load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_proto_library") load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_test") package(default_applicable_licenses = ["//third_party/protobuf:license"]) rust_proto_library( name = "unittest_rust_proto", testonly = True, deps = ["//third_party/protobuf:unittest_proto"], ) rust_test( name = "unittest_proto_test", srcs = ["unittest_proto_test.rs"], # TODO(b/270274576): Enable testing on arm once we have a Rust Arm toolchain. tags = [ "not_build:arm", # TODO(b/225892643): Enable once we use Blaze-bootstrapped Rust toolchain. "notsan", # TODO(b/243126140): Enable msan once we support sanitizers with Rust. "nomsan", ], deps = [":unittest_rust_proto"], ) proto_library( name = "parent_proto", srcs = ["parent.proto"], ) proto_library( name = "child_proto", srcs = ["child.proto"], exports = [":parent_proto"], deps = [":parent_proto"], ) rust_proto_library( name = "parent_rust_proto", deps = [":parent_proto"], ) rust_proto_library( name = "child_rust_proto", deps = [":child_proto"], ) rust_test( name = "child_parent_test", srcs = ["child_parent_test.rs"], # TODO(b/270274576): Enable testing on arm once we have a Rust Arm toolchain. tags = [ "not_build:arm", # TODO(b/225892643): Enable once we use Blaze-bootstrapped Rust toolchain. "notsan", # TODO(b/243126140): Enable msan once we support sanitizers with Rust. "nomsan", ], deps = [ ":child_rust_proto", ":parent_rust_proto", ], )