Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Rust Protobuf runtime using the C++ kernel.
use crate::ProtoStr;
use crate::__internal::{Private, PtrAndLen, RawArena, RawMap, RawMessage, RawRepeatedField};
use crate::{Mut, ProxiedInRepeated, Repeated, View};
use core::fmt::Debug;
use paste::paste;
use std::alloc::Layout;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::convert::identity;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
/// A wrapper over a `proto2::Arena`.
/// This is not a safe wrapper per se, because the allocation functions still
/// have sharp edges (see their safety docs for more info).
/// This is an owning type and will automatically free the arena when
/// dropped.
/// Note that this type is neither `Sync` nor `Send`.
pub struct Arena {
ptr: RawArena,
_not_sync: PhantomData<UnsafeCell<()>>,
impl Arena {
/// Allocates a fresh arena.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { ptr: NonNull::dangling(), _not_sync: PhantomData }
/// Returns the raw, C++-managed pointer to the arena.
pub fn raw(&self) -> ! {
/// Allocates some memory on the arena.
/// # Safety
/// TODO alignment requirement for layout
pub unsafe fn alloc(&self, _layout: Layout) -> &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>] {
/// Resizes some memory on the arena.
/// # Safety
/// After calling this function, `ptr` is essentially zapped. `old` must
/// be the layout `ptr` was allocated with via [`Arena::alloc()`].
/// TODO alignment for layout
pub unsafe fn resize(&self, _ptr: *mut u8, _old: Layout, _new: Layout) -> &[MaybeUninit<u8>] {
impl Drop for Arena {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// unimplemented
/// Serialized Protobuf wire format data. It's typically produced by
/// `<Message>.serialize()`.
/// This struct is ABI-compatible with the equivalent struct on the C++ side. It
/// owns (and drops) its data.
pub struct SerializedData {
/// Owns the memory.
data: NonNull<u8>,
len: usize,
impl SerializedData {
/// Constructs owned serialized data from raw components.
/// # Safety
/// - `data` must be readable for `len` bytes.
/// - `data` must be an owned pointer and valid until deallocated.
/// - `data` must have been allocated by the Rust global allocator with a
/// size of `len` and align of 1.
pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(data: NonNull<u8>, len: usize) -> Self {
Self { data, len }
/// Gets a raw slice pointer.
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const [u8] {
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(, self.len)
/// Gets a mutable raw slice pointer.
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut [u8] {
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(, self.len)
impl Deref for SerializedData {
type Target = [u8];
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// SAFETY: `data` is valid for `len` bytes until deallocated as promised by
// `from_raw_parts`.
unsafe { &*self.as_ptr() }
impl Drop for SerializedData {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: `data` was allocated by the Rust global allocator with a
// size of `len` and align of 1 as promised by `from_raw_parts`.
unsafe { drop(Box::from_raw(self.as_mut_ptr())) }
impl fmt::Debug for SerializedData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(self.deref(), f)
pub type BytesPresentMutData<'msg> = crate::vtable::RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, [u8]>;
pub type BytesAbsentMutData<'msg> = crate::vtable::RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, [u8]>;
pub type InnerBytesMut<'msg> = crate::vtable::RawVTableMutator<'msg, [u8]>;
pub type InnerPrimitiveMut<'msg, T> = crate::vtable::RawVTableMutator<'msg, T>;
/// The raw contents of every generated message.
pub struct MessageInner {
pub msg: RawMessage,
/// Mutators that point to their original message use this to do so.
/// Since C++ messages manage their own memory, this can just copy the
/// `RawMessage` instead of referencing an arena like UPB must.
/// Note: even though this type is `Copy`, it should only be copied by
/// protobuf internals that can maintain mutation invariants:
/// - No concurrent mutation for any two fields in a message: this means
/// mutators cannot be `Send` but are `Sync`.
/// - If there are multiple accessible `Mut` to a single message at a time, they
/// must be different fields, and not be in the same oneof. As such, a `Mut`
/// cannot be `Clone` but *can* reborrow itself with `.as_mut()`, which
/// converts `&'b mut Mut<'a, T>` to `Mut<'b, T>`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {
msg: RawMessage,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg mut ()>,
impl<'msg> MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_ref_mut)] // Sound construction requires mutable access.
pub fn new(_private: Private, msg: &'msg mut MessageInner) -> Self {
MutatorMessageRef { msg: msg.msg, _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn from_parent(
_private: Private,
_parent_msg: &'msg mut MessageInner,
message_field_ptr: RawMessage,
) -> Self {
MutatorMessageRef { msg: message_field_ptr, _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn msg(&self) -> RawMessage {
pub fn copy_bytes_in_arena_if_needed_by_runtime<'msg>(
_msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
val: &'msg [u8],
) -> &'msg [u8] {
// Nothing to do, the message manages its own string memory for C++.
/// The raw type-erased pointer version of `RepeatedMut`.
/// Contains a `proto2::RepeatedField*` or `proto2::RepeatedPtrField*`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct InnerRepeatedMut<'msg> {
pub(crate) raw: RawRepeatedField,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'msg ()>,
impl<'msg> InnerRepeatedMut<'msg> {
pub fn new(_private: Private, raw: RawRepeatedField) -> Self {
InnerRepeatedMut { raw, _phantom: PhantomData }
macro_rules! impl_repeated_primitives {
(@impl $($t:ty => [
$copy_from_thunk:ident $(,)?
]),* $(,)?) => {
// TODO: Add clear, free
extern "C" {
fn $new_thunk() -> RawRepeatedField;
fn $add_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, v: $t);
fn $size_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField) -> usize;
fn $get_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, i: usize) -> $t;
fn $set_thunk(f: RawRepeatedField, i: usize, v: $t);
fn $copy_from_thunk(src: RawRepeatedField, dst: RawRepeatedField);
unsafe impl ProxiedInRepeated for $t {
fn repeated_new(_: Private) -> Repeated<$t> {
unsafe {
Repeated::from_inner(InnerRepeatedMut::new(Private, $new_thunk()))
fn repeated_len(f: View<Repeated<$t>>) -> usize {
unsafe { $size_thunk(f.as_raw(Private)) }
fn repeated_push(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, v: View<$t>) {
unsafe { $add_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), v) }
unsafe fn repeated_get_unchecked(f: View<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize) -> View<$t> {
unsafe { $get_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i) }
unsafe fn repeated_set_unchecked(mut f: Mut<Repeated<$t>>, i: usize, v: View<$t>) {
unsafe { $set_thunk(f.as_raw(Private), i, v) }
fn repeated_copy_from(src: View<Repeated<$t>>, mut dest: Mut<Repeated<$t>>) {
unsafe { $copy_from_thunk(src.as_raw(Private), dest.as_raw(Private)) }
($($t:ty),* $(,)?) => {
impl_repeated_primitives!(@impl $(
$t => [
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _new >],
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _add >],
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _size >],
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _get >],
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _set >],
[< __pb_rust_RepeatedField_ $t _copy_from >],
impl_repeated_primitives!(i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, bool);
pub struct MapInner<'msg, K: ?Sized, V: ?Sized> {
pub raw: RawMap,
pub _phantom_key: PhantomData<&'msg mut K>,
pub _phantom_value: PhantomData<&'msg mut V>,
impl<'msg, K: ?Sized, V: ?Sized> Copy for MapInner<'msg, K, V> {}
impl<'msg, K: ?Sized, V: ?Sized> Clone for MapInner<'msg, K, V> {
fn clone(&self) -> MapInner<'msg, K, V> {
macro_rules! generate_map_with_key_ops_traits {
($($t:ty, $sized_t:ty;)*) => {
paste! {
pub trait [< MapWith $t:camel KeyOps >] {
type Value<'msg>: Sized;
fn new_map() -> RawMap;
fn clear(m: RawMap);
fn size(m: RawMap) -> usize;
fn insert(m: RawMap, key: $sized_t, value: Self::Value<'_>) -> bool;
fn get<'msg>(m: RawMap, key: $sized_t) -> Option<Self::Value<'msg>>;
fn remove(m: RawMap, key: $sized_t) -> bool;
impl<'msg, V: [< MapWith $t:camel KeyOps >] + ?Sized> Default for MapInner<'msg, $t, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
MapInner {
raw: V::new_map(),
_phantom_key: PhantomData,
_phantom_value: PhantomData
impl<'msg, V: [< MapWith $t:camel KeyOps >] + ?Sized> MapInner<'msg, $t, V> {
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
pub fn get<'a>(&self, key: $sized_t) -> Option<V::Value<'a>> {
V::get(self.raw, key)
pub fn remove(&mut self, key: $sized_t) -> bool {
V::remove(self.raw, key)
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: $sized_t, value: V::Value<'_>) -> bool {
V::insert(self.raw, key, value);
i32, i32;
u32, u32;
i64, i64;
u64, u64;
bool, bool;
ProtoStr, &ProtoStr;
macro_rules! impl_scalar_map_with_key_op_for_scalar_values {
($key_t:ty, $sized_key_t:ty, $ffi_key_t:ty, $to_ffi_key:expr, $trait:ident for $($t:ty, $sized_t:ty, $ffi_t:ty, $to_ffi_value:expr, $from_ffi_value:expr, $zero_val:literal;)*) => {
paste! { $(
extern "C" {
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _new >]() -> RawMap;
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _clear >](m: RawMap);
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _size >](m: RawMap) -> usize;
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _insert >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: $ffi_t);
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _get >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_t) -> bool;
fn [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _remove >](m: RawMap, key: $ffi_key_t, value: *mut $ffi_t) -> bool;
impl $trait for $t {
type Value<'msg> = $sized_t;
fn new_map() -> RawMap {
unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _new >]() }
fn clear(m: RawMap) {
unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _clear >](m) }
fn size(m: RawMap) -> usize {
unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _size >](m) }
fn insert(m: RawMap, key: $sized_key_t, value: Self::Value<'_>) -> bool {
let ffi_key = $to_ffi_key(key);
let ffi_value = $to_ffi_value(value);
unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _insert >](m, ffi_key, ffi_value) }
fn get<'msg>(m: RawMap, key: $sized_key_t) -> Option<Self::Value<'msg>> {
let ffi_key = $to_ffi_key(key);
let mut ffi_value = $to_ffi_value($zero_val);
let found = unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _get >](m, ffi_key, &mut ffi_value) };
if !found {
return None;
fn remove(m: RawMap, key: $sized_key_t) -> bool {
let ffi_key = $to_ffi_key(key);
let mut ffi_value = $to_ffi_value($zero_val);
unsafe { [< __pb_rust_Map_ $key_t _ $t _remove >](m, ffi_key, &mut ffi_value) }
)* }
fn str_to_ptrlen<'msg>(val: impl Into<&'msg ProtoStr>) -> PtrAndLen {
fn ptrlen_to_str<'msg>(val: PtrAndLen) -> &'msg ProtoStr {
unsafe { ProtoStr::from_utf8_unchecked(val.as_ref()) }
macro_rules! impl_map_with_key_ops_for_scalar_values {
($($t:ty, $t_sized:ty, $ffi_t:ty, $to_ffi_key:expr;)*) => {
paste! {
impl_scalar_map_with_key_op_for_scalar_values!($t, $t_sized, $ffi_t, $to_ffi_key, [< MapWith $t:camel KeyOps >] for
f32, f32, f32, identity, identity, 0f32;
f64, f64, f64, identity, identity, 0f64;
i32, i32, i32, identity, identity, 0i32;
u32, u32, u32, identity, identity, 0u32;
i64, i64, i64, identity, identity, 0i64;
u64, u64, u64, identity, identity, 0u64;
bool, bool, bool, identity, identity, false;
ProtoStr, &'msg ProtoStr, PtrAndLen, str_to_ptrlen, ptrlen_to_str, "";
i32, i32, i32, identity;
u32, u32, u32, identity;
i64, i64, i64, identity;
u64, u64, u64, identity;
bool, bool, bool, identity;
ProtoStr, &ProtoStr, PtrAndLen, str_to_ptrlen;
pub(crate) fn new_map_i32_i64() -> MapInner<'static, i32, i64> {
pub(crate) fn new_map_str_str() -> MapInner<'static, ProtoStr, ProtoStr> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use googletest::prelude::*;
use std::boxed::Box;
// We need to allocate the byte array so SerializedData can own it and
// deallocate it in its drop. This function makes it easier to do so for our
// tests.
fn allocate_byte_array(content: &'static [u8]) -> (*mut u8, usize) {
let content: &mut [u8] = Box::leak(content.into());
(content.as_mut_ptr(), content.len())
fn test_serialized_data_roundtrip() {
let (ptr, len) = allocate_byte_array(b"Hello world");
let serialized_data = SerializedData { data: NonNull::new(ptr).unwrap(), len };
assert_that!(&*serialized_data, eq(b"Hello world"));
fn i32_i32_map() {
let mut map: MapInner<'_, i32, i32> = Default::default();
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
assert_that!(map.insert(1, 2), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.get(1), eq(Some(2)));
assert_that!(map.get(3), eq(None));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(1));
assert_that!(map.remove(1), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
assert_that!(map.remove(1), eq(false));
assert_that!(map.insert(4, 5), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.insert(6, 7), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
fn i64_f64_map() {
let mut map: MapInner<'_, i64, f64> = Default::default();
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
assert_that!(map.insert(1, 2.5), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.get(1), eq(Some(2.5)));
assert_that!(map.get(3), eq(None));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(1));
assert_that!(map.remove(1), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
assert_that!(map.remove(1), eq(false));
assert_that!(map.insert(4, 5.1), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.insert(6, 7.2), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
fn str_str_map() {
let mut map = MapInner::<'_, ProtoStr, ProtoStr>::default();
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
map.insert("fizz".into(), "buzz".into());
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(1));
assert_that!(map.remove("fizz".into()), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
fn u64_str_map() {
let mut map = MapInner::<'_, u64, ProtoStr>::default();
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
map.insert(1, "fizz".into());
map.insert(2, "buzz".into());
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(2));
assert_that!(map.remove(1), eq(true));
assert_that!(map.get(1), eq(None));
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
fn test_all_maps_can_be_constructed() {
macro_rules! gen_proto_values {
($key_t:ty, $($value_t:ty),*) => {
let map = MapInner::<'_, $key_t, $value_t>::default();
assert_that!(map.size(), eq(0));
macro_rules! gen_proto_keys {
($($key_t:ty),*) => {
gen_proto_values!($key_t, f32, f64, i32, u32, i64, bool, ProtoStr);
gen_proto_keys!(i32, u32, i64, u64, bool, ProtoStr);