// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "upb/json/decode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h" #include "upb/base/status.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/lex/atoi.h" #include "upb/lex/unicode.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb/message/array.h" #include "upb/message/map.h" #include "upb/message/message.h" #include "upb/mini_table/message.h" #include "upb/reflection/def.h" #include "upb/reflection/message.h" #include "upb/wire/encode.h" // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" typedef struct { const char *ptr, *end; upb_Arena* arena; /* TODO: should we have a tmp arena for tmp data? */ const upb_DefPool* symtab; int depth; upb_Status* status; jmp_buf err; int line; const char* line_begin; bool is_first; int options; const upb_FieldDef* debug_field; } jsondec; typedef struct { upb_MessageValue value; bool ignore; } upb_JsonMessageValue; enum { JD_OBJECT, JD_ARRAY, JD_STRING, JD_NUMBER, JD_TRUE, JD_FALSE, JD_NULL }; /* Forward declarations of mutually-recursive functions. */ static void jsondec_wellknown(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m); static upb_JsonMessageValue jsondec_value(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f); static void jsondec_wellknownvalue(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m); static void jsondec_object(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m); static bool jsondec_streql(upb_StringView str, const char* lit) { return str.size == strlen(lit) && memcmp(str.data, lit, str.size) == 0; } static bool jsondec_isnullvalue(const upb_FieldDef* f) { return upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Enum && strcmp(upb_EnumDef_FullName(upb_FieldDef_EnumSubDef(f)), "google.protobuf.NullValue") == 0; } static bool jsondec_isvalue(const upb_FieldDef* f) { return (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Message && upb_MessageDef_WellKnownType(upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f)) == kUpb_WellKnown_Value) || jsondec_isnullvalue(f); } static void jsondec_seterrmsg(jsondec* d, const char* msg) { upb_Status_SetErrorFormat(d->status, "Error parsing JSON @%d:%d: %s", d->line, (int)(d->ptr - d->line_begin), msg); } UPB_NORETURN static void jsondec_err(jsondec* d, const char* msg) { jsondec_seterrmsg(d, msg); UPB_LONGJMP(d->err, 1); } UPB_PRINTF(2, 3) UPB_NORETURN static void jsondec_errf(jsondec* d, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list argp; upb_Status_SetErrorFormat(d->status, "Error parsing JSON @%d:%d: ", d->line, (int)(d->ptr - d->line_begin)); va_start(argp, fmt); upb_Status_VAppendErrorFormat(d->status, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); UPB_LONGJMP(d->err, 1); } // Advances d->ptr until the next non-whitespace character or to the end of // the buffer. static void jsondec_consumews(jsondec* d) { while (d->ptr != d->end) { switch (*d->ptr) { case '\n': d->line++; d->line_begin = d->ptr; /* Fallthrough. */ case '\r': case '\t': case ' ': d->ptr++; break; default: return; } } } // Advances d->ptr until the next non-whitespace character. Postcondition that // d->ptr is pointing at a valid non-whitespace character (will err if end of // buffer is reached). static void jsondec_skipws(jsondec* d) { jsondec_consumews(d); if (d->ptr == d->end) { jsondec_err(d, "Unexpected EOF"); } } static bool jsondec_tryparsech(jsondec* d, char ch) { if (d->ptr == d->end || *d->ptr != ch) return false; d->ptr++; return true; } static void jsondec_parselit(jsondec* d, const char* lit) { size_t avail = d->end - d->ptr; size_t len = strlen(lit); if (avail < len || memcmp(d->ptr, lit, len) != 0) { jsondec_errf(d, "Expected: '%s'", lit); } d->ptr += len; } static void jsondec_wsch(jsondec* d, char ch) { jsondec_skipws(d); if (!jsondec_tryparsech(d, ch)) { jsondec_errf(d, "Expected: '%c'", ch); } } static void jsondec_true(jsondec* d) { jsondec_parselit(d, "true"); } static void jsondec_false(jsondec* d) { jsondec_parselit(d, "false"); } static void jsondec_null(jsondec* d) { jsondec_parselit(d, "null"); } static void jsondec_entrysep(jsondec* d) { jsondec_skipws(d); jsondec_parselit(d, ":"); } static int jsondec_rawpeek(jsondec* d) { if (d->ptr == d->end) { jsondec_err(d, "Unexpected EOF"); } switch (*d->ptr) { case '{': return JD_OBJECT; case '[': return JD_ARRAY; case '"': return JD_STRING; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return JD_NUMBER; case 't': return JD_TRUE; case 'f': return JD_FALSE; case 'n': return JD_NULL; default: jsondec_errf(d, "Unexpected character: '%c'", *d->ptr); } } /* JSON object/array **********************************************************/ /* These are used like so: * * jsondec_objstart(d); * while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { * ... * } * jsondec_objend(d) */ static int jsondec_peek(jsondec* d) { jsondec_skipws(d); return jsondec_rawpeek(d); } static void jsondec_push(jsondec* d) { if (--d->depth < 0) { jsondec_err(d, "Recursion limit exceeded"); } d->is_first = true; } static bool jsondec_seqnext(jsondec* d, char end_ch) { bool is_first = d->is_first; d->is_first = false; jsondec_skipws(d); if (*d->ptr == end_ch) return false; if (!is_first) jsondec_parselit(d, ","); return true; } static void jsondec_arrstart(jsondec* d) { jsondec_push(d); jsondec_wsch(d, '['); } static void jsondec_arrend(jsondec* d) { d->depth++; jsondec_wsch(d, ']'); } static bool jsondec_arrnext(jsondec* d) { return jsondec_seqnext(d, ']'); } static void jsondec_objstart(jsondec* d) { jsondec_push(d); jsondec_wsch(d, '{'); } static void jsondec_objend(jsondec* d) { d->depth++; jsondec_wsch(d, '}'); } static bool jsondec_objnext(jsondec* d) { if (!jsondec_seqnext(d, '}')) return false; if (jsondec_peek(d) != JD_STRING) { jsondec_err(d, "Object must start with string"); } return true; } /* JSON number ****************************************************************/ static bool jsondec_tryskipdigits(jsondec* d) { const char* start = d->ptr; while (d->ptr < d->end) { if (*d->ptr < '0' || *d->ptr > '9') { break; } d->ptr++; } return d->ptr != start; } static void jsondec_skipdigits(jsondec* d) { if (!jsondec_tryskipdigits(d)) { jsondec_err(d, "Expected one or more digits"); } } static double jsondec_number(jsondec* d) { const char* start = d->ptr; UPB_ASSERT(jsondec_rawpeek(d) == JD_NUMBER); /* Skip over the syntax of a number, as specified by JSON. */ if (*d->ptr == '-') d->ptr++; if (jsondec_tryparsech(d, '0')) { if (jsondec_tryskipdigits(d)) { jsondec_err(d, "number cannot have leading zero"); } } else { jsondec_skipdigits(d); } if (d->ptr == d->end) goto parse; if (jsondec_tryparsech(d, '.')) { jsondec_skipdigits(d); } if (d->ptr == d->end) goto parse; if (*d->ptr == 'e' || *d->ptr == 'E') { d->ptr++; if (d->ptr == d->end) { jsondec_err(d, "Unexpected EOF in number"); } if (*d->ptr == '+' || *d->ptr == '-') { d->ptr++; } jsondec_skipdigits(d); } parse: /* Having verified the syntax of a JSON number, use strtod() to parse * (strtod() accepts a superset of JSON syntax). */ errno = 0; { // Copy the number into a null-terminated scratch buffer since strtod // expects a null-terminated string. char nullz[64]; ptrdiff_t len = d->ptr - start; if (len > (ptrdiff_t)(sizeof(nullz) - 1)) { jsondec_err(d, "excessively long number"); } memcpy(nullz, start, len); nullz[len] = '\0'; char* end; double val = strtod(nullz, &end); UPB_ASSERT(end - nullz == len); /* Currently the min/max-val conformance tests fail if we check this. Does * this mean the conformance tests are wrong or strtod() is wrong, or * something else? Investigate further. */ /* if (errno == ERANGE) { jsondec_err(d, "Number out of range"); } */ if (val > DBL_MAX || val < -DBL_MAX) { jsondec_err(d, "Number out of range"); } return val; } } /* JSON string ****************************************************************/ static char jsondec_escape(jsondec* d) { switch (*d->ptr++) { case '"': return '\"'; case '\\': return '\\'; case '/': return '/'; case 'b': return '\b'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; default: jsondec_err(d, "Invalid escape char"); } } static uint32_t jsondec_codepoint(jsondec* d) { uint32_t cp = 0; const char* end; if (d->end - d->ptr < 4) { jsondec_err(d, "EOF inside string"); } end = d->ptr + 4; while (d->ptr < end) { char ch = *d->ptr++; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { ch -= '0'; } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { ch = ch - 'a' + 10; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { ch = ch - 'A' + 10; } else { jsondec_err(d, "Invalid hex digit"); } cp = (cp << 4) | ch; } return cp; } /* Parses a \uXXXX unicode escape (possibly a surrogate pair). */ static size_t jsondec_unicode(jsondec* d, char* out) { uint32_t cp = jsondec_codepoint(d); if (upb_Unicode_IsHigh(cp)) { /* Surrogate pair: two 16-bit codepoints become a 32-bit codepoint. */ jsondec_parselit(d, "\\u"); uint32_t low = jsondec_codepoint(d); if (!upb_Unicode_IsLow(low)) jsondec_err(d, "Invalid low surrogate"); cp = upb_Unicode_FromPair(cp, low); } else if (upb_Unicode_IsLow(cp)) { jsondec_err(d, "Unpaired low surrogate"); } /* Write to UTF-8 */ int bytes = upb_Unicode_ToUTF8(cp, out); if (bytes == 0) jsondec_err(d, "Invalid codepoint"); return bytes; } static void jsondec_resize(jsondec* d, char** buf, char** end, char** buf_end) { size_t oldsize = *buf_end - *buf; size_t len = *end - *buf; size_t size = UPB_MAX(8, 2 * oldsize); *buf = upb_Arena_Realloc(d->arena, *buf, len, size); if (!*buf) jsondec_err(d, "Out of memory"); *end = *buf + len; *buf_end = *buf + size; } static upb_StringView jsondec_string(jsondec* d) { char* buf = NULL; char* end = NULL; char* buf_end = NULL; jsondec_skipws(d); if (*d->ptr++ != '"') { jsondec_err(d, "Expected string"); } while (d->ptr < d->end) { char ch = *d->ptr++; if (end == buf_end) { jsondec_resize(d, &buf, &end, &buf_end); } switch (ch) { case '"': { upb_StringView ret; ret.data = buf; ret.size = end - buf; *end = '\0'; /* Needed for possible strtod(). */ return ret; } case '\\': if (d->ptr == d->end) goto eof; if (*d->ptr == 'u') { d->ptr++; if (buf_end - end < 4) { /* Allow space for maximum-sized codepoint (4 bytes). */ jsondec_resize(d, &buf, &end, &buf_end); } end += jsondec_unicode(d, end); } else { *end++ = jsondec_escape(d); } break; default: if ((unsigned char)ch < 0x20) { jsondec_err(d, "Invalid char in JSON string"); } *end++ = ch; break; } } eof: jsondec_err(d, "EOF inside string"); } static void jsondec_skipval(jsondec* d) { switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_OBJECT: jsondec_objstart(d); while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { jsondec_string(d); jsondec_entrysep(d); jsondec_skipval(d); } jsondec_objend(d); break; case JD_ARRAY: jsondec_arrstart(d); while (jsondec_arrnext(d)) { jsondec_skipval(d); } jsondec_arrend(d); break; case JD_TRUE: jsondec_true(d); break; case JD_FALSE: jsondec_false(d); break; case JD_NULL: jsondec_null(d); break; case JD_STRING: jsondec_string(d); break; case JD_NUMBER: jsondec_number(d); break; } } /* Base64 decoding for bytes fields. ******************************************/ static unsigned int jsondec_base64_tablelookup(const char ch) { /* Table includes the normal base64 chars plus the URL-safe variant. */ const signed char table[256] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62 /*+*/, -1, 62 /*-*/, -1, 63 /*/ */, 52 /*0*/, 53 /*1*/, 54 /*2*/, 55 /*3*/, 56 /*4*/, 57 /*5*/, 58 /*6*/, 59 /*7*/, 60 /*8*/, 61 /*9*/, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0 /*A*/, 1 /*B*/, 2 /*C*/, 3 /*D*/, 4 /*E*/, 5 /*F*/, 6 /*G*/, 07 /*H*/, 8 /*I*/, 9 /*J*/, 10 /*K*/, 11 /*L*/, 12 /*M*/, 13 /*N*/, 14 /*O*/, 15 /*P*/, 16 /*Q*/, 17 /*R*/, 18 /*S*/, 19 /*T*/, 20 /*U*/, 21 /*V*/, 22 /*W*/, 23 /*X*/, 24 /*Y*/, 25 /*Z*/, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63 /*_*/, -1, 26 /*a*/, 27 /*b*/, 28 /*c*/, 29 /*d*/, 30 /*e*/, 31 /*f*/, 32 /*g*/, 33 /*h*/, 34 /*i*/, 35 /*j*/, 36 /*k*/, 37 /*l*/, 38 /*m*/, 39 /*n*/, 40 /*o*/, 41 /*p*/, 42 /*q*/, 43 /*r*/, 44 /*s*/, 45 /*t*/, 46 /*u*/, 47 /*v*/, 48 /*w*/, 49 /*x*/, 50 /*y*/, 51 /*z*/, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; /* Sign-extend return value so high bit will be set on any unexpected char. */ return table[(unsigned)ch]; } static char* jsondec_partialbase64(jsondec* d, const char* ptr, const char* end, char* out) { int32_t val = -1; switch (end - ptr) { case 2: val = jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[0]) << 18 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[1]) << 12; out[0] = val >> 16; out += 1; break; case 3: val = jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[0]) << 18 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[1]) << 12 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[2]) << 6; out[0] = val >> 16; out[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; out += 2; break; } if (val < 0) { jsondec_err(d, "Corrupt base64"); } return out; } static size_t jsondec_base64(jsondec* d, upb_StringView str) { /* We decode in place. This is safe because this is a new buffer (not * aliasing the input) and because base64 decoding shrinks 4 bytes into 3. */ char* out = (char*)str.data; const char* ptr = str.data; const char* end = ptr + str.size; const char* end4 = ptr + (str.size & -4); /* Round down to multiple of 4. */ for (; ptr < end4; ptr += 4, out += 3) { int val = jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[0]) << 18 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[1]) << 12 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[2]) << 6 | jsondec_base64_tablelookup(ptr[3]) << 0; if (val < 0) { /* Junk chars or padding. Remove trailing padding, if any. */ if (end - ptr == 4 && ptr[3] == '=') { if (ptr[2] == '=') { end -= 2; } else { end -= 1; } } break; } out[0] = val >> 16; out[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; out[2] = val & 0xff; } if (ptr < end) { /* Process remaining chars. We do not require padding. */ out = jsondec_partialbase64(d, ptr, end, out); } return out - str.data; } /* Low-level integer parsing **************************************************/ static const char* jsondec_buftouint64(jsondec* d, const char* ptr, const char* end, uint64_t* val) { const char* out = upb_BufToUint64(ptr, end, val); if (!out) jsondec_err(d, "Integer overflow"); return out; } static const char* jsondec_buftoint64(jsondec* d, const char* ptr, const char* end, int64_t* val, bool* is_neg) { const char* out = upb_BufToInt64(ptr, end, val, is_neg); if (!out) jsondec_err(d, "Integer overflow"); return out; } static uint64_t jsondec_strtouint64(jsondec* d, upb_StringView str) { const char* end = str.data + str.size; uint64_t ret; if (jsondec_buftouint64(d, str.data, end, &ret) != end) { jsondec_err(d, "Non-number characters in quoted integer"); } return ret; } static int64_t jsondec_strtoint64(jsondec* d, upb_StringView str) { const char* end = str.data + str.size; int64_t ret; if (jsondec_buftoint64(d, str.data, end, &ret, NULL) != end) { jsondec_err(d, "Non-number characters in quoted integer"); } return ret; } /* Primitive value types ******************************************************/ /* Parse INT32 or INT64 value. */ static upb_MessageValue jsondec_int(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { upb_MessageValue val; switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_NUMBER: { double dbl = jsondec_number(d); if (dbl > 9223372036854774784.0 || dbl < -9223372036854775808.0) { jsondec_err(d, "JSON number is out of range."); } val.int64_val = dbl; /* must be guarded, overflow here is UB */ if (val.int64_val != dbl) { jsondec_errf(d, "JSON number was not integral (%f != %" PRId64 ")", dbl, val.int64_val); } break; } case JD_STRING: { upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); val.int64_val = jsondec_strtoint64(d, str); break; } default: jsondec_err(d, "Expected number or string"); } if (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Int32 || upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Enum) { if (val.int64_val > INT32_MAX || val.int64_val < INT32_MIN) { jsondec_err(d, "Integer out of range."); } val.int32_val = (int32_t)val.int64_val; } return val; } /* Parse UINT32 or UINT64 value. */ static upb_MessageValue jsondec_uint(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { upb_MessageValue val; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val)); switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_NUMBER: { double dbl = jsondec_number(d); if (dbl > 18446744073709549568.0 || dbl < 0) { jsondec_err(d, "JSON number is out of range."); } val.uint64_val = dbl; /* must be guarded, overflow here is UB */ if (val.uint64_val != dbl) { jsondec_errf(d, "JSON number was not integral (%f != %" PRIu64 ")", dbl, val.uint64_val); } break; } case JD_STRING: { upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); val.uint64_val = jsondec_strtouint64(d, str); break; } default: jsondec_err(d, "Expected number or string"); } if (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_UInt32) { if (val.uint64_val > UINT32_MAX) { jsondec_err(d, "Integer out of range."); } val.uint32_val = (uint32_t)val.uint64_val; } return val; } /* Parse DOUBLE or FLOAT value. */ static upb_MessageValue jsondec_double(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { upb_StringView str; upb_MessageValue val; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val)); switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_NUMBER: val.double_val = jsondec_number(d); break; case JD_STRING: str = jsondec_string(d); if (jsondec_streql(str, "NaN")) { val.double_val = NAN; } else if (jsondec_streql(str, "Infinity")) { val.double_val = INFINITY; } else if (jsondec_streql(str, "-Infinity")) { val.double_val = -INFINITY; } else { val.double_val = strtod(str.data, NULL); } break; default: jsondec_err(d, "Expected number or string"); } if (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Float) { float f = val.double_val; if (val.double_val != INFINITY && val.double_val != -INFINITY) { if (f == INFINITY || f == -INFINITY) jsondec_err(d, "Float out of range"); } val.float_val = f; } return val; } /* Parse STRING or BYTES value. */ static upb_MessageValue jsondec_strfield(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { upb_MessageValue val; val.str_val = jsondec_string(d); if (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Bytes) { val.str_val.size = jsondec_base64(d, val.str_val); } return val; } static upb_JsonMessageValue jsondec_enum(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_STRING: { upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); const upb_EnumDef* e = upb_FieldDef_EnumSubDef(f); const upb_EnumValueDef* ev = upb_EnumDef_FindValueByNameWithSize(e, str.data, str.size); upb_JsonMessageValue val = {.ignore = false}; if (ev) { val.value.int32_val = upb_EnumValueDef_Number(ev); } else { if (d->options & upb_JsonDecode_IgnoreUnknown) { val.ignore = true; } else { jsondec_errf(d, "Unknown enumerator: '" UPB_STRINGVIEW_FORMAT "'", UPB_STRINGVIEW_ARGS(str)); } } return val; } case JD_NULL: { if (jsondec_isnullvalue(f)) { upb_JsonMessageValue val = {.ignore = false}; jsondec_null(d); val.value.int32_val = 0; return val; } } /* Fallthrough. */ default: return (upb_JsonMessageValue){.value = jsondec_int(d, f), .ignore = false}; } } static upb_MessageValue jsondec_bool(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { bool is_map_key = upb_FieldDef_Number(f) == 1 && upb_MessageDef_IsMapEntry(upb_FieldDef_ContainingType(f)); upb_MessageValue val; if (is_map_key) { upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); if (jsondec_streql(str, "true")) { val.bool_val = true; } else if (jsondec_streql(str, "false")) { val.bool_val = false; } else { jsondec_err(d, "Invalid boolean map key"); } } else { switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_TRUE: val.bool_val = true; jsondec_true(d); break; case JD_FALSE: val.bool_val = false; jsondec_false(d); break; default: jsondec_err(d, "Expected true or false"); } } return val; } /* Composite types (array/message/map) ****************************************/ static void jsondec_array(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_FieldDef* f) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, f, d->arena).array; jsondec_arrstart(d); while (jsondec_arrnext(d)) { upb_JsonMessageValue elem = jsondec_value(d, f); if (!elem.ignore) { upb_Array_Append(arr, elem.value, d->arena); } } jsondec_arrend(d); } static void jsondec_map(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_FieldDef* f) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_Map* map = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, f, d->arena).map; const upb_MessageDef* entry = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f); const upb_FieldDef* key_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(entry, 1); const upb_FieldDef* val_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(entry, 2); jsondec_objstart(d); while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { upb_JsonMessageValue key, val; key = jsondec_value(d, key_f); UPB_ASSUME(!key.ignore); // Map key cannot be enum. jsondec_entrysep(d); val = jsondec_value(d, val_f); if (!val.ignore) { upb_Map_Set(map, key.value, val.value, d->arena); } } jsondec_objend(d); } static void jsondec_tomsg(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); if (upb_MessageDef_WellKnownType(m) == kUpb_WellKnown_Unspecified) { jsondec_object(d, msg, m); } else { jsondec_wellknown(d, msg, m); } } static upb_MessageValue jsondec_msg(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { const upb_MessageDef* m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f); const upb_MiniTable* layout = upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(m); upb_Message* msg = upb_Message_New(layout, d->arena); upb_MessageValue val; jsondec_tomsg(d, msg, m); val.msg_val = msg; return val; } static void jsondec_field(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_StringView name; const upb_FieldDef* f; const upb_FieldDef* preserved; name = jsondec_string(d); jsondec_entrysep(d); if (name.size >= 2 && name.data[0] == '[' && name.data[name.size - 1] == ']') { f = upb_DefPool_FindExtensionByNameWithSize(d->symtab, name.data + 1, name.size - 2); if (f && upb_FieldDef_ContainingType(f) != m) { jsondec_errf( d, "Extension %s extends message %s, but was seen in message %s", upb_FieldDef_FullName(f), upb_MessageDef_FullName(upb_FieldDef_ContainingType(f)), upb_MessageDef_FullName(m)); } } else { f = upb_MessageDef_FindByJsonNameWithSize(m, name.data, name.size); } if (!f) { if ((d->options & upb_JsonDecode_IgnoreUnknown) == 0) { jsondec_errf(d, "No such field: " UPB_STRINGVIEW_FORMAT, UPB_STRINGVIEW_ARGS(name)); } jsondec_skipval(d); return; } if (jsondec_peek(d) == JD_NULL && !jsondec_isvalue(f)) { /* JSON "null" indicates a default value, so no need to set anything. */ jsondec_null(d); return; } if (upb_FieldDef_RealContainingOneof(f) && upb_Message_WhichOneofByDef(msg, upb_FieldDef_ContainingOneof(f))) { jsondec_err(d, "More than one field for this oneof."); } preserved = d->debug_field; d->debug_field = f; if (upb_FieldDef_IsMap(f)) { jsondec_map(d, msg, f); } else if (upb_FieldDef_IsRepeated(f)) { jsondec_array(d, msg, f); } else if (upb_FieldDef_IsSubMessage(f)) { upb_Message* submsg = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, f, d->arena).msg; const upb_MessageDef* subm = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f); jsondec_tomsg(d, submsg, subm); } else { upb_JsonMessageValue val = jsondec_value(d, f); if (!val.ignore) { upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, f, val.value, d->arena); } } d->debug_field = preserved; } static void jsondec_object(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); jsondec_objstart(d); while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { jsondec_field(d, msg, m); } jsondec_objend(d); } static upb_MessageValue jsondec_nonenum(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { switch (upb_FieldDef_CType(f)) { case kUpb_CType_Bool: return jsondec_bool(d, f); case kUpb_CType_Float: case kUpb_CType_Double: return jsondec_double(d, f); case kUpb_CType_UInt32: case kUpb_CType_UInt64: return jsondec_uint(d, f); case kUpb_CType_Int32: case kUpb_CType_Int64: return jsondec_int(d, f); case kUpb_CType_String: case kUpb_CType_Bytes: return jsondec_strfield(d, f); case kUpb_CType_Message: return jsondec_msg(d, f); case kUpb_CType_Enum: default: UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } } static upb_JsonMessageValue jsondec_value(jsondec* d, const upb_FieldDef* f) { if (upb_FieldDef_CType(f) == kUpb_CType_Enum) { return jsondec_enum(d, f); } else { return (upb_JsonMessageValue){.value = jsondec_nonenum(d, f), .ignore = false}; } } /* Well-known types ***********************************************************/ static int jsondec_tsdigits(jsondec* d, const char** ptr, size_t digits, const char* after) { uint64_t val; const char* p = *ptr; const char* end = p + digits; size_t after_len = after ? strlen(after) : 0; UPB_ASSERT(digits <= 9); /* int can't overflow. */ if (jsondec_buftouint64(d, p, end, &val) != end || (after_len && memcmp(end, after, after_len) != 0)) { jsondec_err(d, "Malformed timestamp"); } UPB_ASSERT(val < INT_MAX); *ptr = end + after_len; return (int)val; } static int jsondec_nanos(jsondec* d, const char** ptr, const char* end) { uint64_t nanos = 0; const char* p = *ptr; if (p != end && *p == '.') { const char* nano_end = jsondec_buftouint64(d, p + 1, end, &nanos); int digits = (int)(nano_end - p - 1); int exp_lg10 = 9 - digits; if (digits > 9) { jsondec_err(d, "Too many digits for partial seconds"); } while (exp_lg10--) nanos *= 10; *ptr = nano_end; } UPB_ASSERT(nanos < INT_MAX); return (int)nanos; } /* jsondec_epochdays(1970, 1, 1) == 1970-01-01 == 0. */ int jsondec_epochdays(int y, int m, int d) { const uint32_t year_base = 4800; /* Before min year, multiple of 400. */ const uint32_t m_adj = m - 3; /* March-based month. */ const uint32_t carry = m_adj > (uint32_t)m ? 1 : 0; const uint32_t adjust = carry ? 12 : 0; const uint32_t y_adj = y + year_base - carry; const uint32_t month_days = ((m_adj + adjust) * 62719 + 769) / 2048; const uint32_t leap_days = y_adj / 4 - y_adj / 100 + y_adj / 400; return y_adj * 365 + leap_days + month_days + (d - 1) - 2472632; } static int64_t jsondec_unixtime(int y, int m, int d, int h, int min, int s) { return (int64_t)jsondec_epochdays(y, m, d) * 86400 + h * 3600 + min * 60 + s; } static void jsondec_timestamp(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_MessageValue seconds; upb_MessageValue nanos; upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); const char* ptr = str.data; const char* end = ptr + str.size; if (str.size < 20) goto malformed; { /* 1972-01-01T01:00:00 */ int year = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 4, "-"); int mon = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, "-"); int day = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, "T"); int hour = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, ":"); int min = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, ":"); int sec = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, NULL); seconds.int64_val = jsondec_unixtime(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec); } nanos.int32_val = jsondec_nanos(d, &ptr, end); { /* [+-]08:00 or Z */ int ofs_hour = 0; int ofs_min = 0; bool neg = false; if (ptr == end) goto malformed; switch (*ptr++) { case '-': neg = true; /* fallthrough */ case '+': if ((end - ptr) != 5) goto malformed; ofs_hour = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, ":"); ofs_min = jsondec_tsdigits(d, &ptr, 2, NULL); ofs_min = ((ofs_hour * 60) + ofs_min) * 60; seconds.int64_val += (neg ? ofs_min : -ofs_min); break; case 'Z': if (ptr != end) goto malformed; break; default: goto malformed; } } if (seconds.int64_val < -62135596800) { jsondec_err(d, "Timestamp out of range"); } upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1), seconds, d->arena); upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 2), nanos, d->arena); return; malformed: jsondec_err(d, "Malformed timestamp"); } static void jsondec_duration(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_MessageValue seconds; upb_MessageValue nanos; upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); const char* ptr = str.data; const char* end = ptr + str.size; const int64_t max = (uint64_t)3652500 * 86400; bool neg = false; /* "3.000000001s", "3s", etc. */ ptr = jsondec_buftoint64(d, ptr, end, &seconds.int64_val, &neg); nanos.int32_val = jsondec_nanos(d, &ptr, end); if (end - ptr != 1 || *ptr != 's') { jsondec_err(d, "Malformed duration"); } if (seconds.int64_val < -max || seconds.int64_val > max) { jsondec_err(d, "Duration out of range"); } if (neg) { nanos.int32_val = -nanos.int32_val; } upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1), seconds, d->arena); upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 2), nanos, d->arena); } static void jsondec_listvalue(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); const upb_FieldDef* values_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); const upb_MessageDef* value_m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(values_f); const upb_MiniTable* value_layout = upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(value_m); upb_Array* values = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, values_f, d->arena).array; jsondec_arrstart(d); while (jsondec_arrnext(d)) { upb_Message* value_msg = upb_Message_New(value_layout, d->arena); upb_MessageValue value; value.msg_val = value_msg; upb_Array_Append(values, value, d->arena); jsondec_wellknownvalue(d, value_msg, value_m); } jsondec_arrend(d); } static void jsondec_struct(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); const upb_FieldDef* fields_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); const upb_MessageDef* entry_m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(fields_f); const upb_FieldDef* value_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(entry_m, 2); const upb_MessageDef* value_m = upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(value_f); const upb_MiniTable* value_layout = upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(value_m); upb_Map* fields = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, fields_f, d->arena).map; jsondec_objstart(d); while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { upb_MessageValue key, value; upb_Message* value_msg = upb_Message_New(value_layout, d->arena); key.str_val = jsondec_string(d); value.msg_val = value_msg; upb_Map_Set(fields, key, value, d->arena); jsondec_entrysep(d); jsondec_wellknownvalue(d, value_msg, value_m); } jsondec_objend(d); } static void jsondec_wellknownvalue(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); upb_MessageValue val; const upb_FieldDef* f; upb_Message* submsg; switch (jsondec_peek(d)) { case JD_NUMBER: /* double number_value = 2; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 2); val.double_val = jsondec_number(d); break; case JD_STRING: /* string string_value = 3; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 3); val.str_val = jsondec_string(d); break; case JD_FALSE: /* bool bool_value = 4; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 4); val.bool_val = false; jsondec_false(d); break; case JD_TRUE: /* bool bool_value = 4; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 4); val.bool_val = true; jsondec_true(d); break; case JD_NULL: /* NullValue null_value = 1; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); val.int32_val = 0; jsondec_null(d); break; /* Note: these cases return, because upb_Message_Mutable() is enough. */ case JD_OBJECT: /* Struct struct_value = 5; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 5); submsg = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, f, d->arena).msg; jsondec_struct(d, submsg, upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f)); return; case JD_ARRAY: /* ListValue list_value = 6; */ f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 6); submsg = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, f, d->arena).msg; jsondec_listvalue(d, submsg, upb_FieldDef_MessageSubDef(f)); return; default: UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, f, val, d->arena); } static upb_StringView jsondec_mask(jsondec* d, const char* buf, const char* end) { /* FieldMask fields grow due to inserted '_' characters, so we can't do the * transform in place. */ const char* ptr = buf; upb_StringView ret; char* out; ret.size = end - ptr; while (ptr < end) { ret.size += (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z'); ptr++; } out = upb_Arena_Malloc(d->arena, ret.size); ptr = buf; ret.data = out; while (ptr < end) { char ch = *ptr++; if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { *out++ = '_'; *out++ = ch + 32; } else if (ch == '_') { jsondec_err(d, "field mask may not contain '_'"); } else { *out++ = ch; } } return ret; } static void jsondec_fieldmask(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); /* repeated string paths = 1; */ const upb_FieldDef* paths_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_Mutable(msg, paths_f, d->arena).array; upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); const char* ptr = str.data; const char* end = ptr + str.size; upb_MessageValue val; while (ptr < end) { const char* elem_end = memchr(ptr, ',', end - ptr); if (elem_end) { val.str_val = jsondec_mask(d, ptr, elem_end); ptr = elem_end + 1; } else { val.str_val = jsondec_mask(d, ptr, end); ptr = end; } upb_Array_Append(arr, val, d->arena); } } static void jsondec_anyfield(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); if (upb_MessageDef_WellKnownType(m) == kUpb_WellKnown_Unspecified) { /* For regular types: {"@type": "[user type]", "f1": , "f2": } * where f1, f2, etc. are the normal fields of this type. */ jsondec_field(d, msg, m); } else { /* For well-known types: {"@type": "[well-known type]", "value": } * where is whatever encoding the WKT normally uses. */ upb_StringView str = jsondec_string(d); jsondec_entrysep(d); if (!jsondec_streql(str, "value")) { jsondec_err(d, "Key for well-known type must be 'value'"); } jsondec_wellknown(d, msg, m); } } static const upb_MessageDef* jsondec_typeurl(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); const upb_FieldDef* type_url_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); const upb_MessageDef* type_m; upb_StringView type_url = jsondec_string(d); const char* end = type_url.data + type_url.size; const char* ptr = end; upb_MessageValue val; val.str_val = type_url; upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, type_url_f, val, d->arena); /* Find message name after the last '/' */ while (ptr > type_url.data && *--ptr != '/') { } if (ptr == type_url.data || ptr == end) { jsondec_err(d, "Type url must have at least one '/' and non-empty host"); } ptr++; type_m = upb_DefPool_FindMessageByNameWithSize(d->symtab, ptr, end - ptr); if (!type_m) { jsondec_err(d, "Type was not found"); } return type_m; } static void jsondec_any(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); /* string type_url = 1; * bytes value = 2; */ const upb_FieldDef* value_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 2); upb_Message* any_msg; const upb_MessageDef* any_m = NULL; const char* pre_type_data = NULL; const char* pre_type_end = NULL; upb_MessageValue encoded; jsondec_objstart(d); /* Scan looking for "@type", which is not necessarily first. */ while (!any_m && jsondec_objnext(d)) { const char* start = d->ptr; upb_StringView name = jsondec_string(d); jsondec_entrysep(d); if (jsondec_streql(name, "@type")) { any_m = jsondec_typeurl(d, msg, m); if (pre_type_data) { pre_type_end = start; while (*pre_type_end != ',') pre_type_end--; } } else { if (!pre_type_data) pre_type_data = start; jsondec_skipval(d); } } if (!any_m) { jsondec_err(d, "Any object didn't contain a '@type' field"); } const upb_MiniTable* any_layout = upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(any_m); any_msg = upb_Message_New(any_layout, d->arena); if (pre_type_data) { size_t len = pre_type_end - pre_type_data + 1; char* tmp = upb_Arena_Malloc(d->arena, len); const char* saved_ptr = d->ptr; const char* saved_end = d->end; memcpy(tmp, pre_type_data, len - 1); tmp[len - 1] = '}'; d->ptr = tmp; d->end = tmp + len; d->is_first = true; while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { jsondec_anyfield(d, any_msg, any_m); } d->ptr = saved_ptr; d->end = saved_end; } while (jsondec_objnext(d)) { jsondec_anyfield(d, any_msg, any_m); } jsondec_objend(d); upb_EncodeStatus status = upb_Encode(any_msg, upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(any_m), 0, d->arena, (char**)&encoded.str_val.data, &encoded.str_val.size); // TODO: We should fail gracefully here on a bad return status. UPB_ASSERT(status == kUpb_EncodeStatus_Ok); upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, value_f, encoded, d->arena); } static void jsondec_wrapper(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); const upb_FieldDef* value_f = upb_MessageDef_FindFieldByNumber(m, 1); upb_JsonMessageValue val = jsondec_value(d, value_f); UPB_ASSUME(val.ignore == false); // Wrapper cannot be an enum. upb_Message_SetFieldByDef(msg, value_f, val.value, d->arena); } static void jsondec_wellknown(jsondec* d, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); switch (upb_MessageDef_WellKnownType(m)) { case kUpb_WellKnown_Any: jsondec_any(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_FieldMask: jsondec_fieldmask(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_Duration: jsondec_duration(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_Timestamp: jsondec_timestamp(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_Value: jsondec_wellknownvalue(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_ListValue: jsondec_listvalue(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_Struct: jsondec_struct(d, msg, m); break; case kUpb_WellKnown_DoubleValue: case kUpb_WellKnown_FloatValue: case kUpb_WellKnown_Int64Value: case kUpb_WellKnown_UInt64Value: case kUpb_WellKnown_Int32Value: case kUpb_WellKnown_UInt32Value: case kUpb_WellKnown_StringValue: case kUpb_WellKnown_BytesValue: case kUpb_WellKnown_BoolValue: jsondec_wrapper(d, msg, m); break; default: UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } } static bool upb_JsonDecoder_Decode(jsondec* const d, upb_Message* const msg, const upb_MessageDef* const m) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); if (UPB_SETJMP(d->err)) return false; jsondec_tomsg(d, msg, m); // Consume any trailing whitespace before checking if we read the entire // input. jsondec_consumews(d); if (d->ptr == d->end) { return true; } else { jsondec_seterrmsg(d, "unexpected trailing characters"); return false; } } bool upb_JsonDecode(const char* buf, size_t size, upb_Message* msg, const upb_MessageDef* m, const upb_DefPool* symtab, int options, upb_Arena* arena, upb_Status* status) { UPB_ASSERT(!upb_Message_IsFrozen(msg)); jsondec d; if (size == 0) return true; d.ptr = buf; d.end = buf + size; d.arena = arena; d.symtab = symtab; d.status = status; d.options = options; d.depth = 64; d.line = 1; d.line_begin = d.ptr; d.debug_field = NULL; d.is_first = false; return upb_JsonDecoder_Decode(&d, msg, m); }