Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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260 lines
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260 lines
7.8 KiB
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format |
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. |
// |
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at |
// |
#include "names.h" |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include "protobuf.h" |
/* stringsink *****************************************************************/ |
typedef struct { |
char* ptr; |
size_t len, size; |
} stringsink; |
static size_t stringsink_string(stringsink* sink, const char* ptr, size_t len) { |
size_t new_size = sink->size; |
while (sink->len + len > new_size) { |
new_size *= 2; |
} |
if (new_size != sink->size) { |
sink->ptr = realloc(sink->ptr, new_size); |
sink->size = new_size; |
} |
memcpy(sink->ptr + sink->len, ptr, len); |
sink->len += len; |
return len; |
} |
static void stringsink_init(stringsink* sink) { |
sink->size = 32; |
sink->ptr = malloc(sink->size); |
PBPHP_ASSERT(sink->ptr != NULL); |
sink->len = 0; |
} |
static void stringsink_uninit(stringsink* sink) { free(sink->ptr); } |
/* def name -> classname ******************************************************/ |
const char* const kReservedNames[] = { |
"abstract", "and", "array", "as", "break", |
"callable", "case", "catch", "class", "clone", |
"const", "continue", "declare", "default", "die", |
"do", "echo", "else", "elseif", "empty", |
"enddeclare", "endfor", "endforeach", "endif", "endswitch", |
"endwhile", "eval", "exit", "extends", "final", |
"finally", "fn", "for", "foreach", "function", |
"if", "implements", "include", "include_once", "instanceof", |
"global", "goto", "insteadof", "interface", "isset", |
"list", "match", "namespace", "new", "object", |
"or", "parent", "print", "private", "protected", |
"public", "readonly", "require", "require_once", "return", |
"self", "static", "switch", "throw", "trait", |
"try", "unset", "use", "var", "while", |
"xor", "yield", "int", "float", "bool", |
"string", "true", "false", "null", "void", |
"iterable", NULL}; |
const char* const kPreviouslyUnreservedNames[] = {"readonly", NULL}; |
bool is_reserved_name(const char* name) { |
int i; |
for (i = 0; kReservedNames[i]; i++) { |
if (strcmp(kReservedNames[i], name) == 0) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
bool is_previously_unreserved_name(const char* name) { |
for (int i = 0; kPreviouslyUnreservedNames[i]; i++) { |
if (strcmp(kPreviouslyUnreservedNames[i], name) == 0) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
static char nolocale_tolower(char ch) { |
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { |
return ch - ('A' - 'a'); |
} else { |
return ch; |
} |
} |
static char nolocale_toupper(char ch) { |
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { |
return ch - ('a' - 'A'); |
} else { |
return ch; |
} |
} |
static char* strdup_nolocale_lower(const char* str, int length) { |
char* lower = malloc(length + 1); |
lower[length] = '\0'; |
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
lower[i] = nolocale_tolower(str[i]); |
} |
return lower; |
} |
static bool is_reserved(const char* segment, int length, bool previous) { |
bool result; |
char* lower = strdup_nolocale_lower(segment, length); |
result = is_reserved_name(lower); |
if (result && previous && is_previously_unreserved_name(lower)) { |
result = false; |
} |
free(lower); |
return result; |
} |
static void fill_prefix(const char* segment, int length, |
const char* prefix_given, const char* package_name, |
stringsink* classname, bool previous) { |
if (prefix_given != NULL && strcmp(prefix_given, "") != 0) { |
stringsink_string(classname, prefix_given, strlen(prefix_given)); |
} else { |
if (is_reserved(segment, length, previous)) { |
if (package_name != NULL && |
strcmp("google.protobuf", package_name) == 0) { |
stringsink_string(classname, "GPB", 3); |
} else { |
stringsink_string(classname, "PB", 2); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
static void fill_segment(const char* segment, int length, stringsink* classname, |
bool use_camel) { |
if (use_camel && (segment[0] < 'A' || segment[0] > 'Z')) { |
char first = nolocale_toupper(segment[0]); |
stringsink_string(classname, &first, 1); |
stringsink_string(classname, segment + 1, length - 1); |
} else { |
stringsink_string(classname, segment, length); |
} |
} |
static void fill_namespace(const char* package, const char* php_namespace, |
stringsink* classname, bool previous) { |
if (php_namespace != NULL) { |
if (strlen(php_namespace) != 0) { |
stringsink_string(classname, php_namespace, strlen(php_namespace)); |
stringsink_string(classname, "\\", 1); |
} |
} else if (package != NULL) { |
int i = 0, j = 0; |
size_t package_len = strlen(package); |
while (i < package_len) { |
j = i; |
while (j < package_len && package[j] != '.') { |
j++; |
} |
fill_prefix(package + i, j - i, "", package, classname, previous); |
fill_segment(package + i, j - i, classname, true); |
stringsink_string(classname, "\\", 1); |
i = j + 1; |
} |
} |
} |
static void fill_classname(const char* fullname, const char* package, |
const char* prefix, stringsink* classname, |
bool previous) { |
int classname_start = 0; |
if (package != NULL) { |
size_t package_len = strlen(package); |
classname_start = package_len == 0 ? 0 : package_len + 1; |
} |
size_t fullname_len = strlen(fullname); |
int i = classname_start, j; |
while (i < fullname_len) { |
j = i; |
while (j < fullname_len && fullname[j] != '.') { |
j++; |
} |
fill_prefix(fullname + i, j - i, prefix, package, classname, previous); |
fill_segment(fullname + i, j - i, classname, false); |
if (j != fullname_len) { |
stringsink_string(classname, "\\", 1); |
} |
i = j + 1; |
} |
} |
char* str_view_dup(upb_StringView str) { |
char* ret = malloc(str.size + 1); |
memcpy(ret,, str.size); |
ret[str.size] = '\0'; |
return ret; |
} |
char* GetPhpClassname(const upb_FileDef* file, const char* fullname, |
bool previous) { |
// Prepend '.' to package name to make it absolute. In the 5 additional |
// bytes allocated, one for '.', one for trailing 0, and 3 for 'GPB' if |
// given message is google.protobuf.Empty. |
const google_protobuf_FileOptions* opts = upb_FileDef_Options(file); |
const char* package = upb_FileDef_Package(file); |
char* php_namespace = |
google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(opts) |
? str_view_dup(google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(opts)) |
: NULL; |
char* prefix = |
google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(opts) |
? str_view_dup(google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(opts)) |
: NULL; |
char* ret; |
stringsink namesink; |
stringsink_init(&namesink); |
fill_namespace(package, php_namespace, &namesink, previous); |
fill_classname(fullname, package, prefix, &namesink, previous); |
stringsink_string(&namesink, "\0", 1); |
ret = strdup(namesink.ptr); |
stringsink_uninit(&namesink); |
free(php_namespace); |
free(prefix); |
return ret; |
} |
bool IsPreviouslyUnreservedClassName(const char* fullname) { |
const char* classname = strrchr(fullname, '\\'); |
if (classname) { |
classname += 1; |
} else { |
classname = fullname; |
} |
if (strncmp(classname, "PB", 2) != 0) { |
return false; |
} |
classname += 2; |
int length = strlen(classname); |
char* lower = strdup_nolocale_lower(classname, length); |
for (int j = 0; kPreviouslyUnreservedNames[j]; j++) { |
if (strcmp(kPreviouslyUnreservedNames[j], lower) == 0) { |
free(lower); |
return true; |
} |
} |
free(lower); |
return false; |