Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "upb/reflection/common.h"
#include "upb/reflection/def_type.h"
#include "upb/reflection/internal/def_pool.h"
// Must be last.
#include "upb/port/"
// We want to copy the options verbatim into the destination options proto.
// We use serialize+parse as our deep copy.
#define UPB_DEF_SET_OPTIONS(target, desc_type, options_type, proto) \
if (UPB_DESC(desc_type##_has_options)(proto)) { \
size_t size; \
char* pb = UPB_DESC(options_type##_serialize)( \
UPB_DESC(desc_type##_options)(proto), ctx->tmp_arena, &size); \
if (!pb) _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(ctx); \
target = \
UPB_DESC(options_type##_parse)(pb, size, _upb_DefBuilder_Arena(ctx)); \
if (!target) _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(ctx); \
} else { \
target = (const UPB_DESC(options_type)*)kUpbDefOptDefault; \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct upb_DefBuilder {
upb_DefPool* symtab;
upb_strtable feature_cache; // Caches features by identity.
UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) legacy_features; // For computing legacy features.
char* tmp_buf; // Temporary buffer in tmp_arena.
size_t tmp_buf_size; // Size of temporary buffer.
upb_FileDef* file; // File we are building.
upb_Arena* arena; // Allocate defs here.
upb_Arena* tmp_arena; // For temporary allocations.
upb_Status* status; // Record errors here.
const upb_MiniTableFile* layout; // NULL if we should build layouts.
upb_MiniTablePlatform platform; // Platform we are targeting.
int enum_count; // Count of enums built so far.
int msg_count; // Count of messages built so far.
int ext_count; // Count of extensions built so far.
jmp_buf err; // longjmp() on error.
extern const char* kUpbDefOptDefault;
// ctx->status has already been set elsewhere so just fail/longjmp()
UPB_NORETURN void _upb_DefBuilder_FailJmp(upb_DefBuilder* ctx);
UPB_NORETURN void _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, const char* fmt,
...) UPB_PRINTF(2, 3);
UPB_NORETURN void _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(upb_DefBuilder* ctx);
const char* _upb_DefBuilder_MakeFullName(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const char* prefix,
upb_StringView name);
// Given a symbol and the base symbol inside which it is defined,
// find the symbol's definition.
const void* _upb_DefBuilder_ResolveAny(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const char* from_name_dbg,
const char* base, upb_StringView sym,
upb_deftype_t* type);
const void* _upb_DefBuilder_Resolve(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const char* from_name_dbg, const char* base,
upb_StringView sym, upb_deftype_t type);
char _upb_DefBuilder_ParseEscape(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, const upb_FieldDef* f,
const char** src, const char* end);
const char* _upb_DefBuilder_FullToShort(const char* fullname);
UPB_INLINE void* _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, size_t bytes) {
if (bytes == 0) return NULL;
void* ret = upb_Arena_Malloc(ctx->arena, bytes);
if (!ret) _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(ctx);
return ret;
// Adds a symbol |v| to the symtab, which must be a def pointer previously
// packed with pack_def(). The def's pointer to upb_FileDef* must be set before
// adding, so we know which entries to remove if building this file fails.
UPB_INLINE void _upb_DefBuilder_Add(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, const char* name,
upb_value v) {
upb_StringView sym = {.data = name, .size = strlen(name)};
bool ok = _upb_DefPool_InsertSym(ctx->symtab, sym, v, ctx->status);
if (!ok) _upb_DefBuilder_FailJmp(ctx);
UPB_INLINE upb_Arena* _upb_DefBuilder_Arena(const upb_DefBuilder* ctx) {
return ctx->arena;
UPB_INLINE upb_FileDef* _upb_DefBuilder_File(const upb_DefBuilder* ctx) {
return ctx->file;
// This version of CheckIdent() is only called by other, faster versions after
// they detect a parsing error.
void _upb_DefBuilder_CheckIdentSlow(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, upb_StringView name,
bool full);
// Verify a full identifier string. This is slightly more complicated than
// verifying a relative identifier string because we must track '.' chars.
UPB_INLINE void _upb_DefBuilder_CheckIdentFull(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
upb_StringView name) {
bool good = name.size > 0;
bool start = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < name.size; i++) {
const char c =[i];
const char d = c | 0x20; // force lowercase
const bool is_alpha = (('a' <= d) & (d <= 'z')) | (c == '_');
const bool is_numer = ('0' <= c) & (c <= '9') & !start;
const bool is_dot = (c == '.') & !start;
good &= is_alpha | is_numer | is_dot;
start = is_dot;
if (!good) _upb_DefBuilder_CheckIdentSlow(ctx, name, true);
// Returns true if the returned feature set is new and must be populated.
bool _upb_DefBuilder_GetOrCreateFeatureSet(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) parent,
upb_StringView key,
UPB_DESC(FeatureSet**) set);
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*)
_upb_DefBuilder_DoResolveFeatures(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) parent,
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) child,
bool is_implicit);
UPB_INLINE const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*)
_upb_DefBuilder_ResolveFeatures(upb_DefBuilder* ctx,
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) parent,
const UPB_DESC(FeatureSet*) child) {
return _upb_DefBuilder_DoResolveFeatures(ctx, parent, child, false);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#include "upb/port/"