2) will build the MiniTables from scratch on the heap. So option (1) will use marginally less CPU and RAM when the descriptors are loaded into a upb_DefPool. More importantly, the resulting descriptors will be capable of reflecting over any messages built from the generated .upb.c MiniTables, whereas descriptors built using option (2) will have distinct MiniTables that cannot reflect over messages that use the generated MiniTables.

A common pattern for dynamic languages like PHP, Ruby, or Python, is to use option (2) with descriptors that are embedded into the generated code. For example, the generated code in Python currently looks something like:

from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool
from google.protobuf.internal import builder as _builder

_desc = b'\n\x1aprotoc_explorer/main.proto\x12\x03pkg'

DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(_desc)
_globals = globals()
_builder.BuildMessageAndEnumDescriptors(DESCRIPTOR, _globals)
_builder.BuildTopDescriptorsAndMessages(DESCRIPTOR, 'google3.protoc_explorer.main_pb2', _globals)

The AddSerializedFile() API above is mainly just a thin wrapper around upb_DefPool_AddFile().

  1. This requirement comes from the protobuf wire format itself, which is a deep insight about the nature of protobuf (or at least the existing wire format). Unlike JSON, protobuf cannot be parsed or manipulated in a schema-less way. This is because the binary wire format does not distinguish between strings and sub-messages, so a generic parser that is oblivious to the schema is not possible. If a future version of the wire format did distinguish between these, it could be possible to have a schema-agnostic data representation, parser, and serializer.

  2. aside from possible pointer relocations performed by the ELF/Mach-O loader if the library or binary is position-independent

  3. upb consistently uses Def where C++ would use Descriptor in type names. This introduces divergence with C++; the rationale was to conserve horizontal line length, as Def is less than 1/3 the length of Descriptor. This is more relevant in C, where the type name is repeated in every function, eg. upb_FieldDef_Name() vs. upb_FieldDescriptor_Name().