/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Google LLC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Google LLC nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Google LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "python/extension_dict.h" #include "python/message.h" #include "python/protobuf.h" #include "upb/reflection/def.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ExtensionDict // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD; PyObject* msg; // Owning ref to our parent pessage. } PyUpb_ExtensionDict; PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionDict_New(PyObject* msg) { PyUpb_ModuleState* state = PyUpb_ModuleState_Get(); PyUpb_ExtensionDict* ext_dict = (void*)PyType_GenericAlloc(state->extension_dict_type, 0); ext_dict->msg = msg; Py_INCREF(ext_dict->msg); return &ext_dict->ob_base; } static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionDict_FindExtensionByName(PyObject* _self, PyObject* key) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; const char* name = PyUpb_GetStrData(key); const upb_MessageDef* m = PyUpb_Message_GetMsgdef(self->msg); const upb_FileDef* file = upb_MessageDef_File(m); const upb_DefPool* symtab = upb_FileDef_Pool(file); const upb_FieldDef* ext = upb_DefPool_FindExtensionByName(symtab, name); if (ext) { return PyUpb_FieldDescriptor_Get(ext); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionDict_FindExtensionByNumber(PyObject* _self, PyObject* arg) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; const upb_MessageDef* m = PyUpb_Message_GetMsgdef(self->msg); const upb_MiniTable* l = upb_MessageDef_MiniTable(m); const upb_FileDef* file = upb_MessageDef_File(m); const upb_DefPool* symtab = upb_FileDef_Pool(file); const upb_ExtensionRegistry* reg = upb_DefPool_ExtensionRegistry(symtab); int64_t number = PyLong_AsLong(arg); const upb_MiniTable_Extension* ext = (upb_MiniTable_Extension*)upb_ExtensionRegistry_Lookup(reg, l, number); if (ext) { const upb_FieldDef* f = upb_DefPool_FindExtensionByMiniTable(symtab, ext); return PyUpb_FieldDescriptor_Get(f); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } static void PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Dealloc(PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self) { PyUpb_Message_ClearExtensionDict(self->msg); Py_DECREF(self->msg); PyUpb_Dealloc(self); } static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionDict_RichCompare(PyObject* _self, PyObject* _other, int opid) { // Only equality comparisons are implemented. if (opid != Py_EQ && opid != Py_NE) { Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented); return Py_NotImplemented; } PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; bool equals = false; if (PyObject_TypeCheck(_other, Py_TYPE(_self))) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* other = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_other; equals = self->msg == other->msg; } bool ret = opid == Py_EQ ? equals : !equals; return PyBool_FromLong(ret); } static int PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Contains(PyObject* _self, PyObject* key) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; const upb_FieldDef* f = PyUpb_Message_GetExtensionDef(self->msg, key); if (!f) return -1; upb_Message* msg = PyUpb_Message_GetIfReified(self->msg); if (!msg) return 0; if (upb_FieldDef_IsRepeated(f)) { upb_MessageValue val = upb_Message_Get(msg, f); return upb_Array_Size(val.array_val) > 0; } else { return upb_Message_Has(msg, f); } } static Py_ssize_t PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Length(PyObject* _self) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; upb_Message* msg = PyUpb_Message_GetIfReified(self->msg); return msg ? upb_Message_ExtensionCount(msg) : 0; } static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Subscript(PyObject* _self, PyObject* key) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; const upb_FieldDef* f = PyUpb_Message_GetExtensionDef(self->msg, key); if (!f) return NULL; return PyUpb_Message_GetFieldValue(self->msg, f); } static int PyUpb_ExtensionDict_AssignSubscript(PyObject* _self, PyObject* key, PyObject* val) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_self; const upb_FieldDef* f = PyUpb_Message_GetExtensionDef(self->msg, key); if (!f) return -1; if (val) { return PyUpb_Message_SetFieldValue(self->msg, f, val, PyExc_TypeError); } else { PyUpb_Message_DoClearField(self->msg, f); return 0; } } static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_New(PyObject* _ext_dict); static PyMethodDef PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Methods[] = { {"_FindExtensionByName", PyUpb_ExtensionDict_FindExtensionByName, METH_O, "Finds an extension by name."}, {"_FindExtensionByNumber", PyUpb_ExtensionDict_FindExtensionByNumber, METH_O, "Finds an extension by number."}, {NULL, NULL}, }; static PyType_Slot PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Slots[] = { {Py_tp_dealloc, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Dealloc}, {Py_tp_methods, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Methods}, //{Py_tp_getset, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Getters}, //{Py_tp_hash, PyObject_HashNotImplemented}, {Py_tp_richcompare, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_RichCompare}, {Py_tp_iter, PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_New}, {Py_sq_contains, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Contains}, {Py_sq_length, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Length}, {Py_mp_length, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Length}, {Py_mp_subscript, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Subscript}, {Py_mp_ass_subscript, PyUpb_ExtensionDict_AssignSubscript}, {0, NULL}}; static PyType_Spec PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Spec = { PYUPB_MODULE_NAME ".ExtensionDict", // tp_name sizeof(PyUpb_ExtensionDict), // tp_basicsize 0, // tp_itemsize Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, // tp_flags PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Slots, }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ExtensionIterator // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD; PyObject* msg; size_t iter; } PyUpb_ExtensionIterator; static PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_New(PyObject* _ext_dict) { PyUpb_ExtensionDict* ext_dict = (PyUpb_ExtensionDict*)_ext_dict; PyUpb_ModuleState* state = PyUpb_ModuleState_Get(); PyUpb_ExtensionIterator* iter = (void*)PyType_GenericAlloc(state->extension_iterator_type, 0); if (!iter) return NULL; iter->msg = ext_dict->msg; iter->iter = kUpb_Message_Begin; Py_INCREF(iter->msg); return &iter->ob_base; } static void PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Dealloc(void* _self) { PyUpb_ExtensionIterator* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionIterator*)_self; Py_DECREF(self->msg); PyUpb_Dealloc(_self); } PyObject* PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_IterNext(PyObject* _self) { PyUpb_ExtensionIterator* self = (PyUpb_ExtensionIterator*)_self; upb_Message* msg = PyUpb_Message_GetIfReified(self->msg); if (!msg) return NULL; const upb_MessageDef* m = PyUpb_Message_GetMsgdef(self->msg); const upb_DefPool* symtab = upb_FileDef_Pool(upb_MessageDef_File(m)); while (true) { const upb_FieldDef* f; upb_MessageValue val; if (!upb_Message_Next(msg, m, symtab, &f, &val, &self->iter)) return NULL; if (upb_FieldDef_IsExtension(f)) return PyUpb_FieldDescriptor_Get(f); } } static PyType_Slot PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Slots[] = { {Py_tp_dealloc, PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Dealloc}, {Py_tp_iter, PyObject_SelfIter}, {Py_tp_iternext, PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_IterNext}, {0, NULL}}; static PyType_Spec PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Spec = { PYUPB_MODULE_NAME ".ExtensionIterator", // tp_name sizeof(PyUpb_ExtensionIterator), // tp_basicsize 0, // tp_itemsize Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, // tp_flags PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Slots, }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Top Level // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool PyUpb_InitExtensionDict(PyObject* m) { PyUpb_ModuleState* s = PyUpb_ModuleState_GetFromModule(m); s->extension_dict_type = PyUpb_AddClass(m, &PyUpb_ExtensionDict_Spec); s->extension_iterator_type = PyUpb_AddClass(m, &PyUpb_ExtensionIterator_Spec); return s->extension_dict_type && s->extension_iterator_type; }