Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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# Bare build: no dependencies installed, no JIT enabled.
bare_install() {
bare_script() {
make -j12 tests
make test
# Bare JIT build: no dependencies installed, but JIT enabled.
barejit_install() {
barejit_script() {
make -j12 tests WITH_JIT=yes
make test
# Build with Google protobuf support and tests (with JIT).
withprotobuf_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
withprotobuf_script() {
make -j12 tests googlepbtests WITH_JIT=yes
make test
# Build with strict warnings.
warnings_install() {
warnings_script() {
make -j12 default WITH_MAX_WARNINGS=yes
make -j12 tests WITH_MAX_WARNINGS=yes
make test
# A 32-bit build. Can only test the core because any dependencies
# need to be available as 32-bit libs also, which gets hairy fast.
# Can't enable the JIT because it only supports x64.
core32_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 g++-multilib
core32_script() {
make -j12 tests USER_CPPFLAGS=-m32
make test
# A build of Lua and running of Lua tests.
lua_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
lua_script() {
make -j12 testlua USER_CPPFLAGS=`pkg-config lua5.2 --cflags`
# Test that generated files don't need to be regenerated.
# We would include the Ragel output here too, but we can't really guarantee
# that its output will be stable for multiple versions of the tool, and we
# don't want the test to be brittle.
genfiles_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev protobuf-compiler
genfiles_script() {
make -j12 genfiles USER_CPPFLAGS=`pkg-config lua5.2 --cflags`
# Will fail if any differences were observed.
git diff --exit-code
# Tests the ndebug build.
ndebug_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
ndebug_script() {
# Override of USER_CPPFLAGS removes -UNDEBUG.
export USER_CPPFLAGS="`pkg-config lua5.2 --cflags` -g -fomit-frame-pointer"
make -j12 tests googlepbtests testlua WITH_JIT=yes
make test
# A run that executes with coverage support and uploads to
coverage_install() {
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
sudo pip install cpp-coveralls
coverage_script() {
export USER_CPPFLAGS="--coverage -O0 `pkg-config lua5.2 --cflags`"
make -j12 tests googlepbtests testlua WITH_JIT=yes
make test
coverage_after_success() {
coveralls --exclude dynasm --exclude tests --exclude upb/bindings/linux --gcov-options '\-lp'
set -e
set -x
if [ "$1" == "after_failure" ]; then
# Upload failing tree to S3.
curl -sL | bash
export ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=haberman-upb-travis-artifacts2
tar zcvf $ARCHIVE $(git ls-files -o)
artifacts upload $ARCHIVE
if [ "$1" == "after_success" ] && [ "$UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD" != "coverage" ]; then
# after_success is only used for coverage.
if [ "$CC" != "gcc" ] && [ "$UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD" == "coverage" ]; then
# coverage build only works for GCC.
# Enable asserts and ref debugging (though some configurations override this).
# Enable verbose build.
export Q=
# Make any compiler warning fail the build.
eval ${UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD}_${1}