"""Macro to support py_extension """ def py_extension(name, srcs, copts, deps = []): """Creates a C++ library to extend python Args: name: Name of the target srcs: List of source files to create the target copts: List of C++ compile options to use deps: Libraries that the target depends on """ version_script = name + "_version_script.lds" symbol = "PyInit_" + name native.genrule( name = "gen_" + version_script, outs = [version_script], cmd = "echo 'message { global: " + symbol + "; local: *; };' > $@", ) native.cc_binary( name = name + "_binary", srcs = srcs, copts = copts, linkopts = select({ "//python/dist:osx-x86_64_cpu": ["-undefined", "dynamic_lookup"], "//conditions:default": [], }), linkshared = True, linkstatic = True, deps = deps + [ ":" + version_script, ] + select({ "//python:limited_api_3.7": ["@python-3.7.0//:python_headers"], "//python:full_api_3.7_win32": ["@nuget_python_i686_3.7.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:full_api_3.7_win64": ["@nuget_python_x86-64_3.7.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:full_api_3.8_win32": ["@nuget_python_i686_3.8.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:full_api_3.8_win64": ["@nuget_python_x86-64_3.8.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:full_api_3.9_win32": ["@nuget_python_i686_3.9.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:full_api_3.9_win64": ["@nuget_python_x86-64_3.9.0//:python_full_api"], "//python:limited_api_3.10_win32": ["@nuget_python_i686_3.10.0//:python_limited_api"], "//python:limited_api_3.10_win64": ["@nuget_python_x86-64_3.10.0//:python_limited_api"], "//conditions:default": ["@system_python//:python_headers"], }), ) EXT_SUFFIX = ".abi3.so" output_file = "google/_upb/" + name + EXT_SUFFIX native.genrule( name = "copy" + name, srcs = [":" + name + "_binary"], outs = [output_file], cmd = "cp $< $@", visibility = ["//python:__subpackages__"], ) native.py_library( name = name, data = [output_file], imports = ["."], visibility = ["//python:__subpackages__"], )