# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format # Copyright 2024 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd # """A Starlark implementation of the proto_toolchain rule.""" load("//bazel/common:proto_common.bzl", "proto_common") load("//bazel/common:proto_lang_toolchain_info.bzl", "ProtoLangToolchainInfo") load("//bazel/private:toolchain_helpers.bzl", "toolchains") def _impl(ctx): return [ DefaultInfo( files = depset(), runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), ), platform_common.ToolchainInfo( proto = ProtoLangToolchainInfo( out_replacement_format_flag = ctx.attr.command_line, output_files = ctx.attr.output_files, plugin = None, runtime = None, proto_compiler = ctx.attr.proto_compiler.files_to_run, protoc_opts = ctx.fragments.proto.experimental_protoc_opts, progress_message = ctx.attr.progress_message, mnemonic = ctx.attr.mnemonic, **(dict(toolchain_type = toolchains.PROTO_TOOLCHAIN) if proto_common.INCOMPATIBLE_PASS_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE else {}) ), ), ] proto_toolchain = rule( _impl, attrs = { "progress_message": attr.string(default = "Generating Descriptor Set proto_library %{label}"), "mnemonic": attr.string(default = "GenProtoDescriptorSet"), "command_line": attr.string(default = "--descriptor_set_out=%s"), "output_files": attr.string(values = ["single", "multiple", "legacy"], default = "single"), "proto_compiler": attr.label( cfg = "exec", executable = True, allow_files = True, # Used by mocks in tests. Consider fixing tests and removing it. ), }, provides = [platform_common.ToolchainInfo], fragments = ["proto"], )