[tox] envlist = py{27,33,34,35,36}-{cpp,python} [testenv] usedevelop=true passenv = CC KOKORO_BUILD_ID KOKORO_BUILD_NUMBER setenv = cpp: LD_LIBRARY_PATH={toxinidir}/../src/.libs cpp: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH={toxinidir}/../src/.libs cpp: PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=cpp python: PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python commands = python setup.py -q build_py python: python setup.py -q build # --warnings_as_errors disabled until we update the Python C extension. See: # https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/7930 # cpp: python setup.py -q build --cpp_implementation --warnings_as_errors --compile_static_extension cpp: python setup.py -q build --cpp_implementation --compile_static_extension python: python setup.py -q test -q cpp: python setup.py -q test -q --cpp_implementation python: python setup.py -q test_conformance cpp: python setup.py -q test_conformance --cpp_implementation deps = # Keep this list of dependencies in sync with setup.py. six>=1.9 py26: ordereddict py26: unittest2