// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include <benchmark/benchmark.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "google/ads/googleads/v13/services/google_ads_service.upbdefs.h" #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h" #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h" #include "absl/log/absl_check.h" #include "google/protobuf/dynamic_message.h" #include "google/protobuf/json/json.h" #include "benchmarks/descriptor.pb.h" #include "benchmarks/descriptor.upb.h" #include "benchmarks/descriptor.upbdefs.h" #include "benchmarks/descriptor_sv.pb.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/base/upcast.h" #include "upb/json/decode.h" #include "upb/json/encode.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb/reflection/def.hpp" #include "upb/wire/decode.h" upb_StringView descriptor = benchmarks_descriptor_proto_upbdefinit.descriptor; namespace protobuf = ::google::protobuf; // A buffer big enough to parse descriptor.proto without going to heap. // We use 64-bit ints here to force alignment. int64_t buf[8191]; void CollectFileDescriptors( const _upb_DefPool_Init* file, std::vector<upb_StringView>& serialized_files, absl::flat_hash_set<const _upb_DefPool_Init*>& seen) { if (!seen.insert(file).second) return; for (_upb_DefPool_Init** deps = file->deps; *deps; deps++) { CollectFileDescriptors(*deps, serialized_files, seen); } serialized_files.push_back(file->descriptor); } static void BM_ArenaOneAlloc(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto _ : state) { upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, 1); upb_Arena_Free(arena); } } BENCHMARK(BM_ArenaOneAlloc); static void BM_ArenaInitialBlockOneAlloc(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto _ : state) { upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_Init(buf, sizeof(buf), nullptr); upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, 1); upb_Arena_Free(arena); } } BENCHMARK(BM_ArenaInitialBlockOneAlloc); static void BM_ArenaFuseUnbalanced(benchmark::State& state) { std::vector<upb_Arena*> arenas(state.range(0)); size_t n = 0; for (auto _ : state) { for (auto& arena : arenas) { arena = upb_Arena_New(); } for (auto& arena : arenas) { upb_Arena_Fuse(arenas[0], arena); } for (auto& arena : arenas) { upb_Arena_Free(arena); } n += arenas.size(); } state.SetItemsProcessed(n); } BENCHMARK(BM_ArenaFuseUnbalanced)->Range(2, 128); static void BM_ArenaFuseBalanced(benchmark::State& state) { std::vector<upb_Arena*> arenas(state.range(0)); size_t n = 0; for (auto _ : state) { for (auto& arena : arenas) { arena = upb_Arena_New(); } // Perform a series of fuses that keeps the halves balanced. const size_t max = ceil(log2(double(arenas.size()))); for (size_t n = 0; n <= max; n++) { size_t step = 1 << n; for (size_t i = 0; i + step < arenas.size(); i += (step * 2)) { upb_Arena_Fuse(arenas[i], arenas[i + step]); } } for (auto& arena : arenas) { upb_Arena_Free(arena); } n += arenas.size(); } state.SetItemsProcessed(n); } BENCHMARK(BM_ArenaFuseBalanced)->Range(2, 128); enum LoadDescriptorMode { NoLayout, WithLayout, }; // This function is mostly copied from upb/def.c, but it is modified to avoid // passing in the pre-generated mini-tables, in order to force upb to compute // them dynamically. Generally you would never want to do this, but we want to // simulate the cost we would pay if we were loading these types purely from // descriptors, with no mini-tales available. bool LoadDefInit_BuildLayout(upb_DefPool* s, const _upb_DefPool_Init* init, size_t* bytes) { _upb_DefPool_Init** deps = init->deps; google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto* file; upb_Arena* arena; upb_Status status; upb_Status_Clear(&status); if (upb_DefPool_FindFileByName(s, init->filename)) { return true; } arena = upb_Arena_New(); for (; *deps; deps++) { if (!LoadDefInit_BuildLayout(s, *deps, bytes)) goto err; } file = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_parse_ex( init->descriptor.data, init->descriptor.size, nullptr, kUpb_DecodeOption_AliasString, arena); *bytes += init->descriptor.size; if (!file) { upb_Status_SetErrorFormat( &status, "Failed to parse compiled-in descriptor for file '%s'. This should " "never happen.", init->filename); goto err; } // KEY DIFFERENCE: Here we pass in only the descriptor, and not the // pre-generated minitables. if (!upb_DefPool_AddFile(s, file, &status)) { goto err; } upb_Arena_Free(arena); return true; err: fprintf(stderr, "Error loading compiled-in descriptor for file '%s' (this should " "never happen): %s\n", init->filename, upb_Status_ErrorMessage(&status)); exit(1); } template <LoadDescriptorMode Mode> static void BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Upb(benchmark::State& state) { size_t bytes_per_iter = 0; for (auto _ : state) { upb::DefPool defpool; if (Mode == NoLayout) { google_ads_googleads_v13_services_SearchGoogleAdsRequest_getmsgdef( defpool.ptr()); bytes_per_iter = _upb_DefPool_BytesLoaded(defpool.ptr()); } else { bytes_per_iter = 0; LoadDefInit_BuildLayout( defpool.ptr(), &google_ads_googleads_v13_services_google_ads_service_proto_upbdefinit, &bytes_per_iter); } } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * bytes_per_iter); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Upb, NoLayout); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Upb, WithLayout); template <LoadDescriptorMode Mode> static void BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Proto2(benchmark::State& state) { extern _upb_DefPool_Init google_ads_googleads_v13_services_google_ads_service_proto_upbdefinit; std::vector<upb_StringView> serialized_files; absl::flat_hash_set<const _upb_DefPool_Init*> seen_files; CollectFileDescriptors( &google_ads_googleads_v13_services_google_ads_service_proto_upbdefinit, serialized_files, seen_files); size_t bytes_per_iter = 0; for (auto _ : state) { bytes_per_iter = 0; protobuf::Arena arena; protobuf::DescriptorPool pool; for (auto file : serialized_files) { absl::string_view input(file.data, file.size); auto proto = protobuf::Arena::CreateMessage<protobuf::FileDescriptorProto>(&arena); bool ok = proto->ParseFrom<protobuf::MessageLite::kMergePartial>(input) && pool.BuildFile(*proto) != nullptr; if (!ok) { printf("Failed to add file.\n"); exit(1); } bytes_per_iter += input.size(); } if (Mode == WithLayout) { protobuf::DynamicMessageFactory factory; const protobuf::Descriptor* d = pool.FindMessageTypeByName( "google.ads.googleads.v13.services.SearchGoogleAdsResponse"); if (!d) { printf("Failed to find descriptor.\n"); exit(1); } factory.GetPrototype(d); } } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * bytes_per_iter); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Proto2, NoLayout); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_LoadAdsDescriptor_Proto2, WithLayout); enum CopyStrings { Copy, Alias, }; enum ArenaMode { NoArena, UseArena, InitBlock, }; template <ArenaMode AMode, CopyStrings Copy> static void BM_Parse_Upb_FileDesc(benchmark::State& state) { for (auto _ : state) { upb_Arena* arena; if (AMode == InitBlock) { arena = upb_Arena_Init(buf, sizeof(buf), nullptr); } else { arena = upb_Arena_New(); } upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* set = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_parse_ex( descriptor.data, descriptor.size, nullptr, Copy == Alias ? kUpb_DecodeOption_AliasString : 0, arena); if (!set) { printf("Failed to parse.\n"); exit(1); } upb_Arena_Free(arena); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * descriptor.size); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Upb_FileDesc, UseArena, Copy); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Upb_FileDesc, UseArena, Alias); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Upb_FileDesc, InitBlock, Copy); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Upb_FileDesc, InitBlock, Alias); template <ArenaMode AMode, class P> struct Proto2Factory; template <class P> struct Proto2Factory<NoArena, P> { public: P* GetProto() { return &proto; } private: P proto; }; template <class P> struct Proto2Factory<UseArena, P> { public: P* GetProto() { return protobuf::Arena::CreateMessage<P>(&arena); } private: protobuf::Arena arena; }; template <class P> struct Proto2Factory<InitBlock, P> { public: Proto2Factory() : arena(GetOptions()) {} P* GetProto() { return protobuf::Arena::CreateMessage<P>(&arena); } private: protobuf::ArenaOptions GetOptions() { protobuf::ArenaOptions opts; opts.initial_block = (char*)buf; opts.initial_block_size = sizeof(buf); return opts; } protobuf::Arena arena; }; using FileDesc = ::upb_benchmark::FileDescriptorProto; using FileDescSV = ::upb_benchmark::sv::FileDescriptorProto; template <class P, ArenaMode AMode, CopyStrings kCopy> void BM_Parse_Proto2(benchmark::State& state) { constexpr protobuf::MessageLite::ParseFlags kParseFlags = kCopy == Copy ? protobuf::MessageLite::ParseFlags::kMergePartial : protobuf::MessageLite::ParseFlags::kMergePartialWithAliasing; for (auto _ : state) { Proto2Factory<AMode, P> proto_factory; auto proto = proto_factory.GetProto(); absl::string_view input(descriptor.data, descriptor.size); bool ok = proto->template ParseFrom<kParseFlags>(input); if (!ok) { printf("Failed to parse.\n"); exit(1); } } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * descriptor.size); } BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Proto2, FileDesc, NoArena, Copy); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Proto2, FileDesc, UseArena, Copy); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Proto2, FileDesc, InitBlock, Copy); BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Parse_Proto2, FileDescSV, InitBlock, Alias); static void BM_SerializeDescriptor_Proto2(benchmark::State& state) { upb_benchmark::FileDescriptorProto proto; proto.ParseFromArray(descriptor.data, descriptor.size); for (auto _ : state) { proto.SerializePartialToArray(buf, sizeof(buf)); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * descriptor.size); } BENCHMARK(BM_SerializeDescriptor_Proto2); static upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* UpbParseDescriptor(upb_Arena* arena) { upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* set = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_parse(descriptor.data, descriptor.size, arena); if (!set) { printf("Failed to parse.\n"); exit(1); } return set; } static void BM_SerializeDescriptor_Upb(benchmark::State& state) { int64_t total = 0; upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* set = UpbParseDescriptor(arena); for (auto _ : state) { upb_Arena* enc_arena = upb_Arena_Init(buf, sizeof(buf), nullptr); size_t size; char* data = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_serialize(set, enc_arena, &size); if (!data) { printf("Failed to serialize.\n"); exit(1); } total += size; } state.SetBytesProcessed(total); } BENCHMARK(BM_SerializeDescriptor_Upb); static absl::string_view UpbJsonEncode(upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* proto, const upb_MessageDef* md, upb_Arena* arena) { size_t size = upb_JsonEncode(UPB_UPCAST(proto), md, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr); char* buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, size + 1)); upb_JsonEncode(UPB_UPCAST(proto), md, nullptr, 0, buf, size, nullptr); return absl::string_view(buf, size); } static void BM_JsonParse_Upb(benchmark::State& state) { upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* set = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_parse(descriptor.data, descriptor.size, arena); if (!set) { printf("Failed to parse.\n"); exit(1); } upb::DefPool defpool; const upb_MessageDef* md = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_getmsgdef(defpool.ptr()); auto json = UpbJsonEncode(set, md, arena); for (auto _ : state) { upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* proto = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_new(arena); upb_JsonDecode(json.data(), json.size(), UPB_UPCAST(proto), md, defpool.ptr(), 0, arena, nullptr); upb_Arena_Free(arena); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * json.size()); } BENCHMARK(BM_JsonParse_Upb); static void BM_JsonParse_Proto2(benchmark::State& state) { protobuf::FileDescriptorProto proto; absl::string_view input(descriptor.data, descriptor.size); proto.ParseFromString(input); std::string json; ABSL_CHECK_OK(google::protobuf::json::MessageToJsonString(proto, &json)); for (auto _ : state) { protobuf::FileDescriptorProto proto; ABSL_CHECK_OK(google::protobuf::json::JsonStringToMessage(json, &proto)); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * json.size()); } BENCHMARK(BM_JsonParse_Proto2); static void BM_JsonSerialize_Upb(benchmark::State& state) { upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto* set = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_parse(descriptor.data, descriptor.size, arena); ABSL_CHECK(set != nullptr); upb::DefPool defpool; const upb_MessageDef* md = upb_benchmark_FileDescriptorProto_getmsgdef(defpool.ptr()); auto json = UpbJsonEncode(set, md, arena); std::string json_str; json_str.resize(json.size()); for (auto _ : state) { // This isn't a fully fair comparison, as it assumes we already know the // correct size of the buffer. In practice, we usually need to run the // encoder twice, once to discover the size of the buffer. upb_JsonEncode(UPB_UPCAST(set), md, nullptr, 0, json_str.data(), json_str.size(), nullptr); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * json.size()); } BENCHMARK(BM_JsonSerialize_Upb); static void BM_JsonSerialize_Proto2(benchmark::State& state) { protobuf::FileDescriptorProto proto; absl::string_view input(descriptor.data, descriptor.size); proto.ParseFromString(input); std::string json; for (auto _ : state) { json.clear(); ABSL_CHECK_OK(google::protobuf::json::MessageToJsonString(proto, &json)); } state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * json.size()); } BENCHMARK(BM_JsonSerialize_Proto2);