// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "upb/message/copy.h" #include #include #include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb/message/accessors.h" #include "upb/message/array.h" #include "upb/message/internal/accessors.h" #include "upb/message/internal/array.h" #include "upb/message/internal/extension.h" #include "upb/message/internal/map.h" #include "upb/message/map.h" #include "upb/message/message.h" #include "upb/message/tagged_ptr.h" #include "upb/mini_table/extension.h" #include "upb/mini_table/field.h" #include "upb/mini_table/internal/field.h" #include "upb/mini_table/internal/size_log2.h" #include "upb/mini_table/message.h" #include "upb/mini_table/sub.h" // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" static upb_StringView upb_Clone_StringView(upb_StringView str, upb_Arena* arena) { if (str.size == 0) { return upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize(NULL, 0); } void* cloned_data = upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, str.size); upb_StringView cloned_str = upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize(cloned_data, str.size); memcpy(cloned_data, str.data, str.size); return cloned_str; } static bool upb_Clone_MessageValue(void* value, upb_CType value_type, const upb_MiniTable* sub, upb_Arena* arena) { switch (value_type) { case kUpb_CType_Bool: case kUpb_CType_Float: case kUpb_CType_Int32: case kUpb_CType_UInt32: case kUpb_CType_Enum: case kUpb_CType_Double: case kUpb_CType_Int64: case kUpb_CType_UInt64: return true; case kUpb_CType_String: case kUpb_CType_Bytes: { upb_StringView source = *(upb_StringView*)value; int size = source.size; void* cloned_data = upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, size); if (cloned_data == NULL) { return false; } *(upb_StringView*)value = upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize(cloned_data, size); memcpy(cloned_data, source.data, size); return true; } break; case kUpb_CType_Message: { const upb_TaggedMessagePtr source = *(upb_TaggedMessagePtr*)value; bool is_empty = upb_TaggedMessagePtr_IsEmpty(source); if (is_empty) sub = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTable_Empty)(); UPB_ASSERT(source); upb_Message* clone = upb_Message_DeepClone( UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TaggedMessagePtr_GetMessage)(source), sub, arena); *(upb_TaggedMessagePtr*)value = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TaggedMessagePtr_Pack)(clone, is_empty); return clone != NULL; } break; } UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } upb_Map* upb_Map_DeepClone(const upb_Map* map, upb_CType key_type, upb_CType value_type, const upb_MiniTable* map_entry_table, upb_Arena* arena) { upb_Map* cloned_map = _upb_Map_New(arena, map->key_size, map->val_size); if (cloned_map == NULL) { return NULL; } upb_MessageValue key, val; size_t iter = kUpb_Map_Begin; while (upb_Map_Next(map, &key, &val, &iter)) { const upb_MiniTableField* value_field = &map_entry_table->UPB_PRIVATE(fields)[1]; const upb_MiniTable* value_sub = upb_MiniTableField_CType(value_field) == kUpb_CType_Message ? upb_MiniTable_GetSubMessageTable(map_entry_table, value_field) : NULL; upb_CType value_field_type = upb_MiniTableField_CType(value_field); if (!upb_Clone_MessageValue(&val, value_field_type, value_sub, arena)) { return NULL; } if (!upb_Map_Set(cloned_map, key, val, arena)) { return NULL; } } return cloned_map; } static upb_Map* upb_Message_Map_DeepClone(const upb_Map* map, const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, const upb_MiniTableField* f, upb_Message* clone, upb_Arena* arena) { // TODO: use a variant of upb_MiniTable_GetSubMessageTable() here. const upb_MiniTable* map_entry_table = upb_MiniTableSub_Message( mini_table->UPB_PRIVATE(subs)[f->UPB_PRIVATE(submsg_index)]); UPB_ASSERT(map_entry_table); const upb_MiniTableField* key_field = &map_entry_table->UPB_PRIVATE(fields)[0]; const upb_MiniTableField* value_field = &map_entry_table->UPB_PRIVATE(fields)[1]; upb_Map* cloned_map = upb_Map_DeepClone( map, upb_MiniTableField_CType(key_field), upb_MiniTableField_CType(value_field), map_entry_table, arena); if (!cloned_map) { return NULL; } _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(clone, f, &cloned_map); return cloned_map; } upb_Array* upb_Array_DeepClone(const upb_Array* array, upb_CType value_type, const upb_MiniTable* sub, upb_Arena* arena) { const size_t size = array->UPB_PRIVATE(size); const int lg2 = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_CType_SizeLg2)(value_type); upb_Array* cloned_array = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Array_New)(arena, size, lg2); if (!cloned_array) { return NULL; } if (!UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized)(cloned_array, size, arena)) { return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { upb_MessageValue val = upb_Array_Get(array, i); if (!upb_Clone_MessageValue(&val, value_type, sub, arena)) { return false; } upb_Array_Set(cloned_array, i, val); } return cloned_array; } static bool upb_Message_Array_DeepClone(const upb_Array* array, const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, const upb_MiniTableField* field, upb_Message* clone, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTableField_CheckIsArray)(field); upb_Array* cloned_array = upb_Array_DeepClone( array, upb_MiniTableField_CType(field), upb_MiniTableField_CType(field) == kUpb_CType_Message ? upb_MiniTable_GetSubMessageTable(mini_table, field) : NULL, arena); // Clear out upb_Array* due to parent memcpy. _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(clone, field, &cloned_array); return true; } static bool upb_Clone_ExtensionValue( const upb_MiniTableExtension* mini_table_ext, const upb_Extension* source, upb_Extension* dest, upb_Arena* arena) { dest->data = source->data; return upb_Clone_MessageValue( &dest->data, upb_MiniTableField_CType(&mini_table_ext->UPB_PRIVATE(field)), upb_MiniTableExtension_GetSubMessage(mini_table_ext), arena); } upb_Message* _upb_Message_Copy(upb_Message* dst, const upb_Message* src, const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, upb_Arena* arena) { upb_StringView empty_string = upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize(NULL, 0); // Only copy message area skipping upb_Message_Internal. memcpy(dst + 1, src + 1, mini_table->UPB_PRIVATE(size) - sizeof(upb_Message)); for (size_t i = 0; i < mini_table->UPB_PRIVATE(field_count); ++i) { const upb_MiniTableField* field = &mini_table->UPB_PRIVATE(fields)[i]; if (upb_MiniTableField_IsScalar(field)) { switch (upb_MiniTableField_CType(field)) { case kUpb_CType_Message: { upb_TaggedMessagePtr tagged = upb_Message_GetTaggedMessagePtr(src, field, NULL); const upb_Message* sub_message = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TaggedMessagePtr_GetMessage)(tagged); if (sub_message != NULL) { // If the message is currently in an unlinked, "empty" state we keep // it that way, because we don't want to deal with decode options, // decode status, or possible parse failure here. bool is_empty = upb_TaggedMessagePtr_IsEmpty(tagged); const upb_MiniTable* sub_message_table = is_empty ? UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_MiniTable_Empty)() : upb_MiniTable_GetSubMessageTable(mini_table, field); upb_Message* dst_sub_message = upb_Message_DeepClone(sub_message, sub_message_table, arena); if (dst_sub_message == NULL) { return NULL; } _upb_Message_SetTaggedMessagePtr( dst, mini_table, field, UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_TaggedMessagePtr_Pack)(dst_sub_message, is_empty)); } } break; case kUpb_CType_String: case kUpb_CType_Bytes: { upb_StringView str = upb_Message_GetString(src, field, empty_string); if (str.size != 0) { if (!upb_Message_SetString( dst, field, upb_Clone_StringView(str, arena), arena)) { return NULL; } } } break; default: // Scalar, already copied. break; } } else { if (upb_MiniTableField_IsMap(field)) { const upb_Map* map = upb_Message_GetMap(src, field); if (map != NULL) { if (!upb_Message_Map_DeepClone(map, mini_table, field, dst, arena)) { return NULL; } } } else { const upb_Array* array = upb_Message_GetArray(src, field); if (array != NULL) { if (!upb_Message_Array_DeepClone(array, mini_table, field, dst, arena)) { return NULL; } } } } } // Clone extensions. size_t ext_count; const upb_Extension* ext = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_Getexts)(src, &ext_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < ext_count; ++i) { const upb_Extension* msg_ext = &ext[i]; const upb_MiniTableField* field = &msg_ext->ext->UPB_PRIVATE(field); upb_Extension* dst_ext = UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_GetOrCreateExtension)( dst, msg_ext->ext, arena); if (!dst_ext) return NULL; if (upb_MiniTableField_IsScalar(field)) { if (!upb_Clone_ExtensionValue(msg_ext->ext, msg_ext, dst_ext, arena)) { return NULL; } } else { upb_Array* msg_array = (upb_Array*)msg_ext->data.ptr; UPB_ASSERT(msg_array); upb_Array* cloned_array = upb_Array_DeepClone( msg_array, upb_MiniTableField_CType(field), upb_MiniTableExtension_GetSubMessage(msg_ext->ext), arena); if (!cloned_array) { return NULL; } dst_ext->data.ptr = (void*)cloned_array; } } // Clone unknowns. size_t unknown_size = 0; const char* ptr = upb_Message_GetUnknown(src, &unknown_size); if (unknown_size != 0) { UPB_ASSERT(ptr); // Make a copy into destination arena. if (!UPB_PRIVATE(_upb_Message_AddUnknown)(dst, ptr, unknown_size, arena)) { return NULL; } } return dst; } bool upb_Message_DeepCopy(upb_Message* dst, const upb_Message* src, const upb_MiniTable* mini_table, upb_Arena* arena) { upb_Message_Clear(dst, mini_table); return _upb_Message_Copy(dst, src, mini_table, arena) != NULL; } // Deep clones a message using the provided target arena. // // Returns NULL on failure. upb_Message* upb_Message_DeepClone(const upb_Message* msg, const upb_MiniTable* m, upb_Arena* arena) { upb_Message* clone = upb_Message_New(m, arena); return _upb_Message_Copy(clone, msg, m, arena); } // Performs a shallow copy. TODO: Extend to handle unknown fields. void upb_Message_ShallowCopy(upb_Message* dst, const upb_Message* src, const upb_MiniTable* m) { memcpy(dst, src, m->UPB_PRIVATE(size)); } // Performs a shallow clone. Ignores unknown fields. upb_Message* upb_Message_ShallowClone(const upb_Message* msg, const upb_MiniTable* m, upb_Arena* arena) { upb_Message* clone = upb_Message_New(m, arena); upb_Message_ShallowCopy(clone, msg, m); return clone; }