Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

281 lines
9.3 KiB

#include <php.h>
#include "upb.h"
#define PHP_PROTOBUF_EXTNAME "protobuf"
// Forward decls.
struct DescriptorPool;
struct Descriptor;
struct FieldDescriptor;
struct EnumDescriptor;
struct MessageLayout;
struct MessageField;
struct MessageHeader;
struct MessageBuilderContext;
struct EnumBuilderContext;
typedef struct DescriptorPool DescriptorPool;
typedef struct Descriptor Descriptor;
typedef struct FieldDescriptor FieldDescriptor;
typedef struct OneofDescriptor OneofDescriptor;
typedef struct EnumDescriptor EnumDescriptor;
typedef struct MessageLayout MessageLayout;
typedef struct MessageField MessageField;
typedef struct MessageHeader MessageHeader;
typedef struct MessageBuilderContext MessageBuilderContext;
typedef struct OneofBuilderContext OneofBuilderContext;
typedef struct EnumBuilderContext EnumBuilderContext;
extern zend_class_entry* builder_type;
extern zend_class_entry* descriptor_type;
extern zend_class_entry* message_builder_context_type;
extern DescriptorPool* generated_pool; // The actual generated pool
zval* generated_pool;
zend_object_handlers* message_handlers;
HashTable upb_def_to_php_obj_map;
#ifdef ZTS
#define PROTOBUF_G(v) TSRMG(protobuf_globals_id, zend_protobuf_globals*, v)
#define PROTOBUF_G(v) (protobuf_globals.v)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PHP functions and global variables.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PHP class structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct DescriptorPool {
zend_object std;
upb_symtab* symtab;
HashTable* pending_list;
struct Descriptor {
zend_object std;
const upb_msgdef* msgdef;
MessageLayout* layout;
// zval* klass; // begins as NULL
// const upb_handlers* fill_handlers;
// const upb_pbdecodermethod* fill_method;
const upb_handlers* pb_serialize_handlers;
// const upb_handlers* json_serialize_handlers;
// Handlers hold type class references for sub-message fields directly in some
// cases. We need to keep these rooted because they might otherwise be
// collected.
// zval_array typeclass_references;
struct FieldDescriptor {
zend_object std;
const upb_fielddef* fielddef;
struct OneofDescriptor {
zend_object std;
const upb_oneofdef* oneofdef;
struct EnumDescriptor {
zend_object std;
const upb_enumdef* enumdef;
// zval* module; // begins as NULL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Native slot storage abstraction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define NATIVE_SLOT_MAX_SIZE sizeof(uint64_t)
size_t native_slot_size(upb_fieldtype_t type);
#define MAP_KEY_FIELD 1
// Oneof case slot value to indicate that no oneof case is set. The value `0` is
// safe because field numbers are used as case identifiers, and no field can
// have a number of 0.
// These operate on a map field (i.e., a repeated field of submessages whose
// submessage type is a map-entry msgdef).
bool is_map_field(const upb_fielddef* field);
const upb_fielddef* map_field_key(const upb_fielddef* field);
const upb_fielddef* map_field_value(const upb_fielddef* field);
// These operate on a map-entry msgdef.
const upb_fielddef* map_entry_key(const upb_msgdef* msgdef);
const upb_fielddef* map_entry_value(const upb_msgdef* msgdef);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message layout / storage.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define MESSAGE_FIELD_NO_CASE ((size_t)-1)
struct MessageField {
size_t offset;
size_t case_offset; // for oneofs, a uint32. Else, MESSAGE_FIELD_NO_CASE.
struct MessageLayout {
const upb_msgdef* msgdef;
MessageField* fields;
size_t size;
void layout_init(MessageLayout* layout, void* storage);
zval* layout_get(MessageLayout* layout, const void* storage,
const upb_fielddef* field TSRMLS_DC);
MessageLayout* create_layout(const upb_msgdef* msgdef);
void free_layout(MessageLayout* layout);
zval* native_slot_get(upb_fieldtype_t type, /*VALUE type_class,*/
const void* memory TSRMLS_DC);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message class creation.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct MessageHeader {
zend_object std;
Descriptor* descriptor; // kept alive by self.class.descriptor reference.
// Data comes after this.
struct MessageBuilderContext {
zend_object std;
zval* descriptor;
zval* pool;
struct OneofBuilderContext {
zend_object std;
// VALUE descriptor;
// VALUE builder;
struct EnumBuilderContext {
zend_object std;
// VALUE enumdesc;
// Forward-declare all of the PHP method implementations.
DescriptorPool* php_to_descriptor_pool(zval* value TSRMLS_DC);
zend_object_value descriptor_pool_create(zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_pool_free_c(DescriptorPool* object TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_pool_free(void* object TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_pool_init_c_instance(DescriptorPool* pool TSRMLS_DC);
PHP_METHOD(DescriptorPool, addMessage);
PHP_METHOD(DescriptorPool, finalize);
Descriptor* php_to_descriptor(zval* value TSRMLS_DC);
zend_object_value descriptor_create(zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_init_c_instance(Descriptor* intern TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_free_c(Descriptor* object TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_free(void* object TSRMLS_DC);
void descriptor_name_set(Descriptor *desc, const char *name);
MessageBuilderContext* php_to_message_builder_context(zval* value TSRMLS_DC);
zend_object_value message_builder_context_create(
zend_class_entry* ce TSRMLS_DC);
void message_builder_context_init_c_instance(
MessageBuilderContext* intern TSRMLS_DC);
void message_builder_context_free_c(MessageBuilderContext* object TSRMLS_DC);
void message_builder_context_free(void* object TSRMLS_DC);
PHP_METHOD(MessageBuilderContext, optional);
PHP_METHOD(MessageBuilderContext, finalizeToPool);
PHP_METHOD(Message, encode);
const zend_class_entry* build_class_from_descriptor(
zval* php_descriptor TSRMLS_DC);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global map from upb {msg,enum}defs to wrapper Descriptor/EnumDescriptor
// instances.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void add_def_obj(const void* def, zval* value);
zval* get_def_obj(const void* def);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PHP Array utils.
#define Z_ARRVAL_SIZE_P(zval_p) zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(zval_p))
#define Z_ARRVAL_BEGIN_P(zval_p) Z_ARRVAL_P(zval_p)->pListHead
#define Z_BUCKET_NEXT_PP(bucket_pp) *bucket_pp = (*bucket_pp)->pListNext
#define DEFINE_PHP_OBJECT(class_name, class_name_lower, name) \
do { \
zval* name; \
MAKE_STD_ZVAL(name); \
object_init_ex(name, class_name_lower##_type); \
} while (0)
#define DEFINE_PHP_WRAPPER(class_name, class_name_lower, name, intern) \
zval* name; \
MAKE_STD_ZVAL(name); \
object_init_ex(name, class_name_lower##_type); \
Z_OBJVAL_P(name) \
.handle = zend_objects_store_put( \
intern, (zend_objects_store_dtor_t)zend_objects_destroy_object, \
class_name_lower##_free, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
#define DEFINE_PHP_ZVAL(name) \
do { \
zval* name; \
MAKE_STD_ZVAL(name); \
} while (0)
#define DEFINE_PHP_STRING(name, value) \
do { \
zval* name; \
MAKE_STD_ZVAL(name); \
ZVAL_STRING(name, value, 1); \
} while (0)
// Upb Utilities
void check_upb_status(const upb_status* status, const char* msg);
#define CHECK_UPB(code, msg) \
do { \
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; \
code; \
check_upb_status(&status, msg); \
} while (0)
// Memory management
#define ALLOC(class_name) (class_name*) emalloc(sizeof(class_name))
#define ALLOC_N(class_name, n) (class_name*) emalloc(sizeof(class_name) * n)
#define FREE(object) efree(object)
// Type Checking
#define CHECK_TYPE(field, type) \
if (Z_TYPE_P(field) != type) { \
zend_error(E_ERROR, "Unexpected type"); \