using System; using System.IO; namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers { /// /// Thrown when a protocol message being parsed is invalid in some way, /// e.g. it contains a malformed varint or a negative byte length. /// /// TODO(jonskeet): Make the methods throw directly? Rename them? /// public class InvalidProtocolBufferException : IOException { private InvalidProtocolBufferException(string message) : base(message) { } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException TruncatedMessage() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly " + "in the middle of a field. This could mean either than the " + "input has been truncated or that an embedded message " + "misreported its own length."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException NegativeSize() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "CodedInputStream encountered an embedded string or message " + "which claimed to have negative size."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException MalformedVarint() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException InvalidTag() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero)."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException InvalidEndTag() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException InvalidWireType() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Protocol message tag had invalid wire type."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException RecursionLimitExceeded() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Protocol message had too many levels of nesting. May be malicious. " + "Use CodedInputStream.setRecursionLimit() to increase the depth limit."); } internal static InvalidProtocolBufferException SizeLimitExceeded() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException( "Protocol message was too large. May be malicious. " + "Use CodedInputStream.setSizeLimit() to increase the size limit."); } } }