# generated_code.rb is in the same directory as this test.

old_gc = GC.stress
# Ruby 2.7.0 - 2.7.1 has a GC bug in its parser, so turn off stress for now
# See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16807
GC.stress = 0x01 | 0x04 unless RUBY_VERSION.match?(/^2\.7\./)
require 'generated_code_pb'
require 'generated_code_proto2_pb'
GC.stress = old_gc

require 'test/unit'

class GCTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def get_msg_proto3
        :optional_int32 => 1,
        :optional_int64 => 1,
        :optional_uint32 => 1,
        :optional_uint64 => 1,
        :optional_bool => true,
        :optional_double => 1.0,
        :optional_float => 1.0,
        :optional_string => "a",
        :optional_bytes => "b",
        :optional_enum => A::B::C::TestEnum::A,
        :optional_msg => A::B::C::TestMessage.new(),
        :repeated_int32 => [1],
        :repeated_int64 => [1],
        :repeated_uint32 => [1],
        :repeated_uint64 => [1],
        :repeated_bool => [true],
        :repeated_double => [1.0],
        :repeated_float => [1.0],
        :repeated_string => ["a"],
        :repeated_bytes => ["b"],
        :repeated_enum => [A::B::C::TestEnum::A],
        :repeated_msg => [A::B::C::TestMessage.new()],
        :map_int32_string => {1 => "a"},
        :map_int64_string => {1 => "a"},
        :map_uint32_string => {1 => "a"},
        :map_uint64_string => {1 => "a"},
        :map_bool_string => {true => "a"},
        :map_string_string => {"a" => "a"},
        :map_string_msg => {"a" => A::B::C::TestMessage.new()},
        :map_string_int32 => {"a" => 1},
        :map_string_bool => {"a" => true},

  def get_msg_proto2
        :optional_int32 => 1,
        :optional_int64 => 1,
        :optional_uint32 => 1,
        :optional_uint64 => 1,
        :optional_bool => true,
        :optional_double => 1.0,
        :optional_float => 1.0,
        :optional_string => "a",
        :optional_bytes => "b",
        :optional_enum => A::B::Proto2::TestEnum::A,
        :optional_msg => A::B::Proto2::TestMessage.new(),
        :repeated_int32 => [1],
        :repeated_int64 => [1],
        :repeated_uint32 => [1],
        :repeated_uint64 => [1],
        :repeated_bool => [true],
        :repeated_double => [1.0],
        :repeated_float => [1.0],
        :repeated_string => ["a"],
        :repeated_bytes => ["b"],
        :repeated_enum => [A::B::Proto2::TestEnum::A],
        :repeated_msg => [A::B::Proto2::TestMessage.new()],
        :required_int32 => 1,
        :required_int64 => 1,
        :required_uint32 => 1,
        :required_uint64 => 1,
        :required_bool => true,
        :required_double => 1.0,
        :required_float => 1.0,
        :required_string => "a",
        :required_bytes => "b",
        :required_enum => A::B::Proto2::TestEnum::A,
        :required_msg => A::B::Proto2::TestMessage.new(),

  def test_generated_msg
    old_gc = GC.stress
    GC.stress = 0x01 | 0x04
    from = get_msg_proto3
    data = A::B::C::TestMessage.encode(from)
    to = A::B::C::TestMessage.decode(data)
    # This doesn't work for proto2 on JRuby because there is a nested required message.
    # A::B::Proto2::TestMessage has :required_msg which is of type:
    # A::B::Proto2::TestMessage so there is no way to generate a valid
    # message that doesn't exceed the depth limit
    if !defined? JRUBY_VERSION
        from = get_msg_proto2
        data = A::B::Proto2::TestMessage.encode(from)
        to = A::B::Proto2::TestMessage.decode(data)
    GC.stress = old_gc
    puts "passed"