// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC.  All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

use crate::__internal::{Private, PtrAndLen, RawMessage};
use crate::__runtime::{
    copy_bytes_in_arena_if_needed_by_runtime, InnerPrimitiveMut, MutatorMessageRef,
use crate::{
    AbsentField, FieldEntry, Mut, MutProxy, Optional, PresentField, PrimitiveMut, Proxied,
    ProxiedWithPresence, View, ViewProxy,
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr::NonNull;

/// A proxied type that can use a vtable to provide get/set access for a
/// present field.
/// This vtable should consist of `unsafe fn`s that call thunks that operate on
/// `RawMessage`. The structure of this vtable is different per proxied type.
pub trait ProxiedWithRawVTable: Proxied {
    /// The vtable for get/set access, stored in static memory.
    type VTable: Debug + 'static;

    fn make_view(_private: Private, mut_inner: RawVTableMutator<'_, Self>) -> View<'_, Self>;
    fn make_mut(_private: Private, inner: RawVTableMutator<'_, Self>) -> Mut<'_, Self>;

/// A proxied type that can use a vtable to provide get/set/clear access for
/// an optional field.
/// This vtable should consist of `unsafe fn`s that call thunks that operate on
/// `RawMessage`. The structure of this vtable is different per-proxied type.
pub trait ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable: ProxiedWithRawVTable + ProxiedWithPresence {
    /// The vtable for get/set/clear, must contain `Self::VTable`.
    type OptionalVTable: Debug + 'static;

    /// Cast from a static reference of `OptionalVTable` to `VTable`.
    /// This should mean `OptionalVTable` contains a `VTable`.
    fn upcast_vtable(
        _private: Private,
        optional_vtable: &'static Self::OptionalVTable,
    ) -> &'static Self::VTable;

/// Constructs a new field entry from a raw message, a vtable for manipulation,
/// and an eager check for whether the value is present or not.
/// # Safety
/// - `msg_ref` must be valid to provide as an argument for `vtable`'s methods
///   for `'msg`.
/// - If given `msg_ref` as an argument, any values returned by `vtable` methods
///   must be valid for `'msg`.
/// - Operations on the vtable must be thread-compatible.
pub unsafe fn new_vtable_field_entry<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable + ?Sized>(
    _private: Private,
    msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
    optional_vtable: &'static T::OptionalVTable,
    is_set: bool,
) -> FieldEntry<'msg, T>
    T: ProxiedWithPresence<
            PresentMutData<'msg> = RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T>,
            AbsentMutData<'msg> = RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T>,
    // SAFETY: safe as promised by the caller of the function
    let data = unsafe { RawVTableOptionalMutatorData::new(Private, msg_ref, optional_vtable) };
    if is_set {
        Optional::Set(PresentField::from_inner(Private, data))
    } else {
        Optional::Unset(AbsentField::from_inner(Private, data))

/// The internal implementation type for a vtable-based `protobuf::Mut<T>`.
/// This stores the two components necessary to mutate the field:
/// borrowed message data and a vtable reference.
/// The borrowed message data varies per runtime: C++ needs a message pointer,
/// while UPB needs a message pointer and an `&Arena`.
/// Implementations of `ProxiedWithRawVTable` implement get/set
/// on top of `RawVTableMutator<T>`, and the top-level mutator (e.g.
/// `BytesMut`) calls these methods.
/// [`RawVTableOptionalMutatorData`] is similar, but also includes the
/// capability to has/clear.
pub struct RawVTableMutator<'msg, T: ?Sized> {
    msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
    /// Stores `&'static <T as ProxiedWithRawVTable>::Vtable`
    /// as a type-erased pointer to avoid a bound on the struct.
    vtable: NonNull<()>,
    _phantom: PhantomData<&'msg T>,

// These use manual impls instead of derives to avoid unnecessary bounds on `T`.
// This problem is referred to as "perfect derive".
// https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2022/04/12/implied-bounds-and-perfect-derive/
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Clone for RawVTableMutator<'msg, T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Copy for RawVTableMutator<'msg, T> {}

impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawVTable + ?Sized> Debug for RawVTableMutator<'msg, T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("msg_ref", &self.msg_ref)
            .field("vtable", self.vtable())

impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawVTable + ?Sized> RawVTableMutator<'msg, T> {
    /// # Safety
    /// - `msg_ref` must be valid to provide as an argument for `vtable`'s
    ///   methods for `'msg`.
    /// - If given `msg_ref` as an argument, any values returned by `vtable`
    ///   methods must be valid for `'msg`.
    pub unsafe fn new(
        _private: Private,
        msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
        vtable: &'static T::VTable,
    ) -> Self {
        RawVTableMutator { msg_ref, vtable: NonNull::from(vtable).cast(), _phantom: PhantomData }

    pub fn vtable(self) -> &'static T::VTable {
        // SAFETY: This was cast from `&'static T::VTable`.
        unsafe { self.vtable.cast().as_ref() }

    pub fn msg_ref(self) -> MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {

/// [`RawVTableMutator`], but also includes has/clear.
/// This is used as the `PresentData` and `AbsentData` for `impl
/// ProxiedWithPresence for T`. In that implementation, `clear_present_field`
/// and `set_absent_to_default` will use methods implemented on
/// `RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<T>` to do the setting and clearing.
/// This has the same representation for "present" and "absent" data;
/// differences like default values are obviated by the vtable.
pub struct RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T: ?Sized> {
    msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
    /// Stores `&'static <T as ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable>::Vtable`
    /// as a type-erased pointer to avoid a bound on the struct.
    optional_vtable: NonNull<()>,
    _phantom: PhantomData<&'msg T>,

// SAFETY: all `T` that can perform mutations don't mutate through a shared
// reference.
unsafe impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Sync for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T> {}

// These use manual impls instead of derives to avoid unnecessary bounds on `T`.
// This problem is referred to as "perfect derive".
// https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2022/04/12/implied-bounds-and-perfect-derive/
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Clone for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<'msg, T: ?Sized> Copy for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T> {}

impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable + ?Sized> Debug
    for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T>
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("msg_ref", &self.msg_ref)
            .field("vtable", self.optional_vtable())

impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable + ?Sized> RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T> {
    /// # Safety
    /// - `msg_ref` must be valid to provide as an argument for `vtable`'s
    ///   methods for `'msg`.
    /// - If given `msg_ref` as an argument, any values returned by `vtable`
    ///   methods must be valid for `'msg`.
    pub unsafe fn new(
        _private: Private,
        msg_ref: MutatorMessageRef<'msg>,
        vtable: &'static T::OptionalVTable,
    ) -> Self {
        Self { msg_ref, optional_vtable: NonNull::from(vtable).cast(), _phantom: PhantomData }

    pub fn msg_ref(self) -> MutatorMessageRef<'msg> {

    pub fn optional_vtable(self) -> &'static T::OptionalVTable {
        // SAFETY: This was cast from `&'static T::OptionalVTable` in `new`.
        unsafe { self.optional_vtable.cast().as_ref() }

    fn into_raw_mut(self) -> RawVTableMutator<'msg, T> {
        // SAFETY: the safety requirements have been met by the caller of `new`.
        unsafe {
                T::upcast_vtable(Private, self.optional_vtable()),

impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable + ?Sized + 'msg> ViewProxy<'msg>
    for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T>
    type Proxied = T;

    fn as_view(&self) -> View<'_, T> {
        T::make_view(Private, self.into_raw_mut())

    fn into_view<'shorter>(self) -> View<'shorter, T>
        'msg: 'shorter,
        T::make_view(Private, self.into_raw_mut())

// Note: though this raw value implements `MutProxy`, the `as_mut` is only valid
// when the field is known to be present. `FieldEntry` enforces this in its
// design: `AbsentField { inner: RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<T> }` does not
// implement `MutProxy`.
impl<'msg, T: ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable + ?Sized + 'msg> MutProxy<'msg>
    for RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T>
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Mut<'_, T> {
        T::make_mut(Private, self.into_raw_mut())

    fn into_mut<'shorter>(self) -> Mut<'shorter, T>
        'msg: 'shorter,
        T::make_mut(Private, self.into_raw_mut())

impl ProxiedWithRawVTable for [u8] {
    type VTable = BytesMutVTable;

    fn make_view(_private: Private, mut_inner: RawVTableMutator<'_, Self>) -> View<'_, Self> {

    fn make_mut(_private: Private, inner: RawVTableMutator<'_, Self>) -> Mut<'_, Self> {
        crate::string::BytesMut::from_inner(Private, inner)

impl ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable for [u8] {
    type OptionalVTable = BytesOptionalMutVTable;
    fn upcast_vtable(
        _private: Private,
        optional_vtable: &'static Self::OptionalVTable,
    ) -> &'static Self::VTable {

/// A generic thunk vtable for mutating a present primitive field.
pub struct PrimitiveVTable<T> {
    pub(crate) setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: T),
    pub(crate) getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> T,

/// A generic thunk vtable for mutating an `optional` primitive field.
pub struct PrimitiveOptionalMutVTable<T> {
    pub(crate) base: PrimitiveVTable<T>,
    pub(crate) clearer: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage),
    pub(crate) default: T,

impl<T> PrimitiveVTable<T> {
    pub const fn new(
        _private: Private,
        getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> T,
        setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: T),
    ) -> Self {
        Self { getter, setter }

impl<T> PrimitiveOptionalMutVTable<T> {
    pub const fn new(
        _private: Private,
        getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> T,
        setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: T),
        clearer: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage),
        default: T,
    ) -> Self {
        Self { base: PrimitiveVTable { getter, setter }, clearer, default }

/// A generic thunk vtable for mutating a present `bytes` or `string` field.
pub struct BytesMutVTable {
    pub(crate) setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: PtrAndLen),
    pub(crate) getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> PtrAndLen,

/// A generic thunk vtable for mutating an `optional` `bytes` or `string` field.
pub struct BytesOptionalMutVTable {
    pub(crate) base: BytesMutVTable,
    pub(crate) clearer: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage),
    pub(crate) default: &'static [u8],

impl BytesMutVTable {
    pub const fn new(
        _private: Private,
        getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> PtrAndLen,
        setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: PtrAndLen),
    ) -> Self {
        Self { getter, setter }

impl BytesOptionalMutVTable {
    /// # Safety
    /// The `default` value must be UTF-8 if required by
    /// the runtime and this is for a `string` field.
    pub const unsafe fn new(
        _private: Private,
        getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage) -> PtrAndLen,
        setter: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage, val: PtrAndLen),
        clearer: unsafe extern "C" fn(msg: RawMessage),
        default: &'static [u8],
    ) -> Self {
        Self { base: BytesMutVTable { getter, setter }, clearer, default }

impl<'msg> RawVTableMutator<'msg, [u8]> {
    pub(crate) fn get(self) -> &'msg [u8] {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for `'msg` as promised by the caller of `new`.
        // - The caller of `BytesMutVTable` promised that the returned `PtrAndLen` is
        //   valid for `'msg`.
        unsafe { (self.vtable().getter)(self.msg_ref.msg()).as_ref() }

    /// # Safety
    /// - `msg_ref` must be valid for `'msg`
    /// - If this is for a `string` field, `val` must be valid UTF-8 if the
    ///   runtime requires it.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn set(self, val: &[u8]) {
        let val = copy_bytes_in_arena_if_needed_by_runtime(self.msg_ref, val);
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for `'msg` as promised by the caller of `new`.
        unsafe { (self.vtable().setter)(self.msg_ref.msg(), val.into()) }

    pub(crate) fn truncate(&self, len: usize) {
        if len == 0 {
            // SAFETY: The empty string is valid UTF-8.
            unsafe {

impl<'msg> RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, [u8]> {
    /// Sets an absent `bytes`/`string` field to its default value.
    pub(crate) fn set_absent_to_default(self) -> Self {
        // SAFETY: The default value is UTF-8 if required by the
        // runtime as promised by the caller of `BytesOptionalMutVTable::new`.
        unsafe { self.set(self.optional_vtable().default) }

    /// # Safety
    /// - If this is a `string` field, `val` must be valid UTF-8 if required by
    ///   the runtime.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn set(self, val: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let val = copy_bytes_in_arena_if_needed_by_runtime(self.msg_ref, val);
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for `'msg` as promised by the caller.
        unsafe { (self.optional_vtable().base.setter)(self.msg_ref.msg(), val.into()) }

    pub(crate) fn clear(self) -> Self {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for `'msg` as promised by the caller.
        // - The caller of `new` promised that the returned `PtrAndLen` is valid for
        //   `'msg`.
        unsafe { (self.optional_vtable().clearer)(self.msg_ref.msg()) }

/// Primitive types using a vtable for message access that are trivial to copy
/// and have a `'static` lifetime.
/// Implementing this trait automatically implements `ProxiedWithRawVTable`,
/// `ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable`, and get/set/clear methods on
/// `RawVTableMutator` and `RawVTableOptionalMutatorData` that use the vtable.
/// It doesn't implement `Proxied`, `ViewProxy`, `SettableValue` or
/// `ProxiedWithPresence` for `Self` to avoid future conflicting blanket impls
/// on those traits.
pub trait PrimitiveWithRawVTable:
    + Debug
    + 'static
    + ProxiedWithPresence
    + Sync
    + Send
    + for<'msg> Proxied<View<'msg> = Self, Mut<'msg> = PrimitiveMut<'msg, Self>>

impl<T: PrimitiveWithRawVTable> ProxiedWithRawVTable for T {
    type VTable = PrimitiveVTable<T>;

    fn make_view(_private: Private, mut_inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'_, Self>) -> Self {

    fn make_mut(_private: Private, inner: InnerPrimitiveMut<'_, Self>) -> PrimitiveMut<'_, Self> {
        // SAFETY: `inner` is valid for the necessary lifetime and `T` as promised by
        // the caller of `InnerPrimitiveMut::new`.
        unsafe { PrimitiveMut::from_inner(Private, inner) }

impl<T: PrimitiveWithRawVTable> ProxiedWithRawOptionalVTable for T {
    type OptionalVTable = PrimitiveOptionalMutVTable<T>;

    fn upcast_vtable(
        _private: Private,
        optional_vtable: &'static Self::OptionalVTable,
    ) -> &'static Self::VTable {

impl<T: PrimitiveWithRawVTable> RawVTableMutator<'_, T> {
    pub(crate) fn get(self) -> T {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableMutator` as promised by
        //   the caller of `new`.
        unsafe { (self.vtable().getter)(self.msg_ref.msg()) }

    /// # Safety
    /// - `msg_ref` must be valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableMutator`.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn set(self, val: T) {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableMutator` as promised by
        //   the caller of `new`.
        unsafe { (self.vtable().setter)(self.msg_ref.msg(), val) }

impl<'msg, T: PrimitiveWithRawVTable> RawVTableOptionalMutatorData<'msg, T> {
    pub fn set_absent_to_default(self, private: Private) -> Self {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableOptionalMutatorData` as
        //   promised by the caller of `new`.
        self.set(private, self.optional_vtable().default)

    pub fn set(self, _private: Private, val: T) -> Self {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableOptionalMutatorData` as
        //   promised by the caller of `new`.
        unsafe { (self.optional_vtable().base.setter)(self.msg_ref.msg(), val) }

    pub fn clear(self, _private: Private) -> Self {
        // SAFETY:
        // - `msg_ref` is valid for the lifetime of `RawVTableOptionalMutatorData` as
        //   promised by the caller of `new`.
        unsafe { (self.optional_vtable().clearer)(self.msg_ref.msg()) }