#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Benchmarks the current working directory against a given baseline. This script benchmarks both size and speed. Sample output: """ import contextlib import json import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile @contextlib.contextmanager def GitWorktree(commit): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() subprocess.run(['git', 'worktree', 'add', '-q', '-d', tmpdir, commit], check=True) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) try: yield tmpdir finally: os.chdir(cwd) subprocess.run(['git', 'worktree', 'remove', tmpdir], check=True) def Run(cmd): subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) def Benchmark(outbase, bench_cpu=True, runs=12, new=False): tmpfile = "/tmp/bench-output.json" Run("rm -rf {}".format(tmpfile)) Run("CC=clang bazel test ...") if bench_cpu: if new: Run("CC=clang bazel build -c opt --copt=-march=native --//:fasttable_enabled=true benchmarks:benchmark") else: Run("CC=clang bazel build -c opt --copt=-march=native benchmarks:benchmark") Run("./bazel-bin/benchmarks/benchmark --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_out={} --benchmark_repetitions={}".format(tmpfile, runs)) with open(tmpfile) as f: bench_json = json.load(f) # Translate into the format expected by benchstat. with open(outbase + ".txt", "w") as f: for run in bench_json["benchmarks"]: name = re.sub(r'^BM_', 'Benchmark', run["name"]) if name.endswith("_mean") or name.endswith("_median") or name.endswith("_stddev"): continue values = (name, run["iterations"], run["cpu_time"]) print("{} {} {} ns/op".format(*values), file=f) if new: Run("CC=clang bazel build -c opt --copt=-g --//:fasttable_enabled=true tests:conformance_upb") else: Run("CC=clang bazel build -c opt --copt=-g tests:conformance_upb") Run("cp -f bazel-bin/tests/conformance_upb {}.bin".format(outbase)) baseline = "master" bench_cpu = True if len(sys.argv) > 1: baseline = sys.argv[1] # Quickly verify that the baseline exists. with GitWorktree(baseline): pass # Benchmark our current directory first, since it's more likely to be broken. Benchmark("/tmp/new", bench_cpu, new=True) # Benchmark the baseline. with GitWorktree(baseline): Benchmark("/tmp/old", bench_cpu) print() print() if bench_cpu: Run("~/go/bin/benchstat /tmp/old.txt /tmp/new.txt") print() print() Run("objcopy --strip-debug /tmp/old.bin /tmp/old.bin.stripped") Run("objcopy --strip-debug /tmp/new.bin /tmp/new.bin.stripped") Run("~/code/bloaty/bloaty /tmp/new.bin.stripped -- /tmp/old.bin.stripped --debug-file=/tmp/old.bin --debug-file=/tmp/new.bin -d compileunits,symbols")