// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

syntax = "proto2";

package objc.protobuf.tests.deprecated;
option objc_class_prefix = "Dep";

// This file is like unittest_deprecated_file.proto, but uses message, enum,
// enum value, and field level deprecation.
// The source generated from this file needs to be inspect to confirm it has
// all of the expected annotations. It also will be compiled into the unittest
// and that compile should be clean without errors.

// Mix of field types marked as deprecated.
message Msg1 {
  extensions 100 to max;

  optional string string_field = 1 [deprecated=true];
  required int32 int_field = 2 [deprecated=true];
  repeated fixed32 fixed_field = 3 [deprecated=true];
  optional Msg1 msg_field = 4 [deprecated=true];

// Mix of extension field types marked as deprecated.
extend Msg1 {
  optional string string_ext_field = 101 [deprecated=true];
  optional int32 int_ext_field = 102 [deprecated=true];
  repeated fixed32 fixed_ext_field = 103 [deprecated=true];
  optional Msg1 msg_ext_field = 104 [deprecated=true];

// Mix of extension field types (scoped to a message) marked as deprecated.
message Msg1A {
  extend Msg1 {
    optional string string_ext2_field = 201 [deprecated=true];
    optional int32 int_ext2_field = 202 [deprecated=true];
    repeated fixed32 fixed_ext2_field = 203 [deprecated=true];
    optional Msg1 msg_ext2_field = 204 [deprecated=true];

// Enum value marked as deprecated.
enum Enum1 {
  ENUM1_ONE   = 1;
  ENUM1_TWO   = 2;
  ENUM1_THREE = 3 [deprecated=true];

// Message marked as deprecated.
message Msg2 {
  option deprecated = true;

  optional string string_field = 1;
  required int32 int_field = 2;
  repeated fixed32 fixed_field = 3;

// Enum marked as deprecated.
enum Enum2 {
  option deprecated = true;

  ENUM2_ONE   = 1;
  ENUM2_TWO   = 2;
  ENUM2_THREE = 3;