name: Rust Tests on: workflow_call: inputs: safe-checkout: required: true description: "The SHA key for the commit we want to run over" type: string permissions: contents: read jobs: linux: name: Linux runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout pending changes uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 with: ref: ${{ }} - name: Run tests uses: protocolbuffers/protobuf-ci/bazel-docker@v1 with: image: credentials: ${{ secrets.GAR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT }} bazel-cache: rust_linux bazel: | test //rust:protobuf_upb_test //rust:protobuf_cpp_test \ //rust/upb_kernel:upb_test //rust/cpp_kernel:cpp_test \ //rust/test/rust_proto_library_unit_test:rust_upb_aspect_test \ //rust/upb_kernel:upb_test //src/google/protobuf/compiler/rust/...