Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
215 lines
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215 lines
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format |
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. |
// |
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at |
// |
#import "GPBRootObject.h" |
#import "GPBRootObject_PackagePrivate.h" |
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> |
#import <objc/runtime.h> |
#import <os/lock.h> |
#import "GPBDescriptor.h" |
#import "GPBExtensionRegistry.h" |
#import "GPBUtilities.h" |
#import "GPBUtilities_PackagePrivate.h" |
@interface GPBExtensionDescriptor (GPBRootObject) |
// Get singletonName as a c string. |
- (const char *)singletonNameC; |
@end |
// We need some object to conform to the MessageSignatureProtocol to make sure |
// the selectors in it are recorded in our Objective C runtime information. |
// GPBMessage is arguably the more "obvious" choice, but given that all messages |
// inherit from GPBMessage, conflicts seem likely, so we are using GPBRootObject |
// instead. |
@interface GPBRootObject () <GPBMessageSignatureProtocol> |
@end |
@implementation GPBRootObject |
// Taken from |
// Public Domain |
static uint32_t jenkins_one_at_a_time_hash(const char *key) { |
uint32_t hash = 0; |
for (uint32_t i = 0; key[i] != '\0'; ++i) { |
hash += key[i]; |
hash += (hash << 10); |
hash ^= (hash >> 6); |
} |
hash += (hash << 3); |
hash ^= (hash >> 11); |
hash += (hash << 15); |
return hash; |
} |
// Key methods for our custom CFDictionary. |
// Note that the dictionary lasts for the lifetime of our app, so no need |
// to worry about deallocation. All of the items are added to it at |
// startup, and so the keys don't need to be retained/released. |
// Keys are NULL terminated char *. |
static const void *GPBRootExtensionKeyRetain(__unused CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) { |
return value; |
} |
static void GPBRootExtensionKeyRelease(__unused CFAllocatorRef allocator, |
__unused const void *value) {} |
static CFStringRef GPBRootExtensionCopyKeyDescription(const void *value) { |
const char *key = (const char *)value; |
return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, key, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
} |
static Boolean GPBRootExtensionKeyEqual(const void *value1, const void *value2) { |
const char *key1 = (const char *)value1; |
const char *key2 = (const char *)value2; |
return strcmp(key1, key2) == 0; |
} |
static CFHashCode GPBRootExtensionKeyHash(const void *value) { |
const char *key = (const char *)value; |
return jenkins_one_at_a_time_hash(key); |
} |
// Long ago, this was an OSSpinLock, but then it came to light that there were issues for that on |
// iOS: |
// |
// |
// It was changed to a dispatch_semaphore_t, but that has potential for priority inversion issues. |
// The minOS versions are now high enough that os_unfair_lock can be used, and should provide |
// all the support we need. For more information in the concurrency/locking space see: |
// |
// |
// |
static os_unfair_lock gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock = OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT; |
static CFMutableDictionaryRef gExtensionSingletonDictionary = NULL; |
static GPBExtensionRegistry *gDefaultExtensionRegistry = NULL; |
+ (void)initialize { |
// Ensure the global is started up. |
if (!gExtensionSingletonDictionary) { |
CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks keyCallBacks = { |
// See description above for reason for using custom dictionary. |
0, |
GPBRootExtensionKeyRetain, |
GPBRootExtensionKeyRelease, |
GPBRootExtensionCopyKeyDescription, |
GPBRootExtensionKeyEqual, |
GPBRootExtensionKeyHash, |
}; |
gExtensionSingletonDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &keyCallBacks, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
gDefaultExtensionRegistry = [[GPBExtensionRegistry alloc] init]; |
} |
if ([self superclass] == [GPBRootObject class]) { |
// This is here to start up all the per file "Root" subclasses. |
// This must be done in initialize to enforce thread safety of start up of |
// the protocol buffer library. |
[self extensionRegistry]; |
} |
} |
+ (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry { |
// Is overridden in all the subclasses that provide extensions to provide the |
// per class one. |
return gDefaultExtensionRegistry; |
} |
+ (void)globallyRegisterExtension:(GPBExtensionDescriptor *)field { |
const char *key = [field singletonNameC]; |
os_unfair_lock_lock(&gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock); |
CFDictionarySetValue(gExtensionSingletonDictionary, key, field); |
os_unfair_lock_unlock(&gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock); |
} |
static id ExtensionForName(id self, SEL _cmd) { |
// Really fast way of doing "classname_selName". |
// This came up as a hotspot (creation of NSString *) when accessing a |
// lot of extensions. |
const char *selName = sel_getName(_cmd); |
if (selName[0] == '_') { |
return nil; // Apple internal selector. |
} |
size_t selNameLen = 0; |
while (1) { |
char c = selName[selNameLen]; |
if (c == '\0') { // String end. |
break; |
} |
if (c == ':') { |
return nil; // Selector took an arg, not one of the runtime methods. |
} |
++selNameLen; |
} |
const char *className = class_getName(self); |
size_t classNameLen = strlen(className); |
char key[classNameLen + selNameLen + 2]; |
memcpy(key, className, classNameLen); |
key[classNameLen] = '_'; |
memcpy(&key[classNameLen + 1], selName, selNameLen); |
key[classNameLen + 1 + selNameLen] = '\0'; |
// NOTE: Even though this method is called from another C function, |
// gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock and gExtensionSingletonDictionary |
// will always be initialized. This is because this call flow is just to |
// lookup the Extension, meaning the code is calling an Extension class |
// message on a Message or Root class. This guarantees that the class was |
// initialized and Message classes ensure their Root was also initialized. |
NSAssert(gExtensionSingletonDictionary, @"Startup order broken!"); |
os_unfair_lock_lock(&gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock); |
id extension = (id)CFDictionaryGetValue(gExtensionSingletonDictionary, key); |
// We can't remove the key from the dictionary here (as an optimization), |
// two threads could have gone into +resolveClassMethod: for the same method, |
// and ended up here; there's no way to ensure both return YES without letting |
// both try to wire in the method. |
os_unfair_lock_unlock(&gExtensionSingletonDictionaryLock); |
return extension; |
} |
BOOL GPBResolveExtensionClassMethod(Class self, SEL sel) { |
// Another option would be to register the extensions with the class at |
// globallyRegisterExtension: |
// Timing the two solutions, this solution turned out to be much faster |
// and reduced startup time, and runtime memory. |
// The advantage to globallyRegisterExtension is that it would reduce the |
// size of the protos somewhat because the singletonNameC wouldn't need |
// to include the class name. For a class with a lot of extensions it |
// can add up. You could also significantly reduce the code complexity of this |
// file. |
id extension = ExtensionForName(self, sel); |
if (extension != nil) { |
const char *encoding = GPBMessageEncodingForSelector(@selector(getClassValue), NO); |
Class metaClass = objc_getMetaClass(class_getName(self)); |
IMP imp = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(__unused id obj) { |
return extension; |
}); |
BOOL methodAdded = class_addMethod(metaClass, sel, imp, encoding); |
// class_addMethod() is documented as also failing if the method was already |
// added; so we check if the method is already there and return success so |
// the method dispatch will still happen. Why would it already be added? |
// Two threads could cause the same method to be bound at the same time, |
// but only one will actually bind it; the other still needs to return true |
// so things will dispatch. |
if (!methodAdded) { |
methodAdded = GPBClassHasSel(metaClass, sel); |
} |
return methodAdded; |
} |
return NO; |
} |
+ (BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL)sel { |
if (GPBResolveExtensionClassMethod(self, sel)) { |
return YES; |
} |
return [super resolveClassMethod:sel]; |
} |