"""Support for rust_proto_library_aspect unit-tests.""" load( "//rust:aspects.bzl", "RustProtoInfo", "rust_cc_proto_library_aspect", "rust_upb_proto_library_aspect", ) ActionsInfo = provider( doc = ("A provider that exposes what actions were registered by rust_proto_library aspects " + "on proto_libraries."), fields = {"actions": "List[Action]: actions registered on proto_libraries."}, ) def _attach_upb_aspect_impl(ctx): return [ctx.attr.dep[RustProtoInfo], ActionsInfo(actions = ctx.attr.dep.actions)] attach_upb_aspect = rule( implementation = _attach_upb_aspect_impl, attrs = { "dep": attr.label(aspects = [rust_upb_proto_library_aspect]), }, ) CcAspectHelperInfo = provider( fields = { "rust_proto_info": "RustProtoInfo from the proto_library", "actions_info": "Actions of the proto_library", }, doc = "A provider passing data from proto_library through cc_proto_library", ) def _cc_aspect_helper_impl(_target, ctx): if ctx.rule.kind == "cc_proto_library": return CcAspectHelperInfo( rust_proto_info = ctx.rule.attr.deps[0][RustProtoInfo], actions_info = ActionsInfo(actions = ctx.rule.attr.deps[0].actions), ) return [] _cc_aspect_helper = aspect( implementation = _cc_aspect_helper_impl, requires = [rust_cc_proto_library_aspect], attr_aspects = ["deps"], ) def _attach_cc_aspect_impl(ctx): helper = ctx.attr.dep[CcAspectHelperInfo] return [helper.rust_proto_info, helper.actions_info] attach_cc_aspect = rule( implementation = _attach_cc_aspect_impl, attrs = { "dep": attr.label(aspects = [_cc_aspect_helper]), }, )