Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
305 lines
9.7 KiB
305 lines
9.7 KiB
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format |
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. |
// |
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at |
// |
#include "upb/util/required_fields.h" |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include <setjmp.h> |
#include <stdarg.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h" |
#include "upb/mem/alloc.h" |
#include "upb/message/array.h" |
#include "upb/message/map.h" |
#include "upb/message/message.h" |
#include "upb/port/vsnprintf_compat.h" |
#include "upb/reflection/def.h" |
#include "upb/reflection/message.h" |
// Must be last. |
#include "upb/port/" |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// upb_FieldPath_ToText() |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
typedef struct { |
char* buf; |
char* ptr; |
char* end; |
size_t overflow; |
} upb_PrintfAppender; |
UPB_PRINTF(2, 3) |
static void upb_FieldPath_Printf(upb_PrintfAppender* a, const char* fmt, ...) { |
size_t n; |
size_t have = a->end - a->ptr; |
va_list args; |
va_start(args, fmt); |
n = _upb_vsnprintf(a->ptr, have, fmt, args); |
va_end(args); |
if (UPB_LIKELY(have > n)) { |
// We can't end up here if the user passed (NULL, 0), therefore ptr is known |
// to be non-NULL, and UPB_PTRADD() is not necessary. |
assert(a->ptr); |
a->ptr += n; |
} else { |
a->ptr = UPB_PTRADD(a->ptr, have); |
a->overflow += (n - have); |
} |
} |
static size_t upb_FieldPath_NullTerminate(upb_PrintfAppender* d, size_t size) { |
size_t ret = d->ptr - d->buf + d->overflow; |
if (size > 0) { |
if (d->ptr == d->end) d->ptr--; |
*d->ptr = '\0'; |
} |
return ret; |
} |
static void upb_FieldPath_PutMapKey(upb_PrintfAppender* a, |
upb_MessageValue map_key, |
const upb_FieldDef* key_f) { |
switch (upb_FieldDef_CType(key_f)) { |
case kUpb_CType_Int32: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[%" PRId32 "]", map_key.int32_val); |
break; |
case kUpb_CType_Int64: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[%" PRId64 "]", map_key.int64_val); |
break; |
case kUpb_CType_UInt32: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[%" PRIu32 "]", map_key.uint32_val); |
break; |
case kUpb_CType_UInt64: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[%" PRIu64 "]", map_key.uint64_val); |
break; |
case kUpb_CType_Bool: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[%s]", map_key.bool_val ? "true" : "false"); |
break; |
case kUpb_CType_String: |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "[\""); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < map_key.str_val.size; i++) { |
char ch =[i]; |
if (ch == '"') { |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "\\\""); |
} else { |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "%c", ch); |
} |
} |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(a, "\"]"); |
break; |
default: |
UPB_UNREACHABLE(); // Other types can't be map keys. |
} |
} |
size_t upb_FieldPath_ToText(upb_FieldPathEntry** path, char* buf, size_t size) { |
upb_FieldPathEntry* ptr = *path; |
upb_PrintfAppender appender; |
appender.buf = buf; |
appender.ptr = buf; |
appender.end = UPB_PTRADD(buf, size); |
appender.overflow = 0; |
bool first = true; |
while (ptr->field) { |
const upb_FieldDef* f = ptr->field; |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(&appender, first ? "%s" : ".%s", upb_FieldDef_Name(f)); |
first = false; |
ptr++; |
if (upb_FieldDef_IsMap(f)) { |
const upb_FieldDef* key_f = |
upb_MessageDef_Field(upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f), 0); |
upb_FieldPath_PutMapKey(&appender, ptr->map_key, key_f); |
ptr++; |
} else if (upb_FieldDef_IsRepeated(f)) { |
upb_FieldPath_Printf(&appender, "[%zu]", ptr->array_index); |
ptr++; |
} |
} |
// Advance beyond terminating NULL. |
ptr++; |
*path = ptr; |
return upb_FieldPath_NullTerminate(&appender, size); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// upb_util_HasUnsetRequired() |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
typedef struct { |
upb_FieldPathEntry* path; |
size_t size; |
size_t cap; |
} upb_FieldPathVector; |
typedef struct { |
upb_FieldPathVector stack; |
upb_FieldPathVector out_fields; |
const upb_DefPool* ext_pool; |
jmp_buf err; |
bool has_unset_required; |
bool save_paths; |
} upb_FindContext; |
static void upb_FieldPathVector_Init(upb_FieldPathVector* vec) { |
vec->path = NULL; |
vec->size = 0; |
vec->cap = 0; |
} |
static void upb_FieldPathVector_Reserve(upb_FindContext* ctx, |
upb_FieldPathVector* vec, |
size_t elems) { |
if (vec->cap - vec->size < elems) { |
const int oldsize = vec->cap * sizeof(*vec->path); |
size_t need = vec->size + elems; |
vec->cap = UPB_MAX(4, vec->cap); |
while (vec->cap < need) vec->cap *= 2; |
const int newsize = vec->cap * sizeof(*vec->path); |
vec->path = upb_grealloc(vec->path, oldsize, newsize); |
if (!vec->path) { |
UPB_LONGJMP(ctx->err, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
static void upb_FindContext_Push(upb_FindContext* ctx, upb_FieldPathEntry ent) { |
if (!ctx->save_paths) return; |
upb_FieldPathVector_Reserve(ctx, &ctx->stack, 1); |
ctx->stack.path[ctx->stack.size++] = ent; |
} |
static void upb_FindContext_Pop(upb_FindContext* ctx) { |
if (!ctx->save_paths) return; |
assert(ctx->stack.size != 0); |
ctx->stack.size--; |
} |
static void upb_util_FindUnsetInMessage(upb_FindContext* ctx, |
const upb_Message* msg, |
const upb_MessageDef* m) { |
// Iterate over all fields to see if any required fields are missing. |
for (int i = 0, n = upb_MessageDef_FieldCount(m); i < n; i++) { |
const upb_FieldDef* f = upb_MessageDef_Field(m, i); |
if (!upb_FieldDef_IsRequired(f)) continue; |
if (!msg || !upb_Message_HasFieldByDef(msg, f)) { |
// A required field is missing. |
ctx->has_unset_required = true; |
if (ctx->save_paths) { |
// Append the contents of the stack to the out array, then |
// NULL-terminate. |
upb_FieldPathVector_Reserve(ctx, &ctx->out_fields, ctx->stack.size + 2); |
if (ctx->stack.size) { |
memcpy(&ctx->out_fields.path[ctx->out_fields.size], ctx->stack.path, |
ctx->stack.size * sizeof(*ctx->stack.path)); |
} |
ctx->out_fields.size += ctx->stack.size; |
ctx->out_fields.path[ctx->out_fields.size++] = |
(upb_FieldPathEntry){.field = f}; |
ctx->out_fields.path[ctx->out_fields.size++] = |
(upb_FieldPathEntry){.field = NULL}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
static void upb_util_FindUnsetRequiredInternal(upb_FindContext* ctx, |
const upb_Message* msg, |
const upb_MessageDef* m) { |
// OPT: add markers in the schema for where we can avoid iterating: |
// 1. messages with no required fields. |
// 2. messages that cannot possibly reach any required fields. |
upb_util_FindUnsetInMessage(ctx, msg, m); |
if (!msg) return; |
// Iterate over all present fields to find sub-messages that might be missing |
// required fields. This may revisit some of the fields already inspected |
// in the previous loop. We do this separately because this loop will also |
// find present extensions, which the previous loop will not. |
// |
// TODO: consider changing upb_Message_Next() to be capable of |
// visiting extensions only, for example with a kUpb_Message_BeginEXT |
// constant. |
size_t iter = kUpb_Message_Begin; |
const upb_FieldDef* f; |
upb_MessageValue val; |
while (upb_Message_Next(msg, m, ctx->ext_pool, &f, &val, &iter)) { |
// Skip non-submessage fields. |
if (!upb_FieldDef_IsSubMessage(f)) continue; |
upb_FindContext_Push(ctx, (upb_FieldPathEntry){.field = f}); |
const upb_MessageDef* sub_m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f); |
if (upb_FieldDef_IsMap(f)) { |
// Map field. |
const upb_FieldDef* val_f = upb_MessageDef_Field(sub_m, 1); |
const upb_MessageDef* val_m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(val_f); |
if (!val_m) continue; |
const upb_Map* map = val.map_val; |
size_t iter = kUpb_Map_Begin; |
upb_MessageValue key, map_val; |
while (upb_Map_Next(map, &key, &map_val, &iter)) { |
upb_FindContext_Push(ctx, (upb_FieldPathEntry){.map_key = key}); |
upb_util_FindUnsetRequiredInternal(ctx, map_val.msg_val, val_m); |
upb_FindContext_Pop(ctx); |
} |
} else if (upb_FieldDef_IsRepeated(f)) { |
// Repeated field. |
const upb_Array* arr = val.array_val; |
for (size_t i = 0, n = upb_Array_Size(arr); i < n; i++) { |
upb_MessageValue elem = upb_Array_Get(arr, i); |
upb_FindContext_Push(ctx, (upb_FieldPathEntry){.array_index = i}); |
upb_util_FindUnsetRequiredInternal(ctx, elem.msg_val, sub_m); |
upb_FindContext_Pop(ctx); |
} |
} else { |
// Scalar sub-message field. |
upb_util_FindUnsetRequiredInternal(ctx, val.msg_val, sub_m); |
} |
upb_FindContext_Pop(ctx); |
} |
} |
bool upb_util_HasUnsetRequired(const upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m, |
const upb_DefPool* ext_pool, |
upb_FieldPathEntry** fields) { |
upb_FindContext ctx; |
ctx.has_unset_required = false; |
ctx.save_paths = fields != NULL; |
ctx.ext_pool = ext_pool; |
upb_FieldPathVector_Init(&ctx.stack); |
upb_FieldPathVector_Init(&ctx.out_fields); |
upb_util_FindUnsetRequiredInternal(&ctx, msg, m); |
upb_gfree(ctx.stack.path); |
if (ctx.has_unset_required && fields) { |
upb_FieldPathVector_Reserve(&ctx, &ctx.out_fields, 1); |
ctx.out_fields.path[ctx.out_fields.size] = |
(upb_FieldPathEntry){.field = NULL}; |
*fields = ctx.out_fields.path; |
} |
return ctx.has_unset_required; |