Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
//! Items specific to `optional` fields.
use crate::__internal::Private;
use crate::{Mut, MutProxy, Proxied, ProxiedWithPresence, SettableValue, View, ViewProxy};
use std::convert::{AsMut, AsRef};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::panic;
use std::ptr;
/// A protobuf value from a field that may not be set.
/// This can be pattern matched with `match` or `if let` to determine if the
/// field is set and access the field data.
/// [`FieldEntry`], a specific type alias for `Optional`, provides much of the
/// functionality for this type.
/// Two `Optional`s are equal if they match both presence and the field values.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Optional<SetVal, UnsetVal = SetVal> {
/// The field is set; it is present in the serialized message.
/// - For an `_opt()` accessor, this contains a `View<impl Proxied>`.
/// - For a `_mut()` accessor, this contains a [`PresentField`] that can be
/// used to access the current value, convert to [`Mut`], clear presence,
/// or set a new value.
/// The field is unset; it is absent in the serialized message.
/// - For an `_opt()` accessor, this contains a `View<impl Proxied>` with
/// the default value.
/// - For a `_mut()` accessor, this contains an [`AbsentField`] that can be
/// used to access the default or set a new value.
impl<T> Optional<T> {
/// Gets the field value, ignoring whether it was set or not.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
match self {
Optional::Set(x) | Optional::Unset(x) => x,
/// Constructs an `Optional<T>` with a `T` value and presence bit.
pub fn new(val: T, is_set: bool) -> Self {
if is_set { Optional::Set(val) } else { Optional::Unset(val) }
impl<T, A> Optional<T, A> {
/// Converts into an `Option` of the set value, ignoring any unset value.
pub fn into_option(self) -> Option<T> {
if let Optional::Set(x) = self { Some(x) } else { None }
/// Returns if the field is set.
pub fn is_set(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Optional::Set(_))
/// Returns if the field is unset.
pub fn is_unset(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Optional::Unset(_))
impl<T> From<Optional<T>> for Option<T> {
fn from(x: Optional<T>) -> Option<T> {
/// A mutable view into the value of an optional field, which may be set or
/// unset.
pub type FieldEntry<'a, T> = Optional<PresentField<'a, T>, AbsentField<'a, T>>;
/// Methods for `_mut()` accessors of optional types.
/// The most common methods are [`set`] and [`or_default`].
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg> FieldEntry<'msg, T> {
// is_set() is provided by `impl<T, A> Optional<T, A>`
/// Gets a mutator for this field. Sets to the default value if not set.
pub fn or_default(self) -> Mut<'msg, T> {
match self {
Optional::Set(x) => x.into_mut(),
Optional::Unset(x) => x.set_default().into_mut(),
/// Gets a mutator for this field. Sets to the given `val` if not set.
/// If the field is already set, `val` is ignored.
pub fn or_set(self, val: impl SettableValue<T>) -> Mut<'msg, T> {
self.or_set_with(move || val)
/// Gets a mutator for this field. Sets using the given `val` function if
/// not set.
/// If the field is already set, `val` is not invoked.
pub fn or_set_with<S>(self, val: impl FnOnce() -> S) -> Mut<'msg, T>
S: SettableValue<T>,
match self {
Optional::Set(x) => x.into_mut(),
Optional::Unset(x) => x.set(val()).into_mut(),
/// Sets the value of this field to `val`.
/// Equivalent to `self.or_default().set(val)`, but does not consume `self`.
/// `set` has the same parameters as in [`MutProxy`], so making a field
/// `optional` will switch to using this method. This makes transitioning
/// from implicit to explicit presence easier.
pub fn set(&mut self, val: impl SettableValue<T>) {
transform_mut(self, |mut self_| match self_ {
Optional::Set(ref mut present) => {
Optional::Unset(absent) => Optional::Set(absent.set(val)),
/// Clears the field; `is_set()` will return `false`.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
transform_mut(self, |self_| match self_ {
Optional::Set(present) => Optional::Unset(present.clear()),
absent => absent,
/// Gets an immutable view of this field, using its default value if not
/// set. This is shorthand for `as_view`.
/// This provides a shorter lifetime than `into_view` but can also be called
/// multiple times - if the result of `get` is not living long enough
/// for your use, use that instead.
/// `get` has the same parameters as in [`MutProxy`], so making a field
/// `optional` will switch to using this method. This makes transitioning
/// from implicit to explicit presence easier.
pub fn get(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
/// Converts to an immutable view of this optional field, preserving the
/// field's presence.
pub fn into_optional_view(self) -> Optional<View<'msg, T>> {
let is_set = self.is_set();
Optional::new(self.into_view(), is_set)
/// Returns a field mutator if the field is set.
/// Returns `None` if the field is not set. This does not affect `is_set()`.
/// This returns `Option` and _not_ `Optional` since returning a defaulted
/// `Mut` would require mutating the presence of the field - for that
/// behavior, use `or_default()`.
pub fn try_into_mut(self) -> Option<Mut<'msg, T>> {
match self {
Optional::Set(x) => Some(x.into_mut()),
Optional::Unset(_) => None,
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg> ViewProxy<'msg> for FieldEntry<'msg, T> {
type Proxied = T;
fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
match self {
Optional::Set(x) => x.as_view(),
Optional::Unset(x) => x.as_view(),
fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, T>
'msg: 'shorter,
match self {
Optional::Set(x) => x.into_view(),
Optional::Unset(x) => x.into_view(),
// `MutProxy` not implemented for `FieldEntry` since the field may not be set,
// and `as_mut`/`into_mut` should not insert.
/// A field mutator capable of clearing that is statically known to point to a
/// set field.
pub struct PresentField<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg,
pub(crate) inner: T::PresentMutData<'msg>,
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg> Debug for PresentField<'msg, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg> PresentField<'msg, T> {
pub fn from_inner(_private: Private, inner: T::PresentMutData<'msg>) -> Self {
Self { inner }
/// Gets an immutable view of this present field. This is shorthand for
/// `as_view`.
/// This provides a shorter lifetime than `into_view` but can also be called
/// multiple times - if the result of `get` is not living long enough
/// for your use, use that instead.
pub fn get(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
pub fn set(&mut self, val: impl SettableValue<T>) {
val.set_on(Private, self.as_mut())
/// See [`FieldEntry::clear`].
pub fn clear(mut self) -> AbsentField<'msg, T> {
AbsentField { inner: T::clear_present_field(self.inner) }
// This cannot provide `reborrow` - `clear` consumes after setting the field
// because it would violate a condition of `PresentField` - the field being set.
impl<'msg, T> ViewProxy<'msg> for PresentField<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg,
type Proxied = T;
fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, T>
'msg: 'shorter,
impl<'msg, T> MutProxy<'msg> for PresentField<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg,
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Mut<'_, T> {
fn into_mut<'shorter>(self) -> Mut<'shorter, T>
'msg: 'shorter,
/// A field mutator capable of setting that is statically known to point to a
/// non-set field.
pub struct AbsentField<'a, T>
T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'a,
pub(crate) inner: T::AbsentMutData<'a>,
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg> Debug for AbsentField<'msg, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized> AbsentField<'msg, T> {
pub fn from_inner(_private: Private, inner: T::AbsentMutData<'msg>) -> Self {
Self { inner }
/// Gets the default value for this unset field.
/// This is the same value that the primitive accessor would provide, though
/// with the shorter lifetime of `as_view`.
pub fn default_value(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
/// See [`FieldEntry::set`]. Note that this consumes and returns a
/// `PresentField`.
pub fn set(self, val: impl SettableValue<T>) -> PresentField<'msg, T> {
PresentField { inner: val.set_on_absent(Private, self.inner) }
/// Sets this absent field to its default value.
pub fn set_default(self) -> PresentField<'msg, T> {
PresentField { inner: T::set_absent_to_default(self.inner) }
// This cannot provide `reborrow` - `set` consumes after setting the field
// because it would violate a condition of `AbsentField` - the field being
// unset.
impl<'msg, T> ViewProxy<'msg> for AbsentField<'msg, T>
T: ProxiedWithPresence + ?Sized + 'msg,
type Proxied = T;
fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, T>
'msg: 'shorter,
/// Transforms a mutable reference in-place, treating it as if it were owned.
/// The program will abort if `transform` panics.
/// This is the same operation as provided by [`take_mut::take`].
/// [`take_mut::take`]:
fn transform_mut<T>(mut_ref: &mut T, transform: impl FnOnce(T) -> T) {
fn panicked_in_transform_mut() -> ! {
use std::io::Write as _;
let backtrace = std::backtrace::Backtrace::force_capture();
let stderr = std::io::stderr();
let mut stderr = stderr.lock();
let _ = write!(&mut stderr, "BUG: A protobuf mutator panicked! Backtrace:\n{backtrace}\n");
let _ = stderr.flush();
// provides a sample test to confirm this operation is sound in Miri.
// - `old_t` is not dropped without also replacing `*mut_ref`, preventing a
// double-free.
// - If `transform` panics, the process aborts since `*mut_ref` has no possible
// valid value.
// - After `ptr::write`, a valid `T` is located at `*mut_ref`
unsafe {
let p: *mut T = mut_ref;
let old_t =;
let new_t = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(move || transform(old_t)))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panicked_in_transform_mut());
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// A sample message with custom presence bits, meant to mirror a C++
/// message.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct MyMessage {
/// has a default of `0`
a: i32,
/// has a default of `5`
b: i32,
/// Packed presence bitfield for `a` and `b`
presence: u8,
impl MyMessage {
fn a(&self) -> View<'_, VtableProxied> {
VtableProxiedView { val: get_a(self) }
fn a_opt(&self) -> Optional<View<'_, VtableProxied>> {
Optional::new(self.a(), has_a(self))
fn a_mut(&mut self) -> FieldEntry<'_, VtableProxied> {
static A_VTABLE: ProxyVtable =
ProxyVtable { get: get_a, set: set_a, clear: clear_a, has: has_a };
make_field_entry(self, &A_VTABLE)
fn b(&self) -> View<'_, VtableProxied> {
VtableProxiedView { val: get_b(self) }
fn b_opt(&self) -> Optional<View<'_, VtableProxied>> {
Optional::new(self.b(), has_b(self))
fn b_mut(&mut self) -> FieldEntry<'_, VtableProxied> {
static B_VTABLE: ProxyVtable =
ProxyVtable { get: get_b, set: set_b, clear: clear_b, has: has_b };
make_field_entry(self, &B_VTABLE)
fn make_field_entry<'a>(
msg: &'a mut MyMessage,
vtable: &'a ProxyVtable,
) -> FieldEntry<'a, VtableProxied> {
if (vtable.has)(&*msg) {
Optional::Set(PresentField::from_inner(Private, VtableProxiedMut { msg, vtable }))
} else {
Optional::Unset(AbsentField::from_inner(Private, VtableProxiedMut { msg, vtable }))
// Thunks used for the vtable. For a C++ message these would be defined in C++
// and exported via a C API
const A_BIT: u8 = 0;
const B_BIT: u8 = 1;
fn get_a(msg: &MyMessage) -> i32 {
if has_a(msg) { msg.a } else { 0 }
fn get_b(msg: &MyMessage) -> i32 {
if has_b(msg) { msg.b } else { 5 }
fn set_a(msg: &mut MyMessage, val: i32) {
msg.presence |= (1 << A_BIT);
msg.a = val;
fn set_b(msg: &mut MyMessage, val: i32) {
msg.presence |= (1 << B_BIT);
msg.b = val;
fn clear_a(msg: &mut MyMessage) {
msg.presence &= !(1 << A_BIT);
fn clear_b(msg: &mut MyMessage) {
msg.presence &= !(1 << B_BIT);
fn has_a(msg: &MyMessage) -> bool {
msg.presence & (1 << A_BIT) != 0
fn has_b(msg: &MyMessage) -> bool {
msg.presence & (1 << B_BIT) != 0
struct ProxyVtable {
get: fn(&MyMessage) -> i32,
set: fn(&mut MyMessage, val: i32),
clear: fn(&mut MyMessage),
has: fn(&MyMessage) -> bool,
/// A proxy for a `i32` that is accessed through methods on a vtable.
struct VtableProxied;
impl Proxied for VtableProxied {
type View<'a> = VtableProxiedView;
type Mut<'a> = VtableProxiedMut<'a>;
impl ProxiedWithPresence for VtableProxied {
// In this case, the `PresentMutData` and `AbsentMutData` are identical to the
// `Mut` in layout. Other types/runtimes could require otherwise, e.g. `Mut`
// could be defined to only have get/set functions in its vtable, and not
// has/clear.
type PresentMutData<'a> = VtableProxiedMut<'a>;
type AbsentMutData<'a> = VtableProxiedMut<'a>;
fn clear_present_field<'a>(
present_mutator: Self::PresentMutData<'a>,
) -> Self::AbsentMutData<'a> {
(present_mutator.vtable.clear)(&mut *present_mutator.msg);
fn set_absent_to_default<'a>(
absent_mutator: Self::AbsentMutData<'a>,
) -> Self::PresentMutData<'a> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct VtableProxiedView {
val: i32,
impl VtableProxiedView {
fn val(&self) -> i32 {
fn read(msg: &MyMessage, vtable: &ProxyVtable) -> Self {
VtableProxiedView { val: (vtable.get)(msg) }
impl<'a> ViewProxy<'a> for VtableProxiedView {
type Proxied = VtableProxied;
fn as_view(&self) -> View<'a, VtableProxied> {
fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, VtableProxied>
'a: 'shorter,
struct VtableProxiedMut<'a> {
msg: &'a mut MyMessage,
vtable: &'a ProxyVtable,
impl<'a> ViewProxy<'a> for VtableProxiedMut<'a> {
type Proxied = VtableProxied;
fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, VtableProxied> {
VtableProxiedView::read(self.msg, self.vtable)
fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, VtableProxied>
'a: 'shorter,
VtableProxiedView::read(self.msg, self.vtable)
impl<'a> MutProxy<'a> for VtableProxiedMut<'a> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Mut<'_, VtableProxied> {
VtableProxiedMut { msg: self.msg, vtable: self.vtable }
fn into_mut<'shorter>(self) -> Mut<'shorter, VtableProxied>
'a: 'shorter,
impl SettableValue<VtableProxied> for View<'_, VtableProxied> {
fn set_on<'a>(self, _private: Private, mutator: Mut<'a, VtableProxied>)
VtableProxied: 'a,
SettableValue::<VtableProxied>::set_on(self.val(), Private, mutator)
fn set_on_absent<'a>(
_private: Private,
absent_mutator: <VtableProxied as ProxiedWithPresence>::AbsentMutData<'a>,
) -> <VtableProxied as ProxiedWithPresence>::PresentMutData<'a> {
SettableValue::<VtableProxied>::set_on_absent(self.val(), Private, absent_mutator)
impl SettableValue<VtableProxied> for i32 {
fn set_on<'a>(self, _private: Private, mutator: Mut<'a, VtableProxied>)
VtableProxied: 'a,
(mutator.vtable.set)(mutator.msg, self)
fn set_on_absent<'a>(
_private: Private,
absent_mutator: <VtableProxied as ProxiedWithPresence>::AbsentMutData<'a>,
) -> <VtableProxied as ProxiedWithPresence>::PresentMutData<'a> {
(absent_mutator.vtable.set)(absent_mutator.msg, self);
fn test_field_entry() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m1 = MyMessage::default();
let mut m2 = MyMessage::default();
let mut m1_a = m1.a_mut();
assert_that!(m1_a, matches_pattern!(Optional::Unset(_)));
assert_that!(m1_a.as_view().val(), eq(0));
assert_that!(m2.b().val(), eq(5));
let mut m2_b = m2.b_mut();
assert_that!(m2_b.is_unset(), eq(true));
assert_that!(m2_b.as_view().val(), eq(5));
assert_that!(m2_b.is_set(), eq(true));
assert_that!(m2_b, matches_pattern!(Optional::Set(_)));
assert_that!(m2_b.as_view().val(), eq(10));
assert_that!(m1_a.or_default().as_view().val(), eq(0));
assert_that!(m1.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 0 })));
assert_that!(m1.a().val(), eq(0));
assert_that!(m1.b().val(), eq(5));
assert_that!(m2.a().val(), eq(0));
assert_that!(m2.b().val(), eq(10));
fn test_or_set() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m1 = MyMessage::default();
let mut m2 = MyMessage::default();
assert_that!(m1.a_mut().or_set(10).get().val(), eq(10));
assert_that!(m1.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 10 })));
assert_that!(m1.a_mut().or_set(20).get().val(), eq(10));
assert_that!(m1.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 10 })));
assert_that!(m2.a_mut().or_set_with(|| m1.a().val() + m1.b().val()).get().val(), eq(15));
assert_that!(m2.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 15 })));
assert_that!(m2.a_mut().or_set_with(|| None::<i32>.unwrap()).get().val(), eq(15));
assert_that!(m2.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 15 })));
fn test_into_optional_view() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m1 = MyMessage::default();
eq(Optional::Unset(VtableProxiedView { val: 0 }))
eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 10 }))
eq(Optional::Unset(VtableProxiedView { val: 5 }))
fn test_try_into_mut() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m1 = MyMessage::default();
assert_that!(m1.a_mut().try_into_mut().is_none(), eq(true));
let mut a_mut = m1.a_mut().try_into_mut().expect("field to be set");
assert_that!(m1.a().val(), eq(20));
fn test_present_field() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m = MyMessage::default();
match m.a_mut() {
Optional::Set(mut present) => {
assert_that!(present.as_view().val(), eq(10));
assert_that!(present.as_view().val(), eq(20));
Optional::Unset(_) => unreachable!(),
assert_that!(m.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 30 })));
match m.b_mut() {
Optional::Set(present) => present.clear(),
Optional::Unset(_) => unreachable!(),
assert_that!(m.b_opt(), eq(Optional::Unset(VtableProxiedView { val: 5 })));
fn test_absent_field() {
use googletest::prelude::*;
let mut m = MyMessage::default();
match m.a_mut() {
Optional::Set(_) => unreachable!(),
Optional::Unset(absent) => {
assert_that!(absent.as_view().val(), eq(0));
assert_that!(m.a_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 20 })));
match m.b_mut() {
Optional::Set(_) => unreachable!(),
Optional::Unset(absent) => {
assert_that!(absent.as_view().val(), eq(5));
assert_that!(m.b_opt(), eq(Optional::Set(VtableProxiedView { val: 5 })));