name: 'Run Docker' description: 'Run a docker image for Protobuf CI testing' inputs: image: required: true description: "The docker image to use" type: string command: required: true description: "A raw docker command to run" type: string run-flags: required: false description: "Additional flags to pass to docker run" type: string # WARNING: loading from cache appears to be slower than pull! docker-cache: required: false description: "Enabled caching of pulled docker images." runs: using: 'composite' steps: - name: Authenticate for GAR use shell: bash run: gcloud auth configure-docker -q - name: Setup QEMU for possible emulation uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@e81a89b1732b9c48d79cd809d8d81d79c4647a18 # v2.1.0 - name: Check docker cache if: ${{ inputs.docker-cache }} id: check-docker-cache uses: actions/cache@627f0f41f6904a5b1efbaed9f96d9eb58e92e920 # v3.2.4 with: path: ci/docker/ key: ${{ inputs.image }} - name: Pull and store if cache miss shell: bash if: ${{ inputs.docker-cache && steps.check-docker-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: > time docker pull -q ${{ inputs.image }} && mkdir -p ci/docker/$(dirname ${{ inputs.image }}) && time docker image save ${{ inputs.image }} --output ./ci/docker/${{ inputs.image }}.tar - name: Use the cached image on cache hit shell: bash if: ${{ inputs.docker-cache && steps.check-docker-cache.outputs.cache-hit == 'true' }} run: time docker image load --input ./ci/docker/${{ inputs.image }}.tar - name: Pull fresh docker image shell: bash if: ${{ !inputs.docker-cache }} run: time docker pull -q ${{ inputs.image }} - name: Run docker shell: bash run: > time docker run ${{}} -v${{ github.workspace }}:/workspace ${{ inputs.image }} ${{ inputs.command }}