// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #ifndef UPB_MESSAGE_INTERNAL_MAP_H_ #define UPB_MESSAGE_INTERNAL_MAP_H_ #include #include #include "upb/base/descriptor_constants.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/hash/str_table.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" typedef enum { kUpb_MapInsertStatus_Inserted = 0, kUpb_MapInsertStatus_Replaced = 1, kUpb_MapInsertStatus_OutOfMemory = 2, } upb_MapInsertStatus; // EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE IS INTERNAL - DO NOT USE ///////////////////////// struct upb_Map { // Size of key and val, based on the map type. // Strings are represented as '0' because they must be handled specially. char key_size; char val_size; upb_strtable table; }; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Converting between internal table representation and user values. // // _upb_map_tokey() and _upb_map_fromkey() are inverses. // _upb_map_tovalue() and _upb_map_fromvalue() are inverses. // // These functions account for the fact that strings are treated differently // from other types when stored in a map. UPB_INLINE upb_StringView _upb_map_tokey(const void* key, size_t size) { if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) { return *(upb_StringView*)key; } else { return upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize((const char*)key, size); } } UPB_INLINE void _upb_map_fromkey(upb_StringView key, void* out, size_t size) { if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) { memcpy(out, &key, sizeof(key)); } else { memcpy(out, key.data, size); } } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_map_tovalue(const void* val, size_t size, upb_value* msgval, upb_Arena* a) { if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) { upb_StringView* strp = (upb_StringView*)upb_Arena_Malloc(a, sizeof(*strp)); if (!strp) return false; *strp = *(upb_StringView*)val; *msgval = upb_value_ptr(strp); } else { memcpy(msgval, val, size); } return true; } UPB_INLINE void _upb_map_fromvalue(upb_value val, void* out, size_t size) { if (size == UPB_MAPTYPE_STRING) { const upb_StringView* strp = (const upb_StringView*)upb_value_getptr(val); memcpy(out, strp, sizeof(upb_StringView)); } else { memcpy(out, &val, size); } } UPB_INLINE void* _upb_map_next(const struct upb_Map* map, size_t* iter) { upb_strtable_iter it; it.t = &map->table; it.index = *iter; upb_strtable_next(&it); *iter = it.index; if (upb_strtable_done(&it)) return NULL; return (void*)str_tabent(&it); } UPB_INLINE void _upb_Map_Clear(struct upb_Map* map) { upb_strtable_clear(&map->table); } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_Map_Delete(struct upb_Map* map, const void* key, size_t key_size, upb_value* val) { upb_StringView k = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size); return upb_strtable_remove2(&map->table, k.data, k.size, val); } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_Map_Get(const struct upb_Map* map, const void* key, size_t key_size, void* val, size_t val_size) { upb_value tabval; upb_StringView k = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size); bool ret = upb_strtable_lookup2(&map->table, k.data, k.size, &tabval); if (ret && val) { _upb_map_fromvalue(tabval, val, val_size); } return ret; } UPB_INLINE upb_MapInsertStatus _upb_Map_Insert(struct upb_Map* map, const void* key, size_t key_size, void* val, size_t val_size, upb_Arena* a) { upb_StringView strkey = _upb_map_tokey(key, key_size); upb_value tabval = {0}; if (!_upb_map_tovalue(val, val_size, &tabval, a)) { return kUpb_MapInsertStatus_OutOfMemory; } // TODO: add overwrite operation to minimize number of lookups. bool removed = upb_strtable_remove2(&map->table, strkey.data, strkey.size, NULL); if (!upb_strtable_insert(&map->table, strkey.data, strkey.size, tabval, a)) { return kUpb_MapInsertStatus_OutOfMemory; } return removed ? kUpb_MapInsertStatus_Replaced : kUpb_MapInsertStatus_Inserted; } UPB_INLINE size_t _upb_Map_Size(const struct upb_Map* map) { return map->table.t.count; } // Strings/bytes are special-cased in maps. extern char _upb_Map_CTypeSizeTable[12]; UPB_INLINE size_t _upb_Map_CTypeSize(upb_CType ctype) { return _upb_Map_CTypeSizeTable[ctype]; } // Creates a new map on the given arena with this key/value type. struct upb_Map* _upb_Map_New(upb_Arena* a, size_t key_size, size_t value_size); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #include "upb/port/undef.inc" #endif /* UPB_MESSAGE_INTERNAL_MAP_H_ */