#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then cat <<EOF Usage: $0 <TARGET> <VERSION_NUMBER> TARGET: protoc | protoc-gen-javalite Example: $ $0 protoc 3.0.0 $ $0 protoc-gen-javalite 3.0.0 This script will download pre-built protoc or protoc plugin binaries from maven repository and create .zip packages suitable to be included in the github release page. If the target is protoc, well-known type .proto files will also be included. Each invocation will create 8 zip packages: dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-win32.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-win64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-osx-aarch_64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-osx-x86_64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-linux-x86_32.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-linux-x86_64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-linux-aarch_64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-linux-ppcle_64.zip dist/<TARGET>-<VERSION_NUMBER>-linux-s390_64.zip EOF exit 1 fi TARGET=$1 VERSION_NUMBER=$2 # <zip file name> <binary file name> pairs. declare -a FILE_NAMES=( \ win32.zip windows-x86_32.exe \ win64.zip windows-x86_64.exe \ osx-aarch_64.zip osx-aarch_64.exe \ osx-x86_64.zip osx-x86_64.exe \ linux-x86_32.zip linux-x86_32.exe \ linux-x86_64.zip linux-x86_64.exe \ linux-aarch_64.zip linux-aarch_64.exe \ linux-ppcle_64.zip linux-ppcle_64.exe \ linux-s390_64.zip linux-s390_64.exe \ ) # List of all well-known types to be included. declare -a WELL_KNOWN_TYPES=( \ google/protobuf/descriptor.proto \ google/protobuf/any.proto \ google/protobuf/api.proto \ google/protobuf/duration.proto \ google/protobuf/empty.proto \ google/protobuf/field_mask.proto \ google/protobuf/source_context.proto \ google/protobuf/struct.proto \ google/protobuf/timestamp.proto \ google/protobuf/type.proto \ google/protobuf/wrappers.proto \ google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto \ ) set -e # A temporary working directory to put all files. DIR=$(mktemp -d) # Copy over well-known types. mkdir -p ${DIR}/include/google/protobuf/compiler for PROTO in ${WELL_KNOWN_TYPES[@]}; do cp -f ../src/${PROTO} ${DIR}/include/${PROTO} done # Create a readme file. cat <<EOF > ${DIR}/readme.txt Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format Copyright 2008 Google Inc. https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ This package contains a precompiled binary version of the protocol buffer compiler (protoc). This binary is intended for users who want to use Protocol Buffers in languages other than C++ but do not want to compile protoc themselves. To install, simply place this binary somewhere in your PATH. If you intend to use the included well known types then don't forget to copy the contents of the 'include' directory somewhere as well, for example into '/usr/local/include/'. Please refer to our official github site for more installation instructions: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf EOF mkdir -p dist mkdir -p ${DIR}/bin # Create a zip file for each binary. for((i=0;i<${#FILE_NAMES[@]};i+=2));do ZIP_NAME=${FILE_NAMES[$i]} if [ ${ZIP_NAME:0:3} = "win" ]; then BINARY="$TARGET.exe" else BINARY="$TARGET" fi BINARY_NAME=${FILE_NAMES[$(($i+1))]} BINARY_URL=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/$TARGET/${VERSION_NUMBER}/$TARGET-${VERSION_NUMBER}-${BINARY_NAME} if ! wget ${BINARY_URL} -O ${DIR}/bin/$BINARY &> /dev/null; then echo "[ERROR] Failed to download ${BINARY_URL}" >&2 echo "[ERROR] Skipped $TARGET-${VERSION_NAME}-${ZIP_NAME}" >&2 continue fi TARGET_ZIP_FILE=`pwd`/dist/$TARGET-${VERSION_NUMBER}-${ZIP_NAME} pushd $DIR &> /dev/null chmod +x bin/$BINARY if [ "$TARGET" = "protoc" ]; then zip -r ${TARGET_ZIP_FILE} include bin readme.txt &> /dev/null else zip -r ${TARGET_ZIP_FILE} bin &> /dev/null fi rm bin/$BINARY popd &> /dev/null echo "[INFO] Successfully created ${TARGET_ZIP_FILE}" done