Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

322 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
using Google.ProtocolBuffers.Collections;
namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers {
/// <summary>
/// A class which represents an arbitrary set of fields of some message type.
/// This is used to implement DynamicMessage, and also to represent extensions
/// in GeneratedMessage. This class is internal, since outside users should probably
/// be using DynamicMessage.
/// As in the Java implementation, this class goes against the rest of the framework
/// in terms of mutability. Instead of having a mutable Builder class and an immutable
/// FieldSet class, FieldSet just has a MakeImmutable() method. This is safe so long as
/// all callers are careful not to let a mutable FieldSet escape into the open. This would
/// be impossible to guarantee if this were a public class, of course.
/// </summary>
internal class FieldSet {
private static readonly FieldSet defaultInstance = new FieldSet(new Dictionary<FieldDescriptor, object>()).MakeImmutable();
private IDictionary<FieldDescriptor, object> fields;
private FieldSet(IDictionary<FieldDescriptor, object> fields) {
this.fields = fields;
/// <summary>
/// Makes this FieldSet immutable, and returns it for convenience. Any
/// mutable repeated fields are made immutable, as well as the map itself.
/// </summary>
internal FieldSet MakeImmutable() {
// First check if we have any repeated values
bool hasRepeats = false;
foreach (object value in fields.Values) {
IList<object> list = value as IList<object>;
if (list != null && !list.IsReadOnly) {
hasRepeats = true;
if (hasRepeats) {
var tmp = new SortedList<FieldDescriptor, object>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<FieldDescriptor, object> entry in fields) {
IList<object> list = entry.Value as IList<object>;
tmp[entry.Key] = list == null ? entry.Value : Lists.AsReadOnly(list);
fields = tmp;
fields = Dictionaries.AsReadOnly(fields);
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the default, immutable instance with no fields defined.
/// </summary>
internal static FieldSet DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns an immutable mapping of fields. Note that although the mapping itself
/// is immutable, the entries may not be (i.e. any repeated values are represented by
/// mutable lists). The behaviour is not specified if the contents are mutated.
/// </summary>
internal IDictionary<FieldDescriptor, object> AllFields {
get { return Dictionaries.AsReadOnly(fields); }
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="IMessage.HasField"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool HasField(FieldDescriptor field) {
if (field.IsRepeated) {
throw new ArgumentException("HasField() can only be called on non-repeated fields.");
return fields.ContainsKey(field);
// TODO(jonskeet): Should this be in UnknownFieldSet.Builder really?
internal static void MergeFrom(CodedInputStream input,
UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields,
ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry,
IBuilder builder) {
while (true) {
uint tag = input.ReadTag();
if (tag == 0) {
if (!MergeFieldFrom(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry,
builder, tag)) {
// end group tag
// TODO(jonskeet): Should this be in UnknownFieldSet.Builder really?
internal static bool MergeFieldFrom(CodedInputStream input,
UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields,
ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry,
IBuilder builder,
uint tag) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Clears all fields.
/// </summary>
internal void Clear() {
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IMessage.Item(FieldDescriptor)"/>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the field is not set, the behaviour when fetching this property varies by field type:
/// <list>
/// <item>For singular message values, null is returned.</item>
/// <item>For singular non-message values, the default value of the field is returned.</item>
/// <item>For repeated values, an empty immutable list is returned.</item>
/// </list>
/// This method returns null if the field is a singular message type
/// and is not set; in this case it is up to the caller to fetch the
/// message's default instance. For repeated fields of message types,
/// an empty collection is returned. For repeated fields of non-message
/// types, null is returned.
/// <para />
/// When setting this property, any list values are copied, and each element is checked
/// to ensure it is of an appropriate type.
/// </remarks>
internal object this[FieldDescriptor field] {
get {
object result;
if (fields.TryGetValue(field, out result)) {
return result;
// This will just do the right thing
return field.DefaultValue;
set {
if (field.IsRepeated) {
List<object> list = value as List<object>;
if (list == null) {
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong object type used with protocol message reflection.");
// Wrap the contents in a new list so that the caller cannot change
// the list's contents after setting it.
List<object> newList = new List<object>(list);
foreach (object element in newList) {
VerifyType(field, element);
value = newList;
else {
VerifyType(field, value);
fields[field] = value;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IMessage.Item(FieldDescriptor,int)" />
/// </summary>
internal object this[FieldDescriptor field, int index] {
get {
if (!field.IsRepeated) {
throw new ArgumentException("Indexer specifying field and index can only be called on repeated fields.");
return ((List<object>)this[field])[index];
set {
if (!field.IsRepeated) {
throw new ArgumentException("Indexer specifying field and index can only be called on repeated fields.");
VerifyType(field, value);
object list;
if (!fields.TryGetValue(field, out list)) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
((List<object>) list)[index] = value;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IBuilder.AddRepeatedField" />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="field"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
internal void AddRepeatedField(FieldDescriptor field, object value) {
if (!field.IsRepeated) {
throw new ArgumentException("AddRepeatedField can only be called on repeated fields.");
VerifyType(field, value);
object list;
if (!fields.TryGetValue(field, out list)) {
list = new List<object>();
fields[field] = list;
((List<object>) list).Add(value);
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IMessage.IsInitialized" />
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Since FieldSet itself does not have any way of knowing about
/// required fields that aren't actually present in the set, it is up
/// to the caller to check for genuinely required fields. This property
/// merely checks that any messages present are themselves initialized.
/// </remarks>
internal bool IsInitialized {
get {
foreach (KeyValuePair<FieldDescriptor, object> entry in fields) {
FieldDescriptor field = entry.Key;
if (field.MappedType == MappedType.Message) {
if (field.IsRepeated) {
foreach(IMessage message in (IEnumerable) entry.Value) {
if (!message.IsInitialized) {
return false;
} else {
if (!((IMessage) entry.Value).IsInitialized) {
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies whether all the required fields in the specified message
/// descriptor are present in this field set, as well as whether
/// all the embedded messages are themselves initialized.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsInitializedWithRespectTo(MessageDescriptor type) {
foreach (FieldDescriptor field in type.Fields) {
if (field.IsRequired && !HasField(field)) {
return false;
return IsInitialized;
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IBuilder.ClearField" />
/// </summary>
public void ClearField(FieldDescriptor field) {
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="IMessage.GetRepeatedFieldCount" />
/// </summary>
public int GetRepeatedFieldCount(FieldDescriptor field) {
if (!field.IsRepeated) {
throw new ArgumentException("GetRepeatedFieldCount() can only be called on repeated fields.");
return ((List<object>) this[field]).Count;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that the given object is of the correct type to be a valid
/// value for the given field.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For repeated fields, this checks if the object is of the right
/// element type, not whether it's a list.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The value is not of the right type.</exception>
private static void VerifyType(FieldDescriptor field, object value) {
bool isValid = false;
switch (field.MappedType) {
case MappedType.Int32: isValid = value is int; break;
case MappedType.Int64: isValid = value is long; break;
case MappedType.UInt32: isValid = value is uint; break;
case MappedType.UInt64: isValid = value is ulong; break;
case MappedType.Single: isValid = value is float; break;
case MappedType.Double: isValid = value is double; break;
case MappedType.Boolean: isValid = value is bool; break;
case MappedType.String: isValid = value is string; break;
case MappedType.ByteString: isValid = value is ByteString; break;
case MappedType.Enum:
EnumValueDescriptor enumValue = value as EnumValueDescriptor;
isValid = enumValue != null && enumValue.EnumDescriptor == field.EnumType;
case MappedType.Message:
IMessage messageValue = value as IMessage;
isValid = messageValue != null && messageValue.DescriptorForType == field.MessageType;
if (!isValid) {
// When chaining calls to SetField(), it can be hard to tell from
// the stack trace which exact call failed, since the whole chain is
// considered one line of code. So, let's make sure to include the
// field name and other useful info in the exception.
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong object type used with protocol message reflection. "
+ "Message type \"" + field.ContainingType.FullName
+ "\", field \"" + (field.IsExtension ? field.FullName : field.Name)
+ "\", value was type \"" + value.GetType().Name + "\".");