Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This header is private to the ProtobolBuffers library and must NOT be
// included by any sources outside this library. The contents of this file are
// subject to change at any time without notice.
#import "GPBDescriptor.h"
#import "GPBWireFormat.h"
// Describes attributes of the field.
typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint16_t, GPBFieldFlags) {
GPBFieldNone = 0,
// These map to standard protobuf concepts.
GPBFieldRequired = 1 << 0,
GPBFieldRepeated = 1 << 1,
GPBFieldPacked = 1 << 2,
GPBFieldOptional = 1 << 3,
GPBFieldHasDefaultValue = 1 << 4,
// Indicate that the field should "clear" when set to zero value. This is the
// proto3 non optional behavior for singular data (ints, data, string, enum)
// fields.
GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero = 1 << 5,
// Indicates the field needs custom handling for the TextFormat name, if not
// set, the name can be derived from the ObjC name.
GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom = 1 << 6,
// This flag has never had any meaning, it was set on all enum fields.
GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor = 1 << 7,
// These are not standard protobuf concepts, they are specific to the
// Objective C runtime.
// These bits are used to mark the field as a map and what the key
// type is.
GPBFieldMapKeyMask = 0xF << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyInt32 = 1 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyInt64 = 2 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyUInt32 = 3 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyUInt64 = 4 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeySInt32 = 5 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeySInt64 = 6 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyFixed32 = 7 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyFixed64 = 8 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeySFixed32 = 9 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeySFixed64 = 10 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyBool = 11 << 8,
GPBFieldMapKeyString = 12 << 8,
// If the enum for this field is "closed", meaning that it:
// - Has a fixed set of named values.
// - Encountering values not in this set causes them to be treated as unknown
// fields.
// - The first value (i.e., the default) may be nonzero.
// NOTE: This could be tracked just on the GPBEnumDescriptor, but to support
// previously generated code, there would be not data to get the behavior
// correct, so instead it is tracked on the field. If old source compatibility
// is removed, this could be removed and the GPBEnumDescription fetched from
// the GPBFieldDescriptor instead.
GPBFieldClosedEnum = 1 << 12,
// NOTE: The structures defined here have their members ordered to minimize
// their size. This directly impacts the size of apps since these exist per
// field/extension.
typedef struct GPBFileDescription {
// The proto package for the file.
const char *package;
// The objc_class_prefix option if present.
const char *prefix;
// The file's proto syntax.
GPBFileSyntax syntax;
} GPBFileDescription;
// Describes a single field in a protobuf as it is represented as an ivar.
typedef struct GPBMessageFieldDescription {
// Name of ivar.
// Note that we looked into using a SEL here instead (which really is just a C string)
// but there is not a way to initialize an SEL with a constant (@selector is not constant) so the
// additional code generated to initialize the value is actually bigger in size than just using a
// C identifier for large apps.
const char *name;
union {
// className is deprecated and will be removed in favor of clazz.
// kept around right now for backwards compatibility.
// clazz is used iff GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs is set.
char *className; // Name of the class of the message.
Class clazz; // Class of the message.
// For enums only.
GPBEnumDescriptorFunc enumDescFunc;
} dataTypeSpecific;
// The field number for the ivar.
uint32_t number;
// The index (in bits) into _has_storage_.
// >= 0: the bit to use for a value being set.
// = GPBNoHasBit(INT32_MAX): no storage used.
// < 0: in a oneOf, use a full int32 to record the field active.
int32_t hasIndex;
// Offset of the variable into it's structure struct.
uint32_t offset;
// Field flags. Use accessor functions below.
GPBFieldFlags flags;
// Data type of the ivar.
GPBDataType dataType;
} GPBMessageFieldDescription;
// If a message uses fields where they provide default values that are non zero, then this
// struct is used to provide the values along with the field info.
typedef struct GPBMessageFieldDescriptionWithDefault {
// Default value for the ivar.
GPBGenericValue defaultValue;
GPBMessageFieldDescription core;
} GPBMessageFieldDescriptionWithDefault;
// Describes attributes of the extension.
typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint8_t, GPBExtensionOptions) {
GPBExtensionNone = 0,
// These map to standard protobuf concepts.
GPBExtensionRepeated = 1 << 0,
GPBExtensionPacked = 1 << 1,
GPBExtensionSetWireFormat = 1 << 2,
// An extension
typedef struct GPBExtensionDescription {
GPBGenericValue defaultValue;
const char *singletonName;
// Before 3.12, `extendedClass` was just a `const char *`. Thanks to nested
// initialization
// ( old
// generated code with `.extendedClass = GPBStringifySymbol(Something)` still works; and the
// current generator can use `extendedClass.clazz`, to pass a Class reference.
union {
const char *name;
Class clazz;
} extendedClass;
// Before 3.12, this was `const char *messageOrGroupClassName`. In the
// initial 3.12 release, we moved the `union messageOrGroupClass`, and failed
// to realize that would break existing source code for extensions. So to
// keep existing source code working, we added an unnamed union (C11) to
// provide both the old field name and the new union. This keeps both older
// and newer code working.
// Background:
union {
const char *messageOrGroupClassName;
union {
const char *name;
Class clazz;
} messageOrGroupClass;
GPBEnumDescriptorFunc enumDescriptorFunc;
int32_t fieldNumber;
GPBDataType dataType;
GPBExtensionOptions options;
} GPBExtensionDescription;
typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint32_t, GPBDescriptorInitializationFlags) {
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_None = 0,
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_FieldsWithDefault = 1 << 0,
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_WireFormat = 1 << 1,
// This is used as a stopgap as we move from using class names to class
// references. The runtime needs to support both until we allow a
// breaking change in the runtime.
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_UsesClassRefs = 1 << 2,
// This flag is used to indicate that the generated sources already contain
// the `GPBFieldClearHasIvarOnZero` flag and it doesn't have to be computed
// at startup. This allows older generated code to still work with the
// current runtime library.
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_Proto3OptionalKnown = 1 << 3,
// This flag is used to indicate that the generated sources already contain
// the `GPBFieldCloseEnum` flag and it doesn't have to be computed at startup.
// This allows the older generated code to still work with the current runtime
// library.
GPBDescriptorInitializationFlag_ClosedEnumSupportKnown = 1 << 4,
@interface GPBDescriptor () {
NSArray *fields_;
NSArray *oneofs_;
uint32_t storageSize_;
// fieldDescriptions and fileDescription have to be long lived, they are held as raw pointers.
+ (instancetype)allocDescriptorForClass:(Class)messageClass
messageName:(NSString *)messageName
fileDescription:(GPBFileDescription *)fileDescription
fields:(void *)fieldDescriptions
// Called right after init to provide extra information to avoid init having
// an explosion of args. These pointers are recorded, so they are expected
// to live for the lifetime of the app.
- (void)setupOneofs:(const char **)oneofNames
- (void)setupExtraTextInfo:(const char *)extraTextFormatInfo;
- (void)setupExtensionRanges:(const GPBExtensionRange *)ranges count:(int32_t)count;
- (void)setupContainingMessageClass:(Class)msgClass;
@interface GPBOneofDescriptor () {
const char *name_;
NSArray *fields_;
// name must be long lived.
- (instancetype)initWithName:(const char *)name fields:(NSArray *)fields;
@interface GPBFieldDescriptor () {
GPBMessageFieldDescription *description_;
GPB_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED GPBOneofDescriptor *containingOneof_;
typedef NS_OPTIONS(uint32_t, GPBEnumDescriptorInitializationFlags) {
GPBEnumDescriptorInitializationFlag_None = 0,
// Available: 1 << 0
// Marks this enum as a closed enum.
GPBEnumDescriptorInitializationFlag_IsClosed = 1 << 1,
@interface GPBEnumDescriptor ()
// valueNames, values and extraTextFormatInfo have to be long lived, they are
// held as raw pointers.
+ (instancetype)allocDescriptorForName:(NSString *)name
valueNames:(const char *)valueNames
values:(const int32_t *)values
+ (instancetype)allocDescriptorForName:(NSString *)name
valueNames:(const char *)valueNames
values:(const int32_t *)values
extraTextFormatInfo:(const char *)extraTextFormatInfo;
@interface GPBExtensionDescriptor () {
GPBExtensionDescription *description_;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GPBWireFormat wireType;
// For repeated extensions, alternateWireType is the wireType with the opposite
// value for the packable property. i.e. - if the extension was marked packed
// it would be the wire type for unpacked; if the extension was marked unpacked,
// it would be the wire type for packed.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GPBWireFormat alternateWireType;
// description has to be long lived, it is held as a raw pointer.
- (instancetype)initWithExtensionDescription:(GPBExtensionDescription *)desc
- (NSComparisonResult)compareByFieldNumber:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)other;
// Direct access is use for speed, to avoid even internally declaring things
// read/write, etc. The warning is enabled in the project to ensure code calling
// protos can turn on -Wdirect-ivar-access without issues.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdirect-ivar-access"
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBFieldIsMapOrArray(GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
return (field->description_->flags & (GPBFieldRepeated | GPBFieldMapKeyMask)) != 0;
GPB_INLINE GPBDataType GPBGetFieldDataType(GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
return field->description_->dataType;
GPB_INLINE int32_t GPBFieldHasIndex(GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
return field->description_->hasIndex;
GPB_INLINE uint32_t GPBFieldNumber(GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
return field->description_->number;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBFieldIsClosedEnum(GPBFieldDescriptor *field) {
return (field->description_->flags & GPBFieldClosedEnum) != 0;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
uint32_t GPBFieldTag(GPBFieldDescriptor *self);
// For repeated fields, alternateWireType is the wireType with the opposite
// value for the packable property. i.e. - if the field was marked packed it
// would be the wire type for unpacked; if the field was marked unpacked, it
// would be the wire type for packed.
uint32_t GPBFieldAlternateTag(GPBFieldDescriptor *self);
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBExtensionIsRepeated(GPBExtensionDescription *description) {
return (description->options & GPBExtensionRepeated) != 0;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBExtensionIsPacked(GPBExtensionDescription *description) {
return (description->options & GPBExtensionPacked) != 0;
GPB_INLINE BOOL GPBExtensionIsWireFormat(GPBExtensionDescription *description) {
return (description->options & GPBExtensionSetWireFormat) != 0;
// Helper for compile time assets.
#ifndef GPBInternalCompileAssert
#define GPBInternalCompileAssert(test, msg) _Static_assert((test), #msg)
#endif // GPBInternalCompileAssert
// Sanity check that there isn't padding between the field description
// structures with and without a default.
GPBInternalCompileAssert(sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescriptionWithDefault) ==
(sizeof(GPBGenericValue) + sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)),