// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

use crate::__internal::Private;
use crate::__runtime::InnerPrimitiveMut;
use crate::vtable::{PrimitiveVTable, ProxiedWithRawVTable};
use crate::{Mut, MutProxy, Proxied, SettableValue, View, ViewProxy};

pub struct PrimitiveMut<'a, T: ProxiedWithRawVTable> {
    inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'a, T>,

impl<'a, T: ProxiedWithRawVTable> PrimitiveMut<'a, T> {
    pub fn from_inner(_private: Private, inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'a, T>) -> Self {
        Self { inner }

unsafe impl<'a, T: ProxiedWithRawVTable> Sync for PrimitiveMut<'a, T> {}

macro_rules! impl_singular_primitives {
  ($($t:ty),*) => {
          impl Proxied for $t {
              type View<'a> = $t;
              type Mut<'a> = PrimitiveMut<'a, $t>;

          impl<'a> ViewProxy<'a> for $t {
              type Proxied = $t;

              fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, Self::Proxied> {

              fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, Self::Proxied> {

          impl<'a> ViewProxy<'a> for PrimitiveMut<'a, $t> {
              type Proxied = $t;

              fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, Self::Proxied> {

              fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, Self::Proxied> {

          impl<'a> MutProxy<'a> for PrimitiveMut<'a, $t> {
              fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Mut<'_, Self::Proxied> {
                  PrimitiveMut::from_inner(Private, self.inner)

              fn into_mut<'shorter>(self) -> Mut<'shorter, Self::Proxied>
              where 'a: 'shorter,

          impl SettableValue<$t> for $t {
              fn set_on(self, _private: Private, mutator: Mut<'_, $t>) {
                unsafe { (mutator.inner).set(self) };

          impl<'a> PrimitiveMut<'a, $t> {
              pub fn set(&mut self, val: impl SettableValue<$t>) {
                  val.set_on(Private, self.as_mut());

              pub fn get(&self) -> $t {

              pub fn clear(&mut self) {
                  // The default value for a boolean field is false and 0 for numerical types. It
                  // matches the Rust default values for corresponding types. Let's use this fact.
                  SettableValue::<$t>::set_on(<$t>::default(), Private, MutProxy::as_mut(self));

          impl ProxiedWithRawVTable for $t {
            type VTable = PrimitiveVTable<$t>;

            fn make_view(
                _private: Private,
                mut_inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'_, Self>
            ) -> View<'_, Self> {

            fn make_mut(_private: Private, inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'_, Self>) -> Mut<'_, Self> {
                PrimitiveMut::from_inner(Private, inner)

impl_singular_primitives!(bool, f32, f64, i32, i64, u32, u64);