"""Rules to create python distribution files and properly name them""" load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "BuildSettingInfo") load("@system_python//:version.bzl", "SYSTEM_PYTHON_VERSION") def _get_suffix(limited_api, python_version, cpu): """Computes an ABI version tag for an extension module per PEP 3149.""" suffix = "pyd" if ("win" in cpu) else "so" if limited_api == True: if "win" not in cpu: suffix = "abi3." + suffix return "." + suffix if "win32" in cpu or "win64" in cpu: if "win32" in cpu: abi = "win32" elif "win64" in cpu: abi = "win_amd64" else: fail("Unsupported CPU: " + cpu) return ".cp{}-{}.{}".format(python_version, abi, suffix) if python_version == "system": python_version = SYSTEM_PYTHON_VERSION if int(python_version) < 38: python_version += "m" abis = { "darwin": "darwin", "darwin_arm64": "darwin", "osx-x86_64": "darwin", "osx-aarch_64": "darwin", "linux-aarch_64": "aarch64-linux-gnu", "linux-x86_64": "x86_64-linux-gnu", "k8": "x86_64-linux-gnu", } return ".cpython-{}-{}.{}".format(python_version, abis[cpu], suffix) fail("Unsupported combination of flags") def _declare_module_file(ctx, module_name, python_version, limited_api): """Declares an output file for a Python module with this name, version, and limited api.""" base_filename = module_name.replace(".", "/") suffix = _get_suffix( python_version = python_version, limited_api = limited_api, cpu = ctx.var["TARGET_CPU"], ) filename = base_filename + suffix return ctx.actions.declare_file(filename) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # py_dist_module() # # Creates a Python binary extension module that is ready for distribution. # # py_dist_module( # name = "message_mod", # extension = "//python:_message_binary", # module_name = "google._upb._message", # ) # # In the simple case, this simply involves copying the input file to the proper filename for # our current configuration (module_name, cpu, python_version, limited_abi). # # For multiarch platforms (osx-universal2), we must combine binaries for multiple architectures # into a single output binary using the "llvm-lipo" tool. A config transition depends on multiple # architectures to get us the input files we need. def _py_multiarch_transition_impl(settings, attr): if settings["//command_line_option:cpu"] == "osx-universal2": return [{"//command_line_option:cpu": cpu} for cpu in ["osx-aarch_64", "osx-x86_64"]] else: return settings _py_multiarch_transition = transition( implementation = _py_multiarch_transition_impl, inputs = ["//command_line_option:cpu"], outputs = ["//command_line_option:cpu"], ) def _py_dist_module_impl(ctx): output_file = _declare_module_file( ctx = ctx, module_name = ctx.attr.module_name, python_version = ctx.attr._python_version[BuildSettingInfo].value, limited_api = ctx.attr._limited_api[BuildSettingInfo].value, ) if len(ctx.attr.extension) == 1: src = ctx.attr.extension[0][DefaultInfo].files.to_list()[0] ctx.actions.run( executable = "cp", arguments = [src.path, output_file.path], inputs = [src], outputs = [output_file], ) return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset([output_file])), ] else: srcs = [mod[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()[0] for mod in ctx.attr.extension] ctx.actions.run( executable = "/usr/local/bin/llvm-lipo", arguments = ["-create", "-output", output_file.path] + [src.path for src in srcs], inputs = srcs, outputs = [output_file], ) return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset([output_file])), ] py_dist_module = rule( output_to_genfiles = True, implementation = _py_dist_module_impl, attrs = { "module_name": attr.string(mandatory = True), "extension": attr.label( mandatory = True, cfg = _py_multiarch_transition, ), "_limited_api": attr.label(default = "//python:limited_api"), "_python_version": attr.label(default = "//python:python_version"), "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label( default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist", ), }, ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # py_dist() # # A rule that builds a collection of binary wheels, using transitions to depend on many different # python versions and cpus. def _py_dist_transition_impl(settings, attr): _ignore = (settings) # @unused transitions = [] for cpu, version in attr.limited_api_wheels.items(): transitions.append({ "//command_line_option:cpu": cpu, "//python:python_version": version, "//python:limited_api": True, }) for version in attr.full_api_versions: for cpu in attr.full_api_cpus: transitions.append({ "//command_line_option:cpu": cpu, "//python:python_version": version, "//python:limited_api": False, }) return transitions _py_dist_transition = transition( implementation = _py_dist_transition_impl, inputs = [], outputs = [ "//command_line_option:cpu", "//python:python_version", "//python:limited_api", ], ) def _py_dist_impl(ctx): binary_files = [dep[DefaultInfo].files for dep in ctx.attr.binary_wheel] pure_python_files = [ctx.attr.pure_python_wheel[DefaultInfo].files] return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset( transitive = binary_files + pure_python_files, )), ] py_dist = rule( implementation = _py_dist_impl, attrs = { "binary_wheel": attr.label( mandatory = True, cfg = _py_dist_transition, ), "pure_python_wheel": attr.label(mandatory = True), "limited_api_wheels": attr.string_dict(), "full_api_versions": attr.string_list(), "full_api_cpus": attr.string_list(), "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label( default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist", ), }, )