// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #ifndef UPB_PROTOS_GENERATOR_OUTPUT_H #define UPB_PROTOS_GENERATOR_OUTPUT_H #include <vector> #include "absl/log/absl_log.h" #include "absl/strings/str_replace.h" #include "absl/strings/substitute.h" #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h" #include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h" namespace protos_generator { class Output { public: Output(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* stream) : stream_(stream) {} ~Output() { stream_->BackUp((int)buffer_size_); } template <class... Arg> void operator()(absl::string_view format, const Arg&... arg) { Write(absl::Substitute(format, arg...)); } // Indentation size in characters. static constexpr size_t kIndentationSize = 2; void Indent() { Indent(kIndentationSize); } void Indent(size_t size) { indent_ += size; } void Outdent() { Outdent(kIndentationSize); } void Outdent(size_t size) { if (indent_ < size) { ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "mismatched Output indent/unindent calls"; } indent_ -= size; } private: void Write(absl::string_view data) { std::string stripped; if (absl::StartsWith(data, "\n ")) { size_t indent = data.substr(1).find_first_not_of(' '); if (indent > indent_) { indent -= indent_; } if (indent != absl::string_view::npos) { // Remove indentation from all lines. auto line_prefix = data.substr(0, indent + 1); // The final line has an extra newline and is indented two less, eg. // R"cc( // UPB_INLINE $0 $1_$2(const $1 *msg) { // return $1_has_$2(msg) ? *UPB_PTR_AT(msg, $3, $0) : $4; // } // )cc", std::string last_line_prefix = std::string(line_prefix); last_line_prefix.resize(last_line_prefix.size() - 2); data.remove_prefix(line_prefix.size()); stripped = absl::StrReplaceAll( data, {{line_prefix, "\n"}, {last_line_prefix, "\n"}}); data = stripped; } } else { WriteIndent(); } WriteRaw(data); } void WriteRaw(absl::string_view data) { while (!data.empty()) { RefreshOutput(); size_t to_write = std::min(data.size(), buffer_size_); memcpy(output_buffer_, data.data(), to_write); data.remove_prefix(to_write); output_buffer_ += to_write; buffer_size_ -= to_write; } } void WriteIndent() { if (indent_ == 0) { return; } size_t size = indent_; while (size > buffer_size_) { if (buffer_size_ > 0) { memset(output_buffer_, ' ', buffer_size_); } size -= buffer_size_; buffer_size_ = 0; RefreshOutput(); } memset(output_buffer_, ' ', size); output_buffer_ += size; buffer_size_ -= size; } void RefreshOutput() { while (buffer_size_ == 0) { void* void_buffer; int size; if (!stream_->Next(&void_buffer, &size)) { fprintf(stderr, "upb_generator: Failed to write to to output\n"); abort(); } output_buffer_ = static_cast<char*>(void_buffer); buffer_size_ = size; } } google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* stream_; char* output_buffer_ = nullptr; size_t buffer_size_ = 0; // Current indentation size in characters. size_t indent_ = 0; friend class OutputIndenter; }; class OutputIndenter { public: OutputIndenter(Output& output) : OutputIndenter(output, Output::kIndentationSize) {} OutputIndenter(Output& output, size_t indent_size) : indent_size_(indent_size), output_(output) { output.Indent(indent_size); } ~OutputIndenter() { output_.Outdent(indent_size_); } private: size_t indent_size_; Output& output_; }; std::string StripExtension(absl::string_view fname); std::string ToCIdent(absl::string_view str); std::string ToPreproc(absl::string_view str); void EmitFileWarning(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file, Output& output); std::string MessageName(const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor); std::string FileLayoutName(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); std::string CHeaderFilename(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); std::string CSourceFilename(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file); } // namespace protos_generator #endif // UPB_PROTOS_GENERATOR_OUTPUT_H