# Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Google LLC # All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd load("//bazel:cc_proto_library.bzl", "cc_proto_library") load("//bazel:proto_library.bzl", "proto_library") _is_google3 = False def tmpl_cc_binary(name, gen, args, replacements = [], **kwargs): srcs = [name + ".cc"] native.genrule( name = name + "_gen_srcs", tools = [gen], outs = srcs, cmd = "$(location " + gen + ") " + " ".join(args) + " > $@", ) if _is_google3: kwargs["malloc"] = "//base:system_malloc" kwargs["features"] = ["-static_linking_mode"] native.cc_binary( name = name, srcs = srcs, **kwargs ) def cc_optimizefor_proto_library(name, srcs, outs, optimize_for): if len(srcs) != 1: fail("Currently srcs must have exactly 1 element") native.genrule( name = name + "_gen_proto", srcs = srcs, outs = outs, cmd = "cp $< $@ && chmod a+w $@ && echo 'option optimize_for = " + optimize_for + ";' >> $@", ) proto_library( name = name + "_proto", srcs = outs, ) cc_proto_library( name = name, deps = [":" + name + "_proto"], ) def expand_suffixes(vals, suffixes): ret = [] for val in vals: for suffix in suffixes: ret.append(val + suffix) return ret