Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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493 lines
10 KiB
493 lines
10 KiB
load( |
":build_defs.bzl", |
"lua_cclibrary", |
"lua_library", |
"lua_binary", |
"lua_test", |
"generated_file_staleness_test", |
"make_shell_script", |
"upb_amalgamation", |
"upb_proto_library", |
) |
# C/C++ rules ################################################################## |
cc_library( |
name = "upb", |
srcs = [ |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c", |
"upb/decode.c", |
"upb/def.c", |
"upb/encode.c", |
"upb/handlers.c", |
"upb/handlers-inl.h", |
"upb/msg.c", |
"upb/msgfactory.c", |
"upb/", |
"upb/", |
"upb/refcounted.c", |
"upb/sink.c", |
"upb/", |
"upb/table.c", |
"upb/", |
"upb/upb.c", |
], |
hdrs = [ |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.h", |
"upb/decode.h", |
"upb/def.h", |
"upb/encode.h", |
"upb/handlers.h", |
"upb/msg.h", |
"upb/msgfactory.h", |
"upb/refcounted.h", |
"upb/sink.h", |
"upb/upb.h", |
], |
copts = [ |
"-std=c89", |
"-pedantic", |
"-Wno-long-long", |
], |
visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
) |
cc_library( |
name = "upb_pb", |
srcs = [ |
"upb/pb/compile_decoder.c", |
"upb/pb/decoder.c", |
"upb/pb/", |
"upb/pb/encoder.c", |
"upb/pb/textprinter.c", |
"upb/pb/varint.c", |
"upb/pb/", |
], |
hdrs = [ |
"upb/pb/decoder.h", |
"upb/pb/encoder.h", |
"upb/pb/textprinter.h", |
], |
copts = [ |
"-std=c89", |
"-pedantic", |
"-Wno-long-long", |
], |
deps = [ |
":upb", |
], |
) |
cc_library( |
name = "upb_json", |
srcs = [ |
"upb/json/parser.c", |
"upb/json/printer.c", |
], |
hdrs = [ |
"upb/json/parser.h", |
"upb/json/printer.h", |
], |
copts = [ |
"-std=c89", |
"-pedantic", |
"-Wno-long-long", |
], |
deps = [ |
":upb", |
":upb_pb", |
], |
) |
cc_library( |
name = "upb_cc_bindings", |
hdrs = [ |
"upb/bindings/stdc++/string.h", |
], |
deps = [":upb"], |
) |
# Amalgamation ################################################################# |
py_binary( |
name = "amalgamate", |
srcs = ["tools/"], |
) |
upb_amalgamation( |
name = "gen_amalgamation", |
outs = [ |
"upb.c", |
"upb.h", |
], |
amalgamator = ":amalgamate", |
libs = [ |
":upb", |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_json", |
], |
) |
cc_library( |
name = "amalgamation", |
srcs = ["upb.c"], |
hdrs = ["upb.h"], |
) |
# C/C++ tests ################################################################## |
cc_library( |
name = "upb_test", |
testonly = 1, |
srcs = [ |
"tests/", |
], |
hdrs = [ |
"tests/test_util.h", |
"tests/upb_test.h", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_varint", |
srcs = ["tests/pb/test_varint.c"], |
deps = [ |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_handlers", |
srcs = ["tests/test_handlers.c"], |
deps = [ |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_decoder", |
srcs = ["tests/pb/"], |
deps = [ |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_encoder", |
srcs = ["tests/pb/"], |
data = ["google/protobuf/descriptor.pb"], |
deps = [ |
":upb_cc_bindings", |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_cpp", |
srcs = ["tests/"], |
deps = [ |
":upb", |
":upb_pb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_table", |
srcs = ["tests/"], |
deps = [ |
":upb", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
cc_test( |
name = "test_json", |
srcs = [ |
"tests/json/test.upbdefs.c", |
"tests/json/test.upbdefs.h", |
"tests/json/", |
], |
deps = [ |
":upb_json", |
":upb_test", |
], |
) |
upb_proto_library( |
name = "conformance_proto_upb", |
upbc = ":protoc-gen-upb", |
deps = [ |
"@com_google_protobuf//:conformance_proto", |
"@com_google_protobuf//:test_messages_proto3_proto", |
], |
) |
cc_binary( |
name = "conformance_upb", |
srcs = [ |
"tests/conformance_upb.c", |
], |
deps = [ |
":conformance_proto_upb", |
":upb", |
], |
copts = ["-Ibazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin"], |
) |
make_shell_script( |
name = "gen_test_conformance_upb", |
out = "", |
contents = "$(rlocation com_google_protobuf/conformance_test_runner) $(rlocation upb/conformance_upb)", |
) |
sh_test( |
name = "test_conformance_upb", |
srcs = [""], |
data = [ |
"tests/conformance_upb_failures.txt", |
":conformance_upb", |
"@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
"@com_google_protobuf//:conformance_test_runner", |
], |
) |
# Lua libraries. ############################################################### |
lua_cclibrary( |
name = "lua/upb_c", |
srcs = [ |
"upb/bindings/lua/def.c", |
"upb/bindings/lua/msg.c", |
"upb/bindings/lua/upb.c", |
], |
hdrs = [ |
"upb/bindings/lua/upb.h", |
], |
deps = [ |
"upb", |
"upb_pb", |
], |
) |
lua_library( |
name = "lua/upb", |
srcs = ["upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua"], |
luadeps = ["lua/upb_c"], |
strip_prefix = "upb/bindings/lua", |
) |
lua_cclibrary( |
name = "lua/upb/pb_c", |
srcs = ["upb/bindings/lua/upb/pb.c"], |
luadeps = ["lua/upb_c"], |
deps = ["upb_pb"], |
) |
lua_library( |
name = "lua/upb/pb", |
srcs = ["upb/bindings/lua/upb/pb.lua"], |
luadeps = [ |
"lua/upb", |
"lua/upb/pb_c", |
], |
strip_prefix = "upb/bindings/lua", |
) |
lua_library( |
name = "lua/upbc_lib", |
srcs = [ |
"tools/dump_cinit.lua", |
"tools/make_c_api.lua", |
], |
luadeps = [ |
"lua/upb", |
], |
strip_prefix = "tools", |
) |
# Lua tests. ################################################################### |
lua_test( |
name = "lua/test_upb", |
luadeps = ["lua/upb"], |
luamain = "tests/bindings/lua/test_upb.lua", |
) |
lua_test( |
name = "lua/test_upb_pb", |
luadeps = ["lua/upb/pb"], |
luamain = "tests/bindings/lua/test_upb.pb.lua", |
) |
# upb compiler ################################################################# |
lua_binary( |
name = "lua_upbc", |
luadeps = [ |
"lua/upbc_lib", |
], |
luamain = "tools/upbc.lua", |
) |
cc_library( |
name = "upbc_generator", |
hdrs = ["upbc/generator.h"], |
srcs = ["upbc/", "upbc/message_layout.h", "upbc/"], |
deps = [ |
"@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf", |
"@com_google_protobuf//:protoc_lib", |
"@absl//absl/strings", |
], |
) |
cc_binary( |
name = "protoc-gen-upb", |
srcs = ["upbc/"], |
deps = [ |
":upbc_generator", |
"@com_google_protobuf//:protoc_lib", |
], |
) |
# Test the CMake build ######################################################### |
make_shell_script( |
name = "gen_run_cmake_build", |
out = "", |
contents = "mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8 && make test" |
) |
sh_test( |
name = "cmake_build", |
srcs = [""], |
data = glob([ |
"CMakeLists.txt", |
"google/**/*", |
"upbc/**/*", |
"upb/**/*", |
"tests/**/*", |
]) + [ |
"@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
], |
) |
# Generated files ############################################################## |
exports_files(["tools/"]) |
py_library( |
name = "staleness_test_lib", |
testonly = 1, |
srcs = ["tools/"], |
) |
genrule( |
name = "make_dynasm_decoder", |
srcs = [ |
"third_party/dynasm/dynasm.lua", |
"third_party/dynasm/dasm_x64.lua", |
"third_party/dynasm/dasm_x86.lua", |
"upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc", |
], |
outs = ["generated/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h"], |
cmd = "LUA_PATH=third_party/dynasm/?.lua $(location @lua//:lua) third_party/dynasm/dynasm.lua -c upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc > $@", |
tools = ["@lua"], |
) |
py_binary( |
name = "make_cmakelists", |
srcs = ["tools/"], |
) |
proto_library( |
name = "descriptor_proto", |
srcs = [ |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.proto", |
], |
) |
genrule( |
name = "copy_upb_descriptor_pb", |
srcs = [":descriptor_proto"], |
outs = ["generated/google/protobuf/descriptor.pb"], |
cmd = "cp $< $@", |
) |
genrule( |
name = "gen_cmakelists", |
outs = ["generated/CMakeLists.txt"], |
srcs = ["BUILD", "WORKSPACE"], |
tools = [":make_cmakelists"], |
cmd = "$(location :make_cmakelists) $@" |
) |
proto_library( |
name = "google_descriptor_proto", |
srcs = [ |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.proto", |
], |
) |
genrule( |
name = "generate_descriptor_c", |
srcs = ["google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"], |
outs = [ |
"generated/google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.h", |
"generated/google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c", |
], |
cmd = "$(location @com_google_protobuf//:protoc) $< --upb_out=$(GENDIR)/generated --plugin=protoc-gen-upb=$(location :protoc-gen-upb)", |
tools = [ |
"@com_google_protobuf//:protoc", |
":protoc-gen-upb" |
], |
) |
proto_library( |
name = "json_test_proto", |
srcs = ["tests/json/test.proto"], |
) |
genrule( |
name = "copy_json_test_proto", |
srcs = [":json_test_proto"], |
outs = ["generated/tests/json/test.proto.pb"], |
cmd = "cp $< $@", |
) |
#genrule( |
# name = "generated_json_test_proto_upbdefs", |
# srcs = ["generated/tests/json/test.proto.pb"], |
# outs = [ |
# "generated/tests/json/test.upbdefs.h", |
# "generated/tests/json/test.upbdefs.c", |
# ], |
# cmd = "UPBC=$$PWD/$(location :lua_upbc); INFILE=$$PWD/$<; cd $(GENDIR)/generated && $$UPBC --generate-upbdefs $$INFILE", |
# tools = [":lua_upbc"], |
#) |
genrule( |
name = "generate_json_ragel", |
srcs = ["upb/json/parser.rl"], |
outs = ["generated/upb/json/parser.c"], |
cmd = "$(location @ragel//:ragel) -C -o upb/json/parser.c $< && mv upb/json/parser.c $@", |
tools = ["@ragel"], |
) |
generated_file_staleness_test( |
name = "test_generated_files", |
outs = [ |
"CMakeLists.txt", |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.pb", |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c", |
"google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.h", |
"tests/json/test.proto.pb", |
"upb/json/parser.c", |
"upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h", |
], |
generated_pattern = "generated/%s", |