Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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394 lines
11 KiB
394 lines
11 KiB
<?php |
require_once('test_base.php'); |
require_once('test_util.php'); |
use Foo\TestMessage; |
use Google\Protobuf\Any; |
use Google\Protobuf\Api; |
use Google\Protobuf\BoolValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\BytesValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\DoubleValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\Duration; |
use Google\Protobuf\Enum; |
use Google\Protobuf\EnumValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\Field; |
use Google\Protobuf\FieldMask; |
use Google\Protobuf\Field\Cardinality; |
use Google\Protobuf\Field\Kind; |
use Google\Protobuf\FloatValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\GPBEmpty; |
use Google\Protobuf\Int32Value; |
use Google\Protobuf\Int64Value; |
use Google\Protobuf\ListValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\Method; |
use Google\Protobuf\Mixin; |
use Google\Protobuf\NullValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\Option; |
use Google\Protobuf\SourceContext; |
use Google\Protobuf\StringValue; |
use Google\Protobuf\Struct; |
use Google\Protobuf\Syntax; |
use Google\Protobuf\Timestamp; |
use Google\Protobuf\Type; |
use Google\Protobuf\UInt32Value; |
use Google\Protobuf\UInt64Value; |
use Google\Protobuf\Value; |
class NotMessage {} |
class WellKnownTest extends TestBase { |
public function testEmpty() |
{ |
$msg = new GPBEmpty(); |
} |
public function testImportDescriptorProto() |
{ |
$msg = new TestImportDescriptorProto(); |
} |
public function testAny() |
{ |
// Create embed message |
$embed = new TestMessage(); |
$this->setFields($embed); |
$data = $embed->serializeToString(); |
// Set any via normal setter. |
$any = new Any(); |
$this->assertSame( |
$any, $any->setTypeUrl("")); |
$this->assertSame("", |
$any->getTypeUrl()); |
$this->assertSame($any, $any->setValue($data)); |
$this->assertSame($data, $any->getValue()); |
// Test unpack. |
$msg = $any->unpack(); |
$this->assertTrue($msg instanceof TestMessage); |
$this->expectFields($msg); |
// Test pack. |
$any = new Any(); |
$any->pack($embed); |
$this->assertSame($data, $any->getValue()); |
$this->assertSame("", $any->getTypeUrl()); |
// Test is. |
$this->assertTrue($any->is(TestMessage::class)); |
$this->assertFalse($any->is(Any::class)); |
} |
/** |
* @expectedException Exception |
*/ |
public function testAnyUnpackInvalidTypeUrl() |
{ |
$any = new Any(); |
$any->setTypeUrl("invalid"); |
$any->unpack(); |
} |
/** |
* @expectedException Exception |
*/ |
public function testAnyUnpackMessageNotAdded() |
{ |
$any = new Any(); |
$any->setTypeUrl(""); |
$any->unpack(); |
} |
/** |
* @expectedException Exception |
*/ |
public function testAnyUnpackDecodeError() |
{ |
$any = new Any(); |
$any->setTypeUrl(""); |
$any->setValue("abc"); |
$any->unpack(); |
} |
public function testApi() |
{ |
$m = new Api(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setMethods([new Method()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getMethods())); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
$m->setVersion("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getVersion()); |
$m->setSourceContext(new SourceContext()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getSourceContext())); |
$m->setMixins([new Mixin()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getMixins())); |
$m->setSyntax(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2); |
$this->assertSame(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2, $m->getSyntax()); |
$m = new Method(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setRequestTypeUrl("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getRequestTypeUrl()); |
$m->setRequestStreaming(true); |
$this->assertSame(true, $m->getRequestStreaming()); |
$m->setResponseTypeUrl("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getResponseTypeUrl()); |
$m->setResponseStreaming(true); |
$this->assertSame(true, $m->getResponseStreaming()); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
$m = new Mixin(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setRoot("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getRoot()); |
} |
public function testEnum() |
{ |
$m = new Enum(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setEnumvalue([new EnumValue()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getEnumvalue())); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
$m->setSourceContext(new SourceContext()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getSourceContext())); |
$m->setSyntax(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2); |
$this->assertSame(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2, $m->getSyntax()); |
} |
public function testEnumValue() |
{ |
$m = new EnumValue(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setNumber(1); |
$this->assertSame(1, $m->getNumber()); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
} |
public function testField() |
{ |
$m = new Field(); |
$m->setKind(Kind::TYPE_DOUBLE); |
$this->assertSame(Kind::TYPE_DOUBLE, $m->getKind()); |
$m->setCardinality(Cardinality::CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL); |
$this->assertSame(Cardinality::CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL, $m->getCardinality()); |
$m->setNumber(1); |
$this->assertSame(1, $m->getNumber()); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setTypeUrl("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getTypeUrl()); |
$m->setOneofIndex(1); |
$this->assertSame(1, $m->getOneofIndex()); |
$m->setPacked(true); |
$this->assertSame(true, $m->getPacked()); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
$m->setJsonName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getJsonName()); |
$m->setDefaultValue("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getDefaultValue()); |
} |
public function testFieldMask() |
{ |
$m = new FieldMask(); |
$m->setPaths(["a"]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getPaths())); |
} |
public function testOption() |
{ |
$m = new Option(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setValue(new Any()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getValue())); |
} |
public function testSourceContext() |
{ |
$m = new SourceContext(); |
$m->setFileName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getFileName()); |
} |
public function testStruct() |
{ |
$m = new ListValue(); |
$m->setValues([new Value()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getValues())); |
$m = new Value(); |
$m->setNullValue(NullValue::NULL_VALUE); |
$this->assertSame(NullValue::NULL_VALUE, $m->getNullValue()); |
$this->assertSame("null_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m->setNumberValue(1.0); |
$this->assertSame(1.0, $m->getNumberValue()); |
$this->assertSame("number_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m->setStringValue("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getStringValue()); |
$this->assertSame("string_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m->setBoolValue(true); |
$this->assertSame(true, $m->getBoolValue()); |
$this->assertSame("bool_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m->setStructValue(new Struct()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getStructValue())); |
$this->assertSame("struct_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m->setListValue(new ListValue()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getListValue())); |
$this->assertSame("list_value", $m->getKind()); |
$m = new Struct(); |
$m->setFields(array("a"=>new Value())); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getFields())); |
} |
public function testTimestamp() |
{ |
$timestamp = new Timestamp(); |
$timestamp->setSeconds(1); |
$timestamp->setNanos(2); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $timestamp->getSeconds()); |
$this->assertSame(2, $timestamp->getNanos()); |
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); |
$from = new DateTime('2011-01-01T15:03:01.012345UTC'); |
$timestamp->fromDateTime($from); |
$this->assertEquals($from->format('U'), $timestamp->getSeconds()); |
$this->assertEquals(1000 * $from->format('u'), $timestamp->getNanos()); |
$to = $timestamp->toDateTime(); |
$this->assertSame(\DateTime::class, get_class($to)); |
$this->assertSame($from->format('U'), $to->format('U')); |
$this->assertSame($from->format('u'), $to->format('u')); |
} |
public function testType() |
{ |
$m = new Type(); |
$m->setName("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getName()); |
$m->setFields([new Field()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getFields())); |
$m->setOneofs(["a"]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOneofs())); |
$m->setOptions([new Option()]); |
$this->assertSame(1, count($m->getOptions())); |
$m->setSourceContext(new SourceContext()); |
$this->assertFalse(is_null($m->getSourceContext())); |
$m->setSyntax(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2); |
$this->assertSame(Syntax::SYNTAX_PROTO2, $m->getSyntax()); |
} |
public function testDuration() |
{ |
$duration = new Duration(); |
$duration->setSeconds(1); |
$duration->setNanos(2); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $duration->getSeconds()); |
$this->assertSame(2, $duration->getNanos()); |
} |
public function testWrappers() |
{ |
$m = new DoubleValue(); |
$m->setValue(1.0); |
$this->assertSame(1.0, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new FloatValue(); |
$m->setValue(1.0); |
$this->assertSame(1.0, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new Int64Value(); |
$m->setValue(1); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new UInt64Value(); |
$m->setValue(1); |
$this->assertEquals(1, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new Int32Value(); |
$m->setValue(1); |
$this->assertSame(1, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new UInt32Value(); |
$m->setValue(1); |
$this->assertSame(1, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new BoolValue(); |
$m->setValue(true); |
$this->assertSame(true, $m->getValue()); |
$m = new StringValue(); |
$m->setValue("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getValue()); |
$m = new BytesValue(); |
$m->setValue("a"); |
$this->assertSame("a", $m->getValue()); |
} |