// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "upb/reflection/internal/file_def.h" #include "upb/reflection/def_pool.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/def_builder.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/enum_def.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/field_def.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/message_def.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/service_def.h" #include "upb/reflection/internal/strdup2.h" // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" struct upb_FileDef { const UPB_DESC(FileOptions) * opts; const char* name; const char* package; UPB_DESC(Edition) edition; const upb_FileDef** deps; const int32_t* public_deps; const int32_t* weak_deps; const upb_MessageDef* top_lvl_msgs; const upb_EnumDef* top_lvl_enums; const upb_FieldDef* top_lvl_exts; const upb_ServiceDef* services; const upb_MiniTableExtension** ext_layouts; const upb_DefPool* symtab; int dep_count; int public_dep_count; int weak_dep_count; int top_lvl_msg_count; int top_lvl_enum_count; int top_lvl_ext_count; int service_count; int ext_count; // All exts in the file. upb_Syntax syntax; }; const UPB_DESC(FileOptions) * upb_FileDef_Options(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->opts; } bool upb_FileDef_HasOptions(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->opts != (void*)kUpbDefOptDefault; } const char* upb_FileDef_Name(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->name; } const char* upb_FileDef_Package(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->package ? f->package : ""; } UPB_DESC(Edition) upb_FileDef_Edition(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->edition; } const char* _upb_FileDef_RawPackage(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->package; } upb_Syntax upb_FileDef_Syntax(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->syntax; } int upb_FileDef_TopLevelMessageCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->top_lvl_msg_count; } int upb_FileDef_DependencyCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->dep_count; } int upb_FileDef_PublicDependencyCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->public_dep_count; } int upb_FileDef_WeakDependencyCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->weak_dep_count; } const int32_t* _upb_FileDef_PublicDependencyIndexes(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->public_deps; } const int32_t* _upb_FileDef_WeakDependencyIndexes(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->weak_deps; } int upb_FileDef_TopLevelEnumCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->top_lvl_enum_count; } int upb_FileDef_TopLevelExtensionCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->top_lvl_ext_count; } int upb_FileDef_ServiceCount(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->service_count; } const upb_FileDef* upb_FileDef_Dependency(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->dep_count); return f->deps[i]; } const upb_FileDef* upb_FileDef_PublicDependency(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->public_dep_count); return f->deps[f->public_deps[i]]; } const upb_FileDef* upb_FileDef_WeakDependency(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->public_dep_count); return f->deps[f->weak_deps[i]]; } const upb_MessageDef* upb_FileDef_TopLevelMessage(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->top_lvl_msg_count); return _upb_MessageDef_At(f->top_lvl_msgs, i); } const upb_EnumDef* upb_FileDef_TopLevelEnum(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->top_lvl_enum_count); return _upb_EnumDef_At(f->top_lvl_enums, i); } const upb_FieldDef* upb_FileDef_TopLevelExtension(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->top_lvl_ext_count); return _upb_FieldDef_At(f->top_lvl_exts, i); } const upb_ServiceDef* upb_FileDef_Service(const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { UPB_ASSERT(0 <= i && i < f->service_count); return _upb_ServiceDef_At(f->services, i); } const upb_DefPool* upb_FileDef_Pool(const upb_FileDef* f) { return f->symtab; } const upb_MiniTableExtension* _upb_FileDef_ExtensionMiniTable( const upb_FileDef* f, int i) { return f->ext_layouts[i]; } static char* strviewdup(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, upb_StringView view) { char* ret = upb_strdup2(view.data, view.size, _upb_DefBuilder_Arena(ctx)); if (!ret) _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(ctx); return ret; } static bool streql_view(upb_StringView view, const char* b) { return view.size == strlen(b) && memcmp(view.data, b, view.size) == 0; } static int count_exts_in_msg(const UPB_DESC(DescriptorProto) * msg_proto) { size_t n; UPB_DESC(DescriptorProto_extension)(msg_proto, &n); int ext_count = n; const UPB_DESC(DescriptorProto)* const* nested_msgs = UPB_DESC(DescriptorProto_nested_type)(msg_proto, &n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { ext_count += count_exts_in_msg(nested_msgs[i]); } return ext_count; } // Allocate and initialize one file def, and add it to the context object. void _upb_FileDef_Create(upb_DefBuilder* ctx, const UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto) * file_proto) { upb_FileDef* file = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(ctx, sizeof(upb_FileDef)); ctx->file = file; const UPB_DESC(DescriptorProto)* const* msgs; const UPB_DESC(EnumDescriptorProto)* const* enums; const UPB_DESC(FieldDescriptorProto)* const* exts; const UPB_DESC(ServiceDescriptorProto)* const* services; const upb_StringView* strs; const int32_t* public_deps; const int32_t* weak_deps; size_t n; file->symtab = ctx->symtab; // Count all extensions in the file, to build a flat array of layouts. UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_extension)(file_proto, &n); int ext_count = n; msgs = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_message_type)(file_proto, &n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { ext_count += count_exts_in_msg(msgs[i]); } file->ext_count = ext_count; if (ctx->layout) { // We are using the ext layouts that were passed in. file->ext_layouts = ctx->layout->exts; if (ctx->layout->ext_count != file->ext_count) { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "Extension count did not match layout (%d vs %d)", ctx->layout->ext_count, file->ext_count); } } else { // We are building ext layouts from scratch. file->ext_layouts = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc( ctx, sizeof(*file->ext_layouts) * file->ext_count); upb_MiniTableExtension* ext = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(ctx, sizeof(*ext) * file->ext_count); for (int i = 0; i < file->ext_count; i++) { file->ext_layouts[i] = &ext[i]; } } upb_StringView name = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_name)(file_proto); file->name = strviewdup(ctx, name); if (strlen(file->name) != name.size) { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "File name contained embedded NULL"); } upb_StringView package = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_package)(file_proto); if (package.size) { _upb_DefBuilder_CheckIdentFull(ctx, package); file->package = strviewdup(ctx, package); } else { file->package = NULL; } // TODO: How should we validate this? file->edition = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_edition)(file_proto); if (UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_has_syntax)(file_proto)) { upb_StringView syntax = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_syntax)(file_proto); if (streql_view(syntax, "proto2")) { file->syntax = kUpb_Syntax_Proto2; } else if (streql_view(syntax, "proto3")) { file->syntax = kUpb_Syntax_Proto3; } else if (streql_view(syntax, "editions")) { file->syntax = kUpb_Syntax_Editions; } else { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "Invalid syntax '" UPB_STRINGVIEW_FORMAT "'", UPB_STRINGVIEW_ARGS(syntax)); } } else { file->syntax = kUpb_Syntax_Proto2; } // Read options. UPB_DEF_SET_OPTIONS(file->opts, FileDescriptorProto, FileOptions, file_proto); // Verify dependencies. strs = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_dependency)(file_proto, &n); file->dep_count = n; file->deps = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(ctx, sizeof(*file->deps) * n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { upb_StringView str = strs[i]; file->deps[i] = upb_DefPool_FindFileByNameWithSize(ctx->symtab, str.data, str.size); if (!file->deps[i]) { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "Depends on file '" UPB_STRINGVIEW_FORMAT "', but it has not been loaded", UPB_STRINGVIEW_ARGS(str)); } } public_deps = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_public_dependency)(file_proto, &n); file->public_dep_count = n; file->public_deps = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(ctx, sizeof(*file->public_deps) * n); int32_t* mutable_public_deps = (int32_t*)file->public_deps; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (public_deps[i] >= file->dep_count) { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "public_dep %d is out of range", (int)public_deps[i]); } mutable_public_deps[i] = public_deps[i]; } weak_deps = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_weak_dependency)(file_proto, &n); file->weak_dep_count = n; file->weak_deps = _upb_DefBuilder_Alloc(ctx, sizeof(*file->weak_deps) * n); int32_t* mutable_weak_deps = (int32_t*)file->weak_deps; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (weak_deps[i] >= file->dep_count) { _upb_DefBuilder_Errf(ctx, "weak_dep %d is out of range", (int)weak_deps[i]); } mutable_weak_deps[i] = weak_deps[i]; } // Create enums. enums = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_enum_type)(file_proto, &n); file->top_lvl_enum_count = n; file->top_lvl_enums = _upb_EnumDefs_New(ctx, n, enums, NULL); // Create extensions. exts = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_extension)(file_proto, &n); file->top_lvl_ext_count = n; file->top_lvl_exts = _upb_Extensions_New(ctx, n, exts, file->package, NULL); // Create messages. msgs = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_message_type)(file_proto, &n); file->top_lvl_msg_count = n; file->top_lvl_msgs = _upb_MessageDefs_New(ctx, n, msgs, NULL); // Create services. services = UPB_DESC(FileDescriptorProto_service)(file_proto, &n); file->service_count = n; file->services = _upb_ServiceDefs_New(ctx, n, services); // Now that all names are in the table, build layouts and resolve refs. for (int i = 0; i < file->top_lvl_msg_count; i++) { upb_MessageDef* m = (upb_MessageDef*)upb_FileDef_TopLevelMessage(file, i); _upb_MessageDef_Resolve(ctx, m); } for (int i = 0; i < file->top_lvl_ext_count; i++) { upb_FieldDef* f = (upb_FieldDef*)upb_FileDef_TopLevelExtension(file, i); _upb_FieldDef_Resolve(ctx, file->package, f); } for (int i = 0; i < file->top_lvl_msg_count; i++) { upb_MessageDef* m = (upb_MessageDef*)upb_FileDef_TopLevelMessage(file, i); _upb_MessageDef_CreateMiniTable(ctx, (upb_MessageDef*)m); } for (int i = 0; i < file->top_lvl_ext_count; i++) { upb_FieldDef* f = (upb_FieldDef*)upb_FileDef_TopLevelExtension(file, i); _upb_FieldDef_BuildMiniTableExtension(ctx, f); } for (int i = 0; i < file->top_lvl_msg_count; i++) { upb_MessageDef* m = (upb_MessageDef*)upb_FileDef_TopLevelMessage(file, i); _upb_MessageDef_LinkMiniTable(ctx, m); } if (file->ext_count) { bool ok = upb_ExtensionRegistry_AddArray( _upb_DefPool_ExtReg(ctx->symtab), file->ext_layouts, file->ext_count); if (!ok) _upb_DefBuilder_OomErr(ctx); } }