// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include #include #include "google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.upb.h" #include "upb/base/status.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb_generator/subprocess.h" #include "upb_generator/upbdev.h" static constexpr char kDefaultPlugin[] = "protoc_dart_plugin"; int main() { upb_Arena* a = upb_Arena_New(); upb_Status status; upb_Status_Clear(&status); // Read (binary) stdin into a string. const std::string input = {std::istreambuf_iterator(std::cin), std::istreambuf_iterator()}; // Parse the request. auto inner_request = google_protobuf_compiler_CodeGeneratorRequest_parse( input.c_str(), input.size(), a); // Check the request for a plugin name. std::string plugin = kDefaultPlugin; if (google_protobuf_compiler_CodeGeneratorRequest_has_parameter(inner_request)) { auto param = google_protobuf_compiler_CodeGeneratorRequest_parameter(inner_request); plugin = std::string(param.data, param.size); } // Wrap the request inside a upb_CodeGeneratorRequest and JSON-encode it. const upb_StringView sv = upbdev_ProcessInput(input.data(), input.size(), a, &status); if (!upb_Status_IsOk(&status)) { std::cerr << status.msg << '\n'; return -1; } // Launch the subprocess. upb::generator::Subprocess subprocess; subprocess.Start(plugin, upb::generator::Subprocess::SEARCH_PATH); // Exchange JSON strings with the subprocess. const std::string json_request = std::string(sv.data, sv.size); std::string json_response, error; const bool ok = subprocess.Communicate(json_request, &json_response, &error); if (!ok) { // Dump the JSON request to stderr if we can't launch the next plugin. std::cerr << json_request << '\n'; return -1; } // Decode, serialize, and write the JSON response. upbdev_ProcessOutput(json_response.data(), json_response.size(), a, &status); if (!upb_Status_IsOk(&status)) { std::cerr << status.msg << '\n'; return -1; } upb_Arena_Free(a); return 0; }