// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

use super::opaque_pointee::opaque_pointee;
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::{align_of, align_of_val, size_of_val, MaybeUninit};
use core::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use core::slice;

pub type RawArena = NonNull<upb_Arena>;

/// See `upb/port/def.inc`.
const UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN: usize = 8;
    assert!(UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN >= align_of::<*const ()>());

/// A wrapper over a `upb_Arena`.
/// This is not a safe wrapper per se, because the allocation functions still
/// have sharp edges (see their safety docs for more info).
/// This is an owning type and will automatically free the arena when
/// dropped.
/// Note that this type is not `Sync` as it implements unsynchronized interior
/// mutability. The upb_Arena C object could be understood as being Sync (at
/// least vacuously under current API since there are not any const upb_Arena*
/// API functions), but the Rust Arena is necessarily expressed as interior
/// mutability (&self rather than &mut self receivers) See https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/lifetime-mismatch.html and
/// https://blog.reverberate.org/2021/12/19/arenas-and-rust.html, and the
/// 'known problems' section of https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#/mut_from_ref.
pub struct Arena {
    // Safety invariant: this must always be a valid arena
    raw: RawArena,
    _not_sync: PhantomData<UnsafeCell<()>>,

// SAFETY: `Arena` uniquely holds the underlying RawArena and has no
// thread-local data.
unsafe impl Send for Arena {}

impl Arena {
    /// Allocates a fresh arena.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        fn arena_new_failed() -> ! {
            panic!("Could not create a new UPB arena");

        // SAFETY:
        // - `upb_Arena_New` is assumed to be implemented correctly and always sound to
        //   call; if it returned a non-null pointer, it is a valid arena.
        unsafe {
            let Some(raw) = upb_Arena_New() else { arena_new_failed() };
            Self { raw, _not_sync: PhantomData }

    /// # Safety
    /// - The `raw_arena` must point to a valid arena.
    /// - The caller must ensure that the Arena's destructor does not run.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw_arena: RawArena) -> Self {
        Arena { raw: raw_arena, _not_sync: PhantomData }

    /// Returns the raw, UPB-managed pointer to the arena.
    pub fn raw(&self) -> RawArena {

    /// Allocates some memory on the arena. Returns None if the allocation
    /// failed.
    /// # Safety
    /// - `align` must be less than `UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN`.
    pub unsafe fn alloc(&self, size: usize, align: usize) -> Option<&mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]> {
        debug_assert!(align <= UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN);
        // SAFETY: `self.raw` is a valid UPB arena
        let ptr = unsafe { upb_Arena_Malloc(self.raw, size) };

        if ptr.is_null() {
        } else {
            // SAFETY:
            // - `upb_Arena_Malloc` promises that if the return pointer is non-null, it is
            //   dereferencable for `size` bytes and has an alignment of `UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN`
            //   until the arena is destroyed.
            // - `[MaybeUninit<u8>]` has no alignment requirement, and `ptr` is aligned to a
            //   `UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN` boundary.
            Some(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.cast(), size) })

    /// Same as alloc() but panics if `align > UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN`.
    pub fn checked_alloc(&self, size: usize, align: usize) -> Option<&mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]> {
        assert!(align <= UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN);
        // SAFETY: align <= UPB_MALLOC_ALIGN asserted.
        unsafe { self.alloc(size, align) }

    /// Copies the T into this arena and returns a pointer to the T data inside
    /// the arena. Returns None if the allocation failed.
    pub fn copy_in<'a, T: Copy>(&'a self, data: &T) -> Option<&'a T> {
        let size = size_of_val(data);
        let align = align_of_val(data);

        self.checked_alloc(size, align).map(|alloc| {
            // SAFETY:
            // - alloc is valid for `size` bytes and is the uninit bytes are written to not
            //   read from until written.
            // - T is copy so copying the bytes of the value is sound.
            unsafe {
                let alloc = alloc.as_mut_ptr().cast::<MaybeUninit<T>>();

    /// Copies the str into this arena and returns a pointer to the T data
    /// inside the arena. Returns None if the allocation failed.
    pub fn copy_str_in<'a>(&'a self, s: &str) -> Option<&'a str> {
        self.copy_slice_in(s.as_bytes()).map(|copied_bytes| {
            // SAFETY: `copied_bytes` has same contents as `s` and so must meet &str
            // criteria.
            unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(copied_bytes) }

    /// Copies the slice into this arena and returns a pointer to the T data
    /// inside the arena. Returns None if the allocation failed.
    pub fn copy_slice_in<'a, T: Copy>(&'a self, data: &[T]) -> Option<&'a [T]> {
        let size = size_of_val(data);
        let align = align_of_val(data);
        self.checked_alloc(size, align).map(|alloc| {
            let alloc: *mut T = alloc.as_mut_ptr().cast();
            // SAFETY:
            // - uninit_alloc is valid for `layout.len()` bytes and is the uninit bytes are
            //   written to not read from until written.
            // - T is copy so copying the bytes of the values is sound.
            unsafe {
                ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(data.as_ptr(), alloc, data.len());
                slice::from_raw_parts(alloc, data.len())

    /// Fuse two arenas so they share the same lifetime.
    /// `fuse` will make it so that the memory allocated by `self` or `other` is
    /// guaranteed to last until both `self` and `other` have been dropped.
    /// The pointers returned by `Arena::alloc` will continue to be valid so
    /// long as either `self` or `other` has not been dropped.
    pub fn fuse(&self, other: &Arena) {
        // SAFETY: `self.raw()` and `other.raw()` are both valid UPB arenas.
        let success = unsafe { upb_Arena_Fuse(self.raw(), other.raw()) };
        if !success {
            // Fusing can fail if any of the arenas has an initial block i.e. the arena is
            // backed by a preallocated chunk of memory that it doesn't own and thus cannot
            // lifetime extend. This function panics because this is typically not a
            // recoverable error but a logic bug in a program.
            panic!("Could not fuse two UPB arenas.");

impl Default for Arena {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Drop for Arena {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

extern "C" {
    // `Option<NonNull<T: Sized>>` is ABI-compatible with `*mut T`
    fn upb_Arena_New() -> Option<RawArena>;
    fn upb_Arena_Free(arena: RawArena);
    fn upb_Arena_Malloc(arena: RawArena, size: usize) -> *mut u8;
    fn upb_Arena_Fuse(arena1: RawArena, arena2: RawArena) -> bool;

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use googletest::gtest;

    fn assert_arena_linked() {
        use crate::assert_linked;

    fn raw_ffi_test() {
        // SAFETY: FFI unit test uses C API under expected patterns.
        unsafe {
            let arena = upb_Arena_New().unwrap();
            let bytes = upb_Arena_Malloc(arena, 3);
            *bytes.add(2) = 7;

    fn test_arena_new_and_free() {
        let arena = Arena::new();