"""Generated unittests to verify that a binary is built for the expected architecture.""" load("//build_defs:internal_shell.bzl", "inline_sh_test") def _arch_test_impl( name, platform, file_platform, bazel_binaries = [], system_binaries = [], **kwargs): """ Bazel rule to verify that a Bazel or system binary is built for the aarch64 architecture. Args: name: the name of the test. platform: a diagnostic name for this architecture. file_platform: the expected output of `file`. bazel_binaries: a set of binary targets to inspect. system_binaries: a set of paths to system executables to inspect. **kargs: other keyword arguments that are passed to the test. """ inline_sh_test( name = name, tools = bazel_binaries, cmd = """ for binary in "$(rootpaths %s) %s"; do (file -L $$binary | grep -q "%s") \ || (echo "Test binary is not an %s binary: "; file -L $$binary; exit 1) done """ % (" ".join(bazel_binaries), " ".join(system_binaries), file_platform, platform), target_compatible_with = select({ "//build_defs:"+platform: [], "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"], }), ) def aarch64_test(**kwargs): _arch_test_impl( platform = "aarch64", file_platform = "ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64", **kwargs, ) def x86_64_test(**kwargs): _arch_test_impl( platform = "x86_64", file_platform = "ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM x86_64", **kwargs, )