Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

211 lines
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "upb/text/encode.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h"
#include "upb/base/string_view.h"
#include "upb/lex/round_trip.h"
#include "upb/message/array.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/map_entry.h"
#include "upb/message/internal/map_sorter.h"
#include "upb/message/map.h"
#include "upb/message/message.h"
#include "upb/message/value.h"
#include "upb/reflection/def.h"
#include "upb/reflection/message.h"
#include "upb/text/internal/encode.h"
#include "upb/wire/eps_copy_input_stream.h"
// Must be last.
#include "upb/port/"
static void _upb_TextEncode_Msg(txtenc* e, const upb_Message* msg,
const upb_MessageDef* m);
static void _upb_TextEncode_Enum(int32_t val, const upb_FieldDef* f,
txtenc* e) {
const upb_EnumDef* e_def = upb_FieldDef_EnumSubDef(f);
const upb_EnumValueDef* ev = upb_EnumDef_FindValueByNumber(e_def, val);
if (ev) {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "%s", upb_EnumValueDef_Name(ev));
} else {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "%" PRId32, val);
static void _upb_TextEncode_Field(txtenc* e, upb_MessageValue val,
const upb_FieldDef* f) {
const upb_CType ctype = upb_FieldDef_CType(f);
const bool is_ext = upb_FieldDef_IsExtension(f);
const char* full = upb_FieldDef_FullName(f);
const char* name = upb_FieldDef_Name(f);
if (ctype == kUpb_CType_Message) {
if (is_ext) {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "[%s] {", full);
} else {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "%s {", name);
_upb_TextEncode_Msg(e, val.msg_val, upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f));
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_PutStr)(e, "}");
if (is_ext) {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "[%s]: ", full);
} else {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "%s: ", name);
if (ctype == kUpb_CType_Enum) {
_upb_TextEncode_Enum(val.int32_val, f, e);
} else {
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Scalar)(e, val, ctype);
* Arrays print as simple repeated elements, eg.
* foo_field: 1
* foo_field: 2
* foo_field: 3
static void _upb_TextEncode_Array(txtenc* e, const upb_Array* arr,
const upb_FieldDef* f) {
size_t i;
size_t size = upb_Array_Size(arr);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
_upb_TextEncode_Field(e, upb_Array_Get(arr, i), f);
static void _upb_TextEncode_MapEntry(txtenc* e, upb_MessageValue key,
upb_MessageValue val,
const upb_FieldDef* f) {
const upb_MessageDef* entry = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f);
const upb_FieldDef* key_f = upb_MessageDef_Field(entry, 0);
const upb_FieldDef* val_f = upb_MessageDef_Field(entry, 1);
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Printf)(e, "%s {", upb_FieldDef_Name(f));
_upb_TextEncode_Field(e, key, key_f);
_upb_TextEncode_Field(e, val, val_f);
UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_PutStr)(e, "}");
* Maps print as messages of key/value, etc.
* foo_map: {
* key: "abc"
* value: 123
* }
* foo_map: {
* key: "def"
* value: 456
* }
static void _upb_TextEncode_Map(txtenc* e, const upb_Map* map,
const upb_FieldDef* f) {
if (e->options & UPB_TXTENC_NOSORT) {
size_t iter = kUpb_Map_Begin;
upb_MessageValue key, val;
while (upb_Map_Next(map, &key, &val, &iter)) {
_upb_TextEncode_MapEntry(e, key, val, f);
} else {
if (upb_Map_Size(map) == 0) return;
const upb_MessageDef* entry = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f);
const upb_FieldDef* key_f = upb_MessageDef_Field(entry, 0);
_upb_sortedmap sorted;
upb_MapEntry ent;
_upb_mapsorter_pushmap(&e->sorter, upb_FieldDef_Type(key_f), map, &sorted);
while (_upb_sortedmap_next(&e->sorter, map, &sorted, &ent)) {
upb_MessageValue key, val;
memcpy(&key, &ent.k, sizeof(key));
memcpy(&val, &ent.v, sizeof(val));
_upb_TextEncode_MapEntry(e, key, val, f);
_upb_mapsorter_popmap(&e->sorter, &sorted);
static void _upb_TextEncode_Msg(txtenc* e, const upb_Message* msg,
const upb_MessageDef* m) {
size_t iter = kUpb_Message_Begin;
const upb_FieldDef* f;
upb_MessageValue val;
while (upb_Message_Next(msg, m, e->ext_pool, &f, &val, &iter)) {
if (upb_FieldDef_IsMap(f)) {
_upb_TextEncode_Map(e, val.map_val, f);
} else if (upb_FieldDef_IsRepeated(f)) {
_upb_TextEncode_Array(e, val.array_val, f);
} else {
_upb_TextEncode_Field(e, val, f);
if ((e->options & UPB_TXTENC_SKIPUNKNOWN) == 0) {
size_t size;
const char* ptr = upb_Message_GetUnknown(msg, &size);
if (size != 0) {
char* start = e->ptr;
upb_EpsCopyInputStream stream;
upb_EpsCopyInputStream_Init(&stream, &ptr, size, true);
if (!UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Unknown)(e, ptr, &stream, -1)) {
/* Unknown failed to parse, back up and don't print it at all. */
e->ptr = start;
size_t upb_TextEncode(const upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m,
const upb_DefPool* ext_pool, int options, char* buf,
size_t size) {
txtenc e;
e.buf = buf;
e.ptr = buf;
e.end = UPB_PTRADD(buf, size);
e.overflow = 0;
e.indent_depth = 0;
e.options = options;
e.ext_pool = ext_pool;
_upb_TextEncode_Msg(&e, msg, m);
return UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TextEncode_Nullz)(&e, size);