Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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567 B

set(utf8_range_ENABLE_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable utf8_range tests")
if (NOT EXISTS "${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/utf8_range/CMakeLists.txt")
"Cannot find third_party/utf8_range directory that's needed for "
"the protobuf runtime.\n")
set(utf8_range_ENABLE_INSTALL ${protobuf_INSTALL} CACHE BOOL "Set install")
add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/utf8_range third_party/utf8_range)
set(_protobuf_FIND_UTF8_RANGE "if(NOT TARGET utf8_range)\n find_package(utf8_range CONFIG)\nendif()")